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In the Legislative Assembly


Crucial Fact

Historical Information Bob McLeod is no longer a member of the Legislative Assembly.

Last in the Legislative Assembly September 2019, as MLA for Yellowknife South

Won his last election, in 2015, with 70% of the vote.

Statements in the House

Question 374-18(3): EdehzHie Conservation Initiative October 12th, 2018

We have been in discussions with the Dehcho First Nations with regards to the subsurface of Edehzhie. We see it as a package arrangement. We are not prepared to one-off individual sectors of the Dehcho process. We had put forward a significant offer where Edehzhie was part of it, and we have yet to receive a response to that offer.

I understand that the Dehcho leadership will be holding leadership meetings at some point in October to determine where they want to go with regards to the Dehcho process.

Question 374-18(3): EdehzHie Conservation Initiative October 12th, 2018

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. The reason we weren't there is we received an invitation two days before the event, and we were already scheduled to be in session. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Question 369-18(3): NWT Economic Symposium October 12th, 2018

A summary report of the symposium presentations, discussions, and outcomes are being prepared and will be shared with the symposium participants. This report will also be shared publicly once the participants have reviewed it. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Question 369-18(3): NWT Economic Symposium October 12th, 2018

As I said, the symposium is being funded by retained earnings from the Intergovernmental Council. It was focused on the Aboriginal leaders. The focus of the symposium was seeking input and agreement from our partners, NWT Indigenous governments, that the NWT economy needs urgent attention.

The symposium was in support of implementing the priorities of the Legislative Assembly to grow and diversify the Northwest Territories economy and work more closely with Indigenous governments. It was not about identifying new priorities.

Through the discussion, we identified concrete plans and actions to stimulate the Northwest Territories economy by leveraging the individual resources and authorities of participating Indigenous governments and organizations in coordination with the Government of the Northwest Territories.

Question 369-18(3): NWT Economic Symposium October 12th, 2018

Generally, he who pays the bill calls the tune. Along with Indigenous leaders and economic development representatives, there was a facilitator who is an expert in economic research and analysis in attendance.

Question 369-18(3): NWT Economic Symposium October 12th, 2018

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. The economic symposium, or better known as the NWT Economic Symposium, was funded using retained resource revenues from the intergovernmental council, which all intergovernmental council members fully supported. Three participants from each Indigenous government were funded. Many brought additional participants who were funded directly from their intergovernmental offices' budgets.

The costs are still being calculated by the symposium and will be provided once the calculations are done. The Member dismisses the discussions as only being about infrastructure, but the discussions were what was important to the Aboriginal leaders of the Northwest Territories, and I wouldn't belittle those discussions.

Tabled Document 229-18(3): Letter to Prime Minister dated June 13, 2018 regarding Protection of Porcupine Caribou Herd October 11th, 2018

Mr. Speaker, I wish to table the following document entitled "Letter to Prime Minister dated June 13, 2018 regarding Protection of Porcupine Caribou Herd." Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Question 359-18(3): Mandate of the 18th Legislative Assembly October 11th, 2018

I don't know if the Member is flipping or flopping. In November of last year, he criticized heavily not only in this House, but in the media, about issuing a red alert where he felt I was being too negative about the state of our economy. Today, he says that I'm leading people to believe that the future is too rosy. Well, I mean, the reality is that our economy has gone through a tough time. It's going through a tough time, and we are working very hard to make it improve. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Question 359-18(3): Mandate of the 18th Legislative Assembly October 11th, 2018

This government has been fully transparent in everything that we have done. We have tabled three reports, including the 2016-2017 annual report on March the 3rd and two progress reports in June and September. We also will be tabling another annual report for the 2018-2019 fiscal year after March 31, 2019. As well, a final report on the Government of Northwest Territories' progress on the mandate before the end of the term of the 18th Legislative Assembly.

Not only the Members are on that side, but everybody in the Northwest Territories can see for themselves the amount of work that this government has done and how much we have accomplished.

Question 359-18(3): Mandate of the 18th Legislative Assembly October 11th, 2018

Yes, we have reviewed them. We reviewed them this morning. They are well in progress, and many of them are ongoing commitments, so I fully expect that the majority, if not all of them, will be done by the end of this term.