Please be seated. Mr. Speaker, Members of the Legislative Assembly, I am pleased to welcome you to the 7th Session of the 13th Legislative Assembly.
I would like to begin by congratulating the new Premier-elect, the Honourable Jim Antoine, and the new Minister-elect, the Honourable Floyd Roland.
I know that you will work diligently to fulfil the mandate of this government. I look forward to officially administering the oath of allegiance and the oath of office later today.
Secondly, I would like to recognize the work of all Members of this Legislative Assembly. As you head into the final months of this government, you can look back with pride at what has been accomplished since you were elected in 1995. I recall opening the 2nd Session of this Assembly in February of 1996. At that time, I said I was confident that this government's vision of a Northwest Territories with a secure financial future and a healthier, better educated and more self-sufficient population would be achieved. You can all be proud of the progress that has been made to date.
This government has achieved a balanced budget. The plan you embarked upon to create two new territories is in the final stages. Major steps have been taken toward securing the economic well-being of the territories: formula financing agreements have been signed for Nunavut and the Northwest Territories; Canada's first diamond mine opened in October, and planning for others is underway. This government was successful in having the sorting and valuation of the diamonds done in the north. Secondary diamond industries will also create jobs for northerners.
These are exciting times for all of us. The people of the Northwest Territories and Nunavut can look forward to two well run, secure governments. This is due in no small part to your work over the past three years. The past few weeks have been a difficult time for all Members of this House. It is my hope that you will not be discouraged or lose sight of the crucial role you are playing in the continuing evolution of this country. In this final year of the 13th Legislative Assembly, I encourage you to finish your work with the same dedication, energy and attention to duty that you have shown throughout your time in office.
I would like to take this opportunity to say a few personal words of thanks to the many people who have supported me and my family through their actions, kind works, cards and prayers through the past eight months. Your thoughtfulness is appreciated from the heart.
Now, as we look forward to the exciting challenges ahead for us all in 1999, I wish to remind you that the United Nations has declared 1999 the International Year of Older Persons. As an older person myself, I encourage you to bring forward ideas and suggestions for ways to recognize and celebrate the many valuable contributions that older persons have made and are still making to our society.
As the Christmas season arrives, our thoughts turn with joy to family and friends, to happy memories. While it can be a very busy time for us all, we must not forget to pause for a moment and appreciate our many blessings, to enjoy our freedoms, our good health and, most importantly, all those who have brought happiness to our lives. I would like to wish each and every one across the north the blessing of the season and every good wish for the New Year.
As Commissioner of the Northwest Territories, I am pleased to declare open the 7th Session of the 13th Legislative Assembly.