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In the Legislative Assembly


Crucial Fact

Historical Information Julie Green is no longer a member of the Legislative Assembly.

Last in the Legislative Assembly October 2023, as MLA for Yellowknife Centre

Won her last election, in 2019, with 35% of the vote.

Statements in the House

Question 1547-19(2): Housing for Youth Aging Out of Care May 31st, 2023

Yes, thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, that would be a great topic to bring up with the 20th Assembly who will be doing the next business plan for the 2024-2025 fiscal year. I think that some of this is a coordination effort. I know that Home Base Yellowknife does enable people to get into leases with landlords and sets youth up in their own housing. I'm not sure whether there is enough of that to make a difference. I think that some youth need significant wraparound resources to be successful as tenants. And so I think all of those are very worthy of consideration. I think for youth as, with any other person, that having housing stabilizes their situation and enables them to deal with some fundamental issues that may be disrupting their lives and to put them on a path to greater success, and I think that that's what we all want. Thank you.

Question 1547-19(2): Housing for Youth Aging Out of Care May 31st, 2023

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I will certainly make a point of looking at the website agedout.com.

In terms of the Child and Family Services Act, we have received recommendations from the Member and from the social development committee. I'm not in a position to make a commitment that binds the 20th Assembly to what will be in the revision of the Child and Family Services Act. But, of course, we will be doing a transition document and I can include it in that. Thank you.

Question 1547-19(2): Housing for Youth Aging Out of Care May 31st, 2023

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, our concern is for youth who have some interaction with child and family services. I think the youth homelessness issue is bigger than that, and it does require a number of parties to come to the table to try and understand the scope of the problem and what the solutions are. I know that there are some resources available now. I'm not familiar with where the gaps are, but that is something that would obviously be useful not only here in Yellowknife, with the largest homelessness population, but in other regional centres. Thank you.

Question 1547-19(2): Housing for Youth Aging Out of Care May 31st, 2023

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I appreciate the question. I remember the Member's statement, and I wanted to localize the number of youth who have applied for support services agreements related to their housing situation. In 2021, that was 18 youth who applied for that out of a total of 68 youth who were in that program.

What I want to say is that as the Member may remember, the child and family services action plan is currently bridging between two plans but the new plan, which will be publicly released in August, will have a dedicated focus on youth supports as you might expect. And as part of this plan, the department is considering piloting specialized positions which will, of course, be subject to funding through the business plan process. So we're interested in the Member's recommendation as we work to provide better services to youth who are homeless. Thank you.

Question 1542-19(2): Territorial Health Initiative May 30th, 2023

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. And thank you to the Member for that. Each region has a regional wellness council with seven members, and they meet every other month or four times a year, and they provide direct feedback to the leadership council of the NTHSSA on what the health needs, gaps, and priorities are in their regions. So that organization, the leadership council, meets four times a year with the chairs of each of the regional wellness councils, and I meet with them every time they meet in order to hear directly from them about what their needs and priorities are. So that's our method for staying in touch with what people expect and want from the health system. Thank you.

Question 1542-19(2): Territorial Health Initiative May 30th, 2023

Yeah, thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, one of the things that we will be doing is to minimize the amount of administration that goes with this money, since it is such a small amount, that we don't want to turn ourselves inside out for it, we already report a number of important statistics to CIHI, which are readily available to the public, on things like wait times, life expectancy, emergency room visits, and so on and so forth. So the amount of money we're receiving is going to not address any of the big problems that our health system faces but rather addresses some incremental problems. And it certainly is my intention in the time that I am in this role to continue arguing with Ottawa about the need to increase the amount of health funding that is coming to the NWT to meet our needs and make a real difference. Thank you.

Question 1542-19(2): Territorial Health Initiative May 30th, 2023

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, this is not program specific funding. There are four areas that the tailored bilaterals cover, and the spending has to be tied to health outcomes that are measured by the Canadian Institute for Health Information. There's some work going on now trying to standardize that reporting because not all jurisdictions collect the same information, and in some cases the collecting of the information is more onerous than the value of the contribution. So there's -- there's some work going on in that. But generally, what I recall is there is a home and community care section, there's a mental health and substance use section, and there are two more. I'm sorry, I don't remember off the top of my head what they are. Thank you.

Question 1542-19(2): Territorial Health Initiative May 30th, 2023

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. And thank you to the Member for the question. The total increase in health spending for this year from the Government of Canada was $12 million. $12 million. Our budget in the Department of Health and Social Services is $610 million for this year. You can appreciate we were a little underwhelmed. So after being offered $7 million a year for ten years for tailored bilaterals, $2 million for the Canada health transfer one time top up for emergency room and pediatric hospitals, and $2.9 million of incremental funding for the territorial health investment fund, the Premier had started negotiations with the support of the other territorial Premiers who were in a similar disappointed position with Canada's offer to try to increase the territorial health investment fund. Unfortunately, they were not successful with that. What we did get was a ten-year agreement rather than a five-year agreement but we didn't end up with more money. So we are now in a position to sign the MOU. In the meantime, department staff have been working on an action plan which is due on July 1st and will be delivered by then. Thank you

Question 1539-19(2): Trailcross Treatment Centre May 30th, 2023

Yes, thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, Trailcross was used for youth and it will continue to be used for youth in the new pilot program. Thank you.

Question 1539-19(2): Trailcross Treatment Centre May 30th, 2023

Yeah, thank you, Mr. Speaker. And thank you to the Member for the question. Without knowing what the programming looks like, it's hard for me to comment on what an ideal location would be. Thank you.