This is page numbers 81 - 97 of the Hansard for the 13th Assembly, 6th Session. The original version can be accessed on the Legislative Assembly's website or by contacting the Legislative Assembly Library. The word of the day was road.


Question 44-13(6): Mackenzie Highway Speed Limit
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 86

The Speaker Samuel Gargan

The Minister of Transportation, Mr. Antoine.

Return To Question 44-13(6): Mackenzie Highway Speed Limit
Question 44-13(6): Mackenzie Highway Speed Limit
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 86

Jim Antoine Nahendeh

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, this concern was raised in the spring of increasing the paved and chipped-sealed section of the Mackenzie Highway from the border towards Yellowknife to Rae-Edzo to increase the speed limit from 90 to 100. Mr. Speaker, I am told by the Department of Transportation that I am Minister of that there is a Public Highways Act which states that the maximum speed limits we could pose is 90 kilometres per hour. If we are going to increase it to 100 like the honourable Member was suggesting earlier on was that we need to make an amendment to the act, the legislation.

The length of this Legislature is very short and our legislation is quite full. This is kind of a low priority in our whole legislative agenda. The department has not moved any amendments forward to increase it, but there are other ways of dealing with it. We know there is a concern and I, myself, travel the highway quite a bit. I know that once you come to the 60th parallel out of Alberta you come from 100 kilometres per hour speed to 90. You slow down quite a bit. Being in harmonization with Alberta, we should take a look at it. Thank you.

Return To Question 44-13(6): Mackenzie Highway Speed Limit
Question 44-13(6): Mackenzie Highway Speed Limit
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 86

The Speaker Samuel Gargan

Oral questions. Supplementary, Mr. Henry.

Supplementary To Question 44-13(6): Mackenzie Highway Speed Limit
Question 44-13(6): Mackenzie Highway Speed Limit
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 87

Seamus Henry Yellowknife South

Thank you, Mr. Speaker and I thank the Minister for his explanation. I did not hear raised in the Minister's response any concerns about safety or the ability of that particular type of construction to handle a speed limit of say 100 kilometres per hour. Could the Minister confirm that the department is not raising any objections as to the quality of the road to endure those speed limits or any safety concerns they may have? Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Supplementary To Question 44-13(6): Mackenzie Highway Speed Limit
Question 44-13(6): Mackenzie Highway Speed Limit
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 87

The Speaker Samuel Gargan

Mr. Antoine.

Further Return To Question 44-13(6): Mackenzie Highway Speed Limit
Question 44-13(6): Mackenzie Highway Speed Limit
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 87

Jim Antoine Nahendeh

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, the type of road we have rebuilt from the Alberta border to Rae-Edzo is a fairly standard road. I think it could handle a higher speed limit, but I am told by the department there are some minor adjustments that may have to be included if we are going to increase the speed limit. Generally, I think the present road system can probably handle increasing the speed limit.

Further Return To Question 44-13(6): Mackenzie Highway Speed Limit
Question 44-13(6): Mackenzie Highway Speed Limit
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 87

The Speaker Samuel Gargan

Oral questions. Supplementary, Mr. Henry.

Supplementary To Question 44-13(6): Mackenzie Highway Speed Limit
Question 44-13(6): Mackenzie Highway Speed Limit
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 87

Seamus Henry Yellowknife South

Thank you, Mr. Speaker and I thank the Minister for that. As I mentioned at the beginning, I had concerns about the speed limit and signage on the highway. I notice, Mr. Speaker, when I go out to start the drive south, I notice signage prior to getting to the Yellowknife airport, that there is signage there that identifies Edmonton as one of the locations going south. I notice on the way back from the Alberta border that Yellowknife, which is the capital of the Northwest Territories, is not identified until you get quite some ways up the highway. I was wondering if the Minister would have his officials look into the validity of my concerns and ensure that the capital of the Northwest Territories which is Yellowknife is identified earlier on once you cross the Alberta border coming north. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Supplementary To Question 44-13(6): Mackenzie Highway Speed Limit
Question 44-13(6): Mackenzie Highway Speed Limit
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 87

The Speaker Samuel Gargan

Mr. Antoine.

