Thank you, Mr. Speaker. What the Member is referring to is a fairly new concept and part of the problem with living in the North and travelling on airplanes and other means as we do, I’m not aware of any readily available companies whereby you can take advantage of these carbon offsets. Perhaps upon further investigation I might find that it’s quite easy to buy carbon offsets at the same time as you book your ticket, but I’m not aware if it’s that readily available. I guess that’s an area that we would have to look at to see how that would fit into the policies of this government for travel purposes. Thank you.
Bob McLeod

In the Legislative Assembly
Crucial Fact
- His favourite word was federal.
Last in the Legislative Assembly September 2019, as MLA for Yellowknife South
Won his last election, in 2015, with 70% of the vote.
Statements in the House
Further Return To Question 51-16(1): Renewable Energy Development Initiatives November 27th, 2007
Return To Question 51-16(1): Renewable Energy Development Initiatives November 27th, 2007
Thank you, Mr. Speaker, and I thank the honourable Member for that question. This is an area that the government has been looking at for some time and I’m also pleased to report that in the last government there were several initiatives that were looked at in terms of energy conservation and a number of projects that were undertaken with that exact purpose in mind. I think that there have been a number of energy strategies, as well. Looking at renewable energy, part of the problem has always been that they have never been able to come up with an example or where the costs have been lower than fossil fuel costs. Similarly, one of the, I think, the Wind Energy Conference that is looking at wind energy, I guess I hope one of the things that they’ll be
looking at is what do you do when the wind stops blowing and they’re relying on wind energy. But certainly I think it’s important to start looking at these alternative energies and planning ways to bring them into practice, because obviously reducing greenhouse gasses is a priority.
Thank you.
Further Return To Question 49-16(1): Trade Mission To China November 27th, 2007
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. My understanding is there were at least 12 people who went on the trip and it’s a matter of getting all of their different observations together and compiling a report. Thank you.
Further Return To Question 49-16(1): Trade Mission To China November 27th, 2007
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. My understanding is that government tourism staff accompanied the group that visited China and it will be that group that will be writing the report. Thank you.
Return To Question 49-16(1): Trade Mission To China November 27th, 2007
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Thank you for that question. With regard to the trip to China, which I understand was very successful, the group that traveled to China met recently to report on their views on the benefits of the trip. There was some follow-up activity resulting from the visit. I am still waiting for a report on the trip. Thank you.
Further Return To Question 42-16(1): Public Service Morale November 27th, 2007
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Certainly that's an area that we are looking at. I think we would like to undertake a process of many surveys so that we can, it will give us the ability to focus in on specific problem areas and help us to react to them more quickly. As the Member knows, the problem with engagement surveys is getting people to respond. Generally if we get a third of the employees to respond, we think we're doing good. If similarly we target specific areas, we would have to take that into account. But this is something that we are definitely looking at doing. Thank you.
Return To Question 42-16(1): Public Service Morale November 27th, 2007
Thank you, Mr. Speaker, and I thank the honourable Member for his observations about morale in the public service. As I said, human resources are our most important asset. This is an area which is difficult to quantify. In the past we’ve used employee engagement surveys. This is something that we will be doing, I understand, in the near future. The last employee engagement survey that was undertaken was in 2006. At that time the results of the survey indicated that most of the employees were satisfied with the responsibilities of their position. I think that’s probably the best way to determine the morale of government employees. Otherwise we’re just relying on the observations from individual employees. Thank you.
Supplementary To Question 38-16(1): Transfer Of Rental Assessment To NWTHC November 27th, 2007
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I thank the Minister again for the information and my final question I’d like to ask the Minister is that he said they’re doing a review. I’d like to know if the tenants are part of the review process, because they’re the ones most affected. Who will have the ultimate decision as to whether this program is transferred back now? Will it be the department or the tenants themselves? Thank you.
Supplementary To Question 38-16(1): Transfer Of Rental Assessment To NWTHC November 27th, 2007
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, following the review, if it’s recommended that the transfer be brought back to the NWT Housing Corporation, will the department honour that recommendation and transfer it back to the Housing Corporation? Thank you.
Supplementary To Question 38-16(1): Transfer Of Rental Assessment To NWTHC November 27th, 2007
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I’d like to thank the Minister for that information. I’d also like to ask him who is conducting the review. Thank you.