This is page numbers 107 - 130 of the Hansard for the 13th Assembly, 3rd Session. The original version can be accessed on the Legislative Assembly's website or by contacting the Legislative Assembly Library. The word of the day was ---.


Item 13: Tabling Of Documents
Item 13: Tabling Of Documents

Page 118

The Speaker Samuel Gargan

The honourable Member is seeking unanimous consent to return to item 5, recognition of visitors in the gallery. Are there any nays? There are no nays. Please proceed, Mr. Ng.

Revert To Item 5: Recognition Of Visitors In The Gallery
Revert To Item 5: Recognition Of Visitors In The Gallery

Page 118

Kelvin Ng Kitikmeot

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I would like to recognize two constituents from Kugluktuk, Stanley Anablak, one of the hamlet councillors, and his spouse, Ms. Annie Jane Kamingoak.

--- Applause

Revert To Item 5: Recognition Of Visitors In The Gallery
Revert To Item 5: Recognition Of Visitors In The Gallery

Page 118

The Speaker Samuel Gargan

Welcome to the Assembly. Item 5, recognition of visitors in the gallery. Mr. Erasmus.

Revert To Item 5: Recognition Of Visitors In The Gallery
Revert To Item 5: Recognition Of Visitors In The Gallery

Page 119

Roy Erasmus Yellowknife North

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I'd like to recognize Linda Henry, Mr. Henry's wife, and wish her a happy belated birthday.

--- Applause

Revert To Item 5: Recognition Of Visitors In The Gallery
Revert To Item 5: Recognition Of Visitors In The Gallery

Page 119

The Speaker Samuel Gargan

Thank you. That message will be conveyed. Item 5, recognition of visitors in the gallery. Back to item 13, tabling of documents. Mr. Clerk.

Item 13: Tabling Of Documents
Item 13: Tabling Of Documents

Page 119

Clerk Of The House Mr. David Hamilton

Mr. Speaker, in accordance with section 183(4) of the Elections Act, I wish to table Tabled Document 20-13(3), the returns and declarations for election contributions and expenses for the following candidates: the electoral district of Mackenzie Delta, Charles Furlong; the electoral district of Baffin Central, Charlie Kalluk and Sakiasie Sowdlooapik.

Item 13: Tabling Of Documents
Item 13: Tabling Of Documents

Page 119

The Speaker Samuel Gargan

Thank you. Item 13, tabling of documents. Mr. Ootes.

Item 13: Tabling Of Documents
Item 13: Tabling Of Documents

Page 119

Jake Ootes

Jake Ootes Yellowknife Centre

Mr. Speaker, I wish to table Tabled Document 21-13(3), a letter sent to all Members of the Legislature with regard to the transfer of occupational health and safety to the Workers' Compensation Board demanding that the transfer be stopped immediately and that a thorough public review be conducted seeking input from stakeholders, combined with an in-depth actuarial review. They are essential to the implementation of such a significant change to the Workers' Compensation Board and this letter is signed by Members from the NWT Federation of Labour; the Yellowknife Chamber of Commerce; the NWT Construction Association; NWT Chamber of Mines; NWT Steelworkers Area Council; NWT Chamber of Commerce; Union of Northern Workers; NWT Association of Municipalities; and, the CAW Local 2304.

Item 13: Tabling Of Documents
Item 13: Tabling Of Documents

Page 119

The Speaker Samuel Gargan

Thank you. Item 13, tabling of documents. Item 14, notices of motion. Mr. Ningark.

Motion 3-13(3): Setting Of Sitting Hours By Speaker
Item 14: Notices Of Motion

Page 119

John Ningark Natilikmiot

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I give notice that on Monday, April 1, 1996, I will move the following motion: I move, seconded by the honourable Member for Thebacha, that the Speaker be authorized to set such sitting hours as the Speaker, after consultation, deems fit to assist with the business before the House.

Mr. Speaker, at the appropriate time, I will be seeking unanimous consent to deal with my motion today. Thank you.

Motion 3-13(3): Setting Of Sitting Hours By Speaker
Item 14: Notices Of Motion

Page 119

The Speaker Samuel Gargan

Thank you. Item 14, notices of motion. Mr. Miltenberger.

