Transcript of meeting #2 for Territorial Leadership Committee in the 18th Assembly. (The original version is on the Legislative Assembly's site.)

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Members Present

Mr. Abernethy, Mr. Beaulieu, Mr. Blake, Ms. Cochrane, Ms. Green, Mr. Lafferty, Mr. Bob McLeod, Mr. Robert McLeod, Mr. McNeely, Mr. Moses, Mr. Nadli, Mr. Nakimayak, Mr. O'Reilly, Mr. Schumann, Mr. Sebert, Mr. Simpson, Mr. Testart, Mr. Thompson, Mr. Vanthuyne

Call To Order
Call To Order

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Clerk Of The House Mr. Tim Mercer

Good morning, Members. Please be seated. As Clerk of the Legislative Assembly, it is my duty to call this second meeting of the Territorial Leadership Committee to order and preside over the selection of a Speaker-elect. I would like you to first rise and ask Mr. Beaulieu to lead us in prayer.


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Clerk Of The House Mr. Tim Mercer



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Clerk Of The House Mr. Tim Mercer

Thank you, Mr. Beaulieu. Before we begin today's proceedings, I would like to draw attention of the House to the presence of several special guests in the visitors gallery. First, former Commissioner of the Northwest Territories, former Speaker, former Minister, former Member, former Sergeant-at-Arms, Honourary Clerk of the Legislative Assembly, Honourary Captain of the Royal Canadian Navy, Mr. Anthony W.J. Whitford.


I would also like to welcome Mr. Michael McLeod, former Member of the Legislative Assembly, former Minister and currently Member of Parliament for the Northwest Territories.


Last, but by no means least, I would like to welcome Mr. Bill Braden, former Member of the Legislative Assembly.


Members, you all have a copy of the agenda in front of you.

Review And Adoption Of Agenda
Review And Adoption Of Agenda

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Clerk Of The House Mr. Tim Mercer

The next item on the agenda is the review and adoption of this agenda. Are there any additions or deletions to this agenda? Seeing none, is the agenda adopted?

Review And Adoption Of Agenda
Review And Adoption Of Agenda

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Some Hon. Members


Review And Adoption Of Agenda
Review And Adoption Of Agenda

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Clerk Of The House Mr. Tim Mercer

Agreed. Thank you, Members.

Opening Remarks By Theclerk Of The Legislative Assembly
Opening Remarks By Theclerk Of The Legislative Assembly

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Clerk Of The House Mr. Tim Mercer

This is the second meeting of the Territorial Leadership Committee for the Members of the 18th Legislative Assembly. In front of you, in addition to the agenda, is a package of information in various forms, including the guidelines and procedures for the selection of your Speaker, Premier and Members of the Executive Council.

There are several items that will assist Members in how they are to conduct the proceedings in the House today. The process for the election for the Speaker will begin with self-nominations from the floor. In accordance with your agreed upon procedures, I will ask Members to indicate if they wish to allow their names to stand for the Speaker's position. Once Members indicate their interest, each candidate will then be permitted to make a five-minute speech. The speeches will be made in alphabetical order by surname. Questions to the candidates will not be permitted. Voting will then commence by secret ballot. If only one nomination is received, that Member shall be acclaimed. Are all members of the committee in agreement with this selection process for the selection of your Speaker?

Opening Remarks By Theclerk Of The Legislative Assembly
Opening Remarks By Theclerk Of The Legislative Assembly

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Some Hon. Members


Opening Remarks By Theclerk Of The Legislative Assembly
Opening Remarks By Theclerk Of The Legislative Assembly

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Clerk Of The House Mr. Tim Mercer

Agreed. Thank you, Members. Once you have chosen your Speaker-elect, that individual will assume the chair of the Territorial Leadership Committee and will preside over your proceedings for the balance of the day.

Respecting technical matters, Members should be aware that you are not required to turn your microphones on and off. That will be done automatically for you by our sound technicians.

Also in front of Members and built into your desks are the timing mechanisms. When speeches are being made, the clocks will count down the time available to you, and you are asked to please be mindful of the time limits that have been set and agreed to by all of you.

I wish to make Members aware that your proceedings today are being broadcast live on the Legislative Assembly television network and on CKLB throughout the Northwest Territories. Our proceedings today are being simultaneously translated into the Tlicho language. Tlicho is on channel 2.

