Therefore, I move, that this committee recommend that the Department of Education, Culture and Employment Programs live up to prior commitments and fast track the renovations to the J.B. Tyrrell Elementary School in Fort Smith and the Diamond Jenness High School in Hay River by advancing $100,000 each for design and tender document production to 1993-94, and construction to 1994-95 and 1995-96.
Charles Dent on Committee Motion 22-12(3): To Adopt Recommendation No. 22
In the Legislative Assembly on November 26th, 1992. See this statement in context.
Committee Motion 22-12(3): To Adopt Recommendation No. 22
Item 19: Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters
November 25th, 1992
Page 160
See context to find out what was said next.