Motion 4-13(3): Extended Adjournment
Item 14: Notices Of Motion

Page 119

Michael Miltenberger

Michael Miltenberger Thebacha

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I give notice that on Monday, April 1, 1996, I will move the following motion: I move, seconded by the honourable Member for Keewatin Central, that notwithstanding Rule 4, when this House adjourns on Thursday, March 28, 1996, it shall be adjourned until Wednesday, May 1, 1996; And further, that any time prior to May 1, 1996, if the Speaker is satisfied, after consultation with the Executive Council and Members of the Legislative Assembly, that the public interest requires that the House should meet at an earlier time during the adjournment, the Speaker may give notice and thereupon the House shall meet at the time stated in such notice and shall transact its business as it has been duly adjourned to that time.

Mr. Speaker, at the appropriate time, I will be seeking unanimous consent to deal with his motion today.

Motion 4-13(3): Extended Adjournment
Item 14: Notices Of Motion

Page 119

The Speaker Samuel Gargan

Thank you. Item 14, notices of motion. Item 15, notices of motions for first reading of bills. Item 16, motions. Mr. Ningark.

Motion 4-13(3): Extended Adjournment
Item 14: Notices Of Motion

Page 119

John Ningark Natilikmiot

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I seek unanimous consent to deal with my motion.

Motion 4-13(3): Extended Adjournment
Item 14: Notices Of Motion

Page 119

The Speaker Samuel Gargan

The Member for Natilikmiot is seeking unanimous consent to deal with his motion today. Do we have any nays? There are no nays. Proceed, Mr. Ningark.

Motion 3-13(3): Setting Of Sitting Hours By Speaker, Carried
Item 16: Motions

Page 119

John Ningark Natilikmiot

Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

I MOVE, seconded by the honourable Member for Thebacha, that the Speaker be authorized to set such sitting hours as the Speaker, after consultation, deems fit to assist with the business before the House.

Motion 3-13(3): Setting Of Sitting Hours By Speaker, Carried
Item 16: Motions

Page 119

The Speaker Samuel Gargan

Thank you, Mr. Ningark. Your motion is in order. To the motion.

Motion 3-13(3): Setting Of Sitting Hours By Speaker, Carried
Item 16: Motions

Page 119

Some Hon. Members


Motion 3-13(3): Setting Of Sitting Hours By Speaker, Carried
Item 16: Motions

Page 119

The Speaker Samuel Gargan

Question has been called. All those in favour? All those opposed? The motion is carried.

--- Carried

Item 16, motions. Mr. Miltenberger.

Motion 3-13(3): Setting Of Sitting Hours By Speaker, Carried
Item 16: Motions

March 27th, 1996

Page 119

Michael Miltenberger

Michael Miltenberger Thebacha

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I seek unanimous consent to deal with my motion today.

Motion 3-13(3): Setting Of Sitting Hours By Speaker, Carried
Item 16: Motions

Page 119

The Speaker Samuel Gargan

The Member for Thebacha is seeking unanimous consent to deal with his motion today. Do we have any nays? There are no nays. Proceed, Mr. Miltenberger.

Motion 4-13(3): Extended Adjournment, Carried
Item 16: Motions

Page 120

Michael Miltenberger

Michael Miltenberger Thebacha

Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

I MOVE, seconded by the honourable Member for Keewatin Central, that notwithstanding Rule 4, that when this House adjourns on Thursday, March 28, 1996, it shall be adjourned until Wednesday, May 1, 1996.

AND FURTHER, that any time prior to May 1, 1996, if the Speaker is satisfied, after consultation with the Executive Council and Members of the Legislative Assembly, that the public interest requires that the House should meet at an earlier time during the adjournment, the Speaker may give notice and thereupon the House shall meet at the time stated in such notice and shall transact its business as it has been duly adjourned to that time.

Motion 4-13(3): Extended Adjournment, Carried
Item 16: Motions

Page 120

The Speaker Samuel Gargan

Thank you. Your motion is in order. To the motion.

Motion 4-13(3): Extended Adjournment, Carried
Item 16: Motions

Page 120

Some Hon. Members


Motion 4-13(3): Extended Adjournment, Carried
Item 16: Motions

Page 120

The Speaker Samuel Gargan

Question has been called. All those in favour? All those opposed? The motion is carried.

--- Carried

Item 16, motions. Item 17, first reading of bills. Item 18, second reading of bills. Mr. Todd.