I would also like to remind Members that although this is a less formal committee than the House itself, you are each asked to stand while speaking, asking or responding to questions.

Election Of Speaker
Election Of Speaker

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Clerk Of The House Mr. Tim Mercer

The next item on the agenda is item five, election of Speaker. You have the Speaker selection guidelines in your packages. As per the guidelines, my first duty is to ask all Members who wish to allow their names to stand for the position of Speaker to please rise in their places now.

Election Of Speaker

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Clerk Of The House Mr. Tim Mercer

As Mr. Lafferty is the only nominee for the position of Speaker, it is my duty to advise you that Mr. Lafferty, Member for Monfwi, has been acclaimed to the position of Speaker-elect. Congratulations, Mr. Lafferty.


This appointment will be formalized and confirmed in the Legislative Assembly in formal session tomorrow afternoon. However, at this time, I would ask Mr. Lafferty to please assume the chair of the Territorial Leadership Committee as your Speaker-elect. Mr. Lafferty, please come forward.

Speaker-elect Assumes Chair Ofterritorial Leadership Committee
Speaker-elect Assumes Chair Ofterritorial Leadership Committee

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The Chair

The Chair Jackson Lafferty

Good morning, Members. [Translation] First I would like to say thank you very much for the position of Speaker that I am chosen for the next four years. Today there are a lot of things that are happening in the House. There is going to be a lot of selections of Ministers. I would just like to say thank you. [Translation ends]

Thank you to each and every one of you who elected me as your Speaker-elect. I will have more to say tomorrow during the official opening of our 18th Assembly session. I would just like to say mahsi to all of you.

Confirmation Of Process For Election Of Premier
Confirmation Of Process For Election Of Premier

December 15th, 2015

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The Chair

The Chair Jackson Lafferty

We have a big day ahead of us. The next item on the agenda is the election of our Premier. As we agreed upon the procedures, it will call for a series of questions of the two previously nominated candidates. As we all know, the candidates for the Premier position are Mr. Glen Abernethy and Mr. Bob McLeod.

Election Of Premier
Election Of Premier

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The Chair

The Chair Jackson Lafferty

Members are now permitted to ask two questions to be directed to both the Premier candidates. I will open the floor up for questions now for Members. Member for Yellowknife North, Mr. Vanthuyne.

Questions by Members
Election Of Premier

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Cory Vanthuyne

Cory Vanthuyne Yellowknife North

Thank you, Mr. Speaker-elect. Through you, my question to both of you is as follows: Many of the issues with the 17th Assembly fell under the us versus them mentality between Cabinet and Regular Members. Many feel that this was a result of Cabinet's lack of collaboration and communication. That is the purview of the Premier, as I see it, to be a leader in communication.

Can you provide comments to the Members today on what you will do specifically to break down the us versus them mentality and, more specifically, how you will develop and strengthen a unified approach between Cabinet and Regular Members? Thank you.

Questions by Members
Election Of Premier

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The Chair

The Chair Jackson Lafferty

Mahsi, Mr. Vanthuyne. Now I will turn it over to Premier candidate Mr. Abernethy.

Questions by Members
Election Of Premier

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Glen Abernethy

Glen Abernethy Great Slave

Thank you, Mr. Vanthuyne, for the question. In my speech I indicated that past predicts future, and if you look at the way I have done business in the past, I have been very collaborative with committee. As a Minister, I ensured they had information on the projects we were working on, and we worked collaboratively together on a number of bills: the Mental Health Act, the Child and Family Services legislation, as well as the Hospital Insurance legislation that allowed us to move to one authority.

In my speech I also indicated that, moving forward, I would like to have mandate letters come out to all the Members to have discussions on. But in those mandate letters I want to be very clear on what the role of Ministers are, how they will work with committee, how they will be required to travel to communities throughout the Northwest Territories and engage in public discussions with residents across the Northwest Territories.

In this House it is about relationships; it is about working together; it is about being willing to come down the hall and have conversations with Members and having your door open so that Members can come into your office and have discussions as well. I have already started to do that in this Legislative Assembly. I have tried to engage in dialogue with all the Members in this House and I will continue to do that. This is about a partnership; this is about working together; and I am committed to that action. Thank you.

