Mr. Speaker, this issue is not a matter of who is more right than the other. I asked a very simple question. I also want to indicate to the honourable Member before he gives the impression I have had nothing to do with the Gwich'in self-government discussions, or for that matter, the development of the proposal that has been before the government that that is an absolute lie. Mr. Speaker, I want to ask the Minister again, are the negotiations an admission that federal responsibility for programs and services for status Indians or aboriginal people entitled to those services a fact in these discussions?
Richard Nerysoo on Question 113-12(3): Implementation Of Gwich'in Final Agreement
In the Legislative Assembly on November 26th, 1992. See this statement in context.
Supplementary To Question 113-12(3): Implementation Of Gwich'in Final Agreement
Question 113-12(3): Implementation Of Gwich'in Final Agreement
Item 5: Oral Questions
November 25th, 1992
Page 151
Richard Nerysoo Mackenzie Delta
See context to find out what was said next.