My question is for the Minister of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources. The Minister should be aware that the current economic conditions are affecting all sectors of the economy and, in particular, the mining industry. I expect that she would be aware that it has recently been announced that six employees at Treminco Mines will be receiving lay-off notices over the next month, and that the remaining staff has gone on a reduced work week. There may be a number of reasons for this cut back but there is one that is within direct control of this government and the governing agency. Recognizing that the increases in employer assessments will impose an additional $50,000 to this company, will she encourage her colleague with the W.C.B. portfolio to limit increases in the administrative budget to the current year's levels?
John Todd on Question 121-12(3): Limit Increases In W.C.B. Administration Budget
In the Legislative Assembly on November 26th, 1992. See this statement in context.
Question 121-12(3): Limit Increases In W.C.B. Administration Budget
Item 5: Oral Questions
November 25th, 1992
Page 154
John Todd Keewatin Central
See context to find out what was said next.