Questions by Members
Election Of Premier

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The Chair

The Chair Jackson Lafferty

Mahsi, Mr. Abernethy. Further questions? Continuing on to Premier candidate Mr. McLeod.

Questions by Members
Election Of Premier

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Bob McLeod

Bob McLeod Yellowknife South

Thank you, Mr. Speaker-elect. Thank you for the question. During this election it was clear that people were tired of adversarial politics and what was perceived as petty infighting. The Northwest Territories residents deserve a government that is focused on making good public policy, not scoring political points.

I believe all of us here share the view, and I am committed to working with them to establish a new, more cooperative approach. I will address past complaints that MLAs are not in the loop, by setting up internal systems to ensure information is being shared with MLAs in a timely manner and track how we are doing. I will look for more opportunities to work with MLAs on specific initiatives and files.

I also indicated in my speech that we would look at setting up joint committees of Cabinet and Regular MLAs and we would work with MLAs to make committee meetings and briefings more open to the public. These are just ideas, and I would work with all of the MLAs to come up with more.

Also, more cooperation includes sharing responsibility. There are some very difficult issues ahead and we will need input from Regular MLAs. We also need them to take responsibility for decisions we make together and explain them to the public. We made the mandate letters for Ministers public four years ago and again will make them public this year. In those letters we will require all Ministers to work very closely with MLAs and to make as many committee meetings public as possible.

Also, I will name a Minister responsible for transparency and democratic engagement and ask him or her to begin work on an open government policy. Thank you.

Questions by Members
Election Of Premier

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The Chair

The Chair Jackson Lafferty

Mahsi, Mr. McLeod. At this time I would like to recognize some of the members here. Henry Zoe, former Member of the Legislative Assembly, welcome. We also have here with us the grand chief of the Tlicho Government, Mr. Eddie Erasmus. Welcome.


Questions to our Premier candidates, I have next on the list, Mr. Moses, Inuvik Boot Lake.

Questions by Members
Election Of Premier

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Alfred Moses

Alfred Moses Inuvik Boot Lake

Thank you, Mr. Speaker-elect. As we see, going into this year and this government, we do have the downturn in the economy, and I want to ask both Premier candidates, and on top of that I want to congratulate both of you for having the courage to put your name forward to represent this government during some hard times ahead, I think, in making some tough decisions. As mentioned, we do have a downturn in the economy. I just want to ask both Premiers, especially in some of the regions, such as the Beaufort-Delta and the Sahtu, we are seeing less work happening, I want to ask both Premiers, what opportunities do you see for economic diversification and how do we look at creating a new revenue generation, seeing that some of our big businesses are leaving the Northwest Territories? We just passed a $1.6 billion budget earlier this year. This government can't sustain those types of programs and operations.

What are your plans to get in some different types of revenue and create jobs in other regions? Thank you, Speaker-elect.

Questions by Members
Election Of Premier

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The Chair

The Chair Jackson Lafferty

Mahsi, Mr. Moses. Now I turn it over to Premier candidate Mr. McLeod.

Questions by Members
Election Of Premier

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Bob McLeod

Bob McLeod Yellowknife South

Thank you, Speaker-elect. Economic diversification is critical to the future success of the Northwest Territories. Obviously, we will build on what we have now, which we've been surviving on mining, which is the largest part of our economy - 40 percent of our economy - and we would like to see that continue and maximize those benefits.

In the past when we've been in a situation where there have been downturns in the economy in different parts of the territory, we have relied more on the traditional economy. That's part of it as well. In every region we would have to look at developing some economic development opportunities, whether it's having some strategic infrastructure or working with the Government of Canada, which has announced that they are doubling their infrastructure funding. I think there are opportunities to apply for and get our share of the infrastructure funding. I think there are opportunities in tourism, agriculture, fisheries. I think we should work that every community would have some economic development projects or opportunities. We will work to make communities more self-sufficient, to find employment for local people so that they can have jobs and, obviously, education and training for our students I think is very important, so that they have the skills and opportunities to take advantage of benefits to them. Thank you.

Questions by Members
Election Of Premier

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The Chair

The Chair Jackson Lafferty

Mahsi, Mr. McLeod. I'll turn it over to Premier candidate Mr. Abernethy.