Mr. Speaker, I have said already today, I have yet to see the budget. I do not know what is in budget and I do not know what justification there might be for whatever increases are in the budget. I can assure the honourable Member that I am as inclined to restrain the costs of the board as anybody else and that is why I said in this House, perhaps we had all better reconsider the A.B.C. Committee's recommendation to boost the board to nine members because that will cost a quarter of a million dollars more per year than what the board is already spending to operate.
Obviously, it is my responsibility to scrutinize every expenditure that is planned by the Workers' Compensation Board. However, not having seen the budget, Mr. Speaker, it is difficult for me to give a commitment in the affirmative to the Member's question today that I will ensure that there are no increases. I do not have the basis to make that kind of a judgement but what I will do, Mr. Speaker, is scrutinize the budget. I will table it in this Legislature. I can assure the honourable Member, if there is any fat remaining in that budget, I will work with the board to see that it is eliminated. Thank you.