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In the Legislative Assembly


Crucial Fact

  • Her favourite word was know.
Historical Information Katrina Nokleby is no longer a member of the Legislative Assembly.

Last in the Legislative Assembly October 2023, as MLA for Great Slave

Lost her last election, in 2023, with 26% of the vote.

Statements in the House

Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters September 29th, 2023

Thank you, Madam Chair. Yeah, I guess it's just one of these areas where I don't see it like as being kind of one department or the other. Given that most of the parks do come off of the main transportation routes or evacuation routes, it makes sense that we would be looking to double up and put that kind of infrastructure in those locations.

I'm not sure if this is where it would fall under, but I know that over time in the chair, your own region, there's been questions around the pull-outs and such along the Inuvik-Tuk Highway and whether or not there was going to be any sort of facilities or areas put in there. I know we went out to RFP a few years ago for that. Could the Minister give us an update on whether -- I don't think I see anything here that falls into that. So will that be in the next year's plan, or where is that at? Thank you.

Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters September 29th, 2023

Thank you, Madam Chair. Madam Chair, I can't let the last sitting go by and not ask about outhouses. So I know that this could also follow under the infrastructure area too around highways. But I note that there are a lot of parks work that are along the highway south, and it was really highlighted during the evacuation the facilities are woefully lacking down the highway and such. And so I note that there is one outhouse construction being planned here for Fred Henne Territorial Park. But I'm wondering has anything happened with the evacuation that has made the Minister feel that perhaps we do need to have more park outhouses and washrooms along our highway, or only road out. Thank you.

Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters September 29th, 2023

Thank you. The Minister has my empathy with that as I worked at Giant Mine and dealt with the houseboat that was sitting in the mouth of Baker Creek for over a decade as well as we are all aware of the ones that were off of the point there at Rotary Park. So I'm hoping the city's going to get that harbour plan going that's been talked about for the last decade but that's not this Minister's problem. So thank you, Madam Chair.

Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters September 29th, 2023

Thank you for that. And I do appreciate that it's a weird one with the double jurisdictions and such, but it would be a great area, I'll put the plug in again, for some sort of recreational use.

Can the Minister at least confirm that the houseboat will be removed and that it will no longer be allowed to be anchored at the dock, which really is inhibiting industry and recreational use. Thank you, Madam Chair.

Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters September 29th, 2023

Thank you. I'm willing to take that at a later date if the Minister could provide me with a bit of the details around the planned work. I would assume that some of that is still being figured out, but as much as I could get ahead of time, that would be great. I definitely know this will be a concern to people in the upcoming election, and they are going to want to know what use is. And I guess I just want to take the time to make a plug on behalf of my constituents and advocate for the -- whatever happens there, replacement or repair, that there is a portion of the dock that remains accessible to the public for fishing by the shore. I don't know if that has a specific name, but casting from the dock itself. I know that a lot of my constituents walk there with their children. They'll catch dinner for themselves off the dock and currently with the houseboat, or whatever it is that has been taking up half the dock for the last I don't know however many years, it has become harder and harder for people to use the area that live there. So I don't really have a question in that but just want the Minister to hear that and ensure that it's still be able to be used by residents and not just the fishers. Thank you.

Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters September 29th, 2023

Thank you, Madam Chair. Can the Minister tell me, then, is this a replacement of the existing dock that is there or just repairs to the dock that is there? And if it is a replacement, will the dock be larger than it is now? Thank you.

Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters September 29th, 2023

Thank you, Madam Chair. I note that this money, the $750,000, is for the Robertson Drive dock rehab, which is in my riding. It's my understanding it is through the ICIP fund, which means at this point it's been 100 percent funded by the federal government, which I think is great. I do note, though, that it doesn't show up anywhere in the parks area. So my guessing, then, or my question for the Minister is the dock money or this money earmarked just to repair the dock that's there, or will this be an expansion to sort of the day use and other area around that? Thank you.

Recognition Of Visitors In The Gallery September 29th, 2023

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Not to be repetitive, I would also like to welcome Mr. Daryl Dolynny to the gallery. He is my constituent of Great Slave. Unfortunately, where I sit, I can't see whoever else is in the gallery so if there are other constituents of Great Slave, I welcome them, and thank all of the senior advocates for their work and bringing this strategy forward. Thank you.

Member's Statement 1610-19(2): Truth and Reconciliation September 29th, 2023

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. The beautiful autumn season is upon us. This is a time for harvesting, storing away our summer items as we prepare for colder months ahead. It is a time of wrapping up projects, to make room for new work and new stories. We end one season with a sense of gratitude for the memories we have created and look forward to making more over the coming months. However, for many, the fall season is a stark reminder of the time when children's voices full of play and laughter ceased to be heard in their community. Fall was the time when children, as young as three years old, were forcibly removed from their loving homes - homes where they were nurtured by parents, grandparents, and extended family members; homes where they spoke their language, harvested their food, honoured their culture in ceremony, and had laws and teachings of their own. Children were taken away by boat, plane, or vehicle and placed in residential schools far away. Parents were arrested if they did not hand over their children.

The Indian Residential School system was designed to assimilate, to "kill the Indian in the child" by removing them from all connection to family and culture. Established by the federal government and run by the churches, the very people charged with the care and handling of all students, subjected them to every abuse possible. And many did not return home.

Marking September 30th as a National Day for Truth and Reconciliation is one small gesture that has been made in the attempt to begin righting the wrong inflicted on the Indigenous people of Canada, who were here long before the first colonizer ever set foot on Turtle Island. It is important that we take it upon ourselves as settlers and newcomers to learn about the legacy of these institutions. We must create spaces for dialogue with our families and friends, educating that this isn't something historical. Something of the past. In fact, Mr. Speaker, residential schools were in existence as recently as 1996.

The trauma from these institutions is rippling through our communities, and we owe it to everyone to learn what this day represents so that we can all be part of the process of healing and reconciliation. I stand here today with love and respect to honour all former students of residential schools, their families, and communities. And in memory and honour of all the children who did not return home. May this never ever happen again. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters September 28th, 2023

Thank you, Madam Chair. I guess -- I don't want to let it go because I just find it to be such a frustrating topic. You know, I want to ask the Minister, well, then what is the plan to accommodate in the meantime as students can no longer stay in these conditions of these schools. Like, you know, as someone was saying, you know, the paint, the lead paint in the gymnasium and then, of course, someone's friend, you know, popped online to say well, that's not a problem; it's at these limits. Well, yeah, that's when it's on the wall and it's not being, you know, flaked off and degraded and inhaled by people. So, you know, there's a lot of reasons for -- and excuses made for why these schools can be sort of slipped -- you know, taped up and Band-Aided back together, but at the end of the day we are paying for it. We're paying for it in the health of our students. We're paying for it in the truancy rates. We're paying for in the lack of education. We're paying for it in the unemployable people that don't have the skills. We're paying for it in upgrading for two years afterwards just to get the grade 12 education the rest of Canada gets. And I'm -- you know, I know that's not this Minister's portfolio, but I guess just more of a comment. I am extremely frustrated to see this amount. And, again, it's just failing our children. Thank you.