Further Return To Question 44-13(6): Mackenzie Highway Speed Limit
Question 44-13(6): Mackenzie Highway Speed Limit
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 87

Jim Antoine Nahendeh

I think it is a very legitimate point. Yellowknife is the capital of the Northwest Territories and will continue to be capital in the Western Territory. I think we should identify it as soon as we get into the Northwest Territories. We will put a sign up. Thank you.

Further Return To Question 44-13(6): Mackenzie Highway Speed Limit
Question 44-13(6): Mackenzie Highway Speed Limit
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 87

The Speaker Samuel Gargan

Oral questions. Mr. Evaloarjuk.

Question 45-13(6): Docking Facilities In Hall Beach And Pond Inlet
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 87

Mark Evaloarjuk Amittuq

(Translation) Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Yesterday further to my Member's statement, I gave notice that I would be bringing forth some questions. My question will be directed to the Minister of Transportation. Mr. Speaker, if I am mistaken, please correct me. I will have two questions which state that... you know we can only learn from our mistakes so I will do that. So, my question is this. My riding consisting of Hall Beach and Pond Inlet both does not have adequate docking facilities and I have been informed that these projects have been delayed. Perhaps the Minister could tell me why the delay has occurred or maybe he could inform me as to when the construction of these projects will take place? Thank you, Mr. Speaker. (Translation ends)

Question 45-13(6): Docking Facilities In Hall Beach And Pond Inlet
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 87

The Speaker Samuel Gargan

Thank you. The Minister of Transportation, Mr. Antoine. I heard two questions.

Return To Question 45-13(6): Docking Facilities In Hall Beach And Pond Inlet
Question 45-13(6): Docking Facilities In Hall Beach And Pond Inlet
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 87

Jim Antoine Nahendeh

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, in the case of Pond Inlet, which the honourable Member is representing here in the House, there has been no delay in the breakwater or the docking facilities. There was a request last year for us to look into it and what the department officials have done is during the summer, is have some studies in that area done and have come up with a conceptual design of breakwater and they have the drawings there. They have looked at the sites. They have done that. This is the first step in putting the breakwater for the community in place.

That study has been done and is completed. The next step is that the department officials will have to go to the community and will explain the designs that they have put together and the location. That is in the plans for this fall to go into the communities and to sit down with the community and the leaders there and explain the design. They also will explain the years in which this project will be in place.

As for Hall Beach, I have not really been informed about what is there, so I will have to take that as notice, the Hall Beach part of it for now and get back to the Member. On the Pond Inlet one, I have been told there are designs in place and they are in the community. Thank you.

Return To Question 45-13(6): Docking Facilities In Hall Beach And Pond Inlet
Question 45-13(6): Docking Facilities In Hall Beach And Pond Inlet
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 87

The Speaker Samuel Gargan

Thank you. Oral questions. Supplementary, Mr. Evaloarjuk. Just to make it clear that with regard to the Hall Beach situation, the Minister will take that as notice. The only one you probably would be able to ask questions on is the other.

Supplementary To Question 45-13(6): Docking Facilities In Hall Beach And Pond Inlet
Question 45-13(6): Docking Facilities In Hall Beach And Pond Inlet
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 87

Mark Evaloarjuk Amittuq

(Translation) Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I thank the Minister for his response. An addition to my question, I think we are all aware that we are sea people. We are close to the ocean and the weather greatly affects the sea. In the old days we used the canoes, but we are slowly going away from that and we are moving toward newer boats that are heavier and so that is why it is urgent that these people have an adequate facility. I think the Minister is aware of that, is he? Thank you, Mr. Speaker. (Translation ends)

Supplementary To Question 45-13(6): Docking Facilities In Hall Beach And Pond Inlet
Question 45-13(6): Docking Facilities In Hall Beach And Pond Inlet
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 88

The Speaker Samuel Gargan

Mr. Antoine.

Further Return To Question 45-13(6): Docking Facilities In Hall Beach And Pond Inlet
Question 45-13(6): Docking Facilities In Hall Beach And Pond Inlet
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 88

Jim Antoine Nahendeh

Yes, thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I am very aware, although I am not from that part of the country, but I do travel into that area. I have talked to many people about different conditions from different communities and I assume that Pond Inlet and Hall Beach are similar to the other communities that whenever their high winds come up and they have fairly large and expensive boats that are moored out there and they get damaged in the big winds. There is a need for protection for them and that is why in the department, we went ahead and we did the study on Pond Inlet and have come up with the designs. Hopefully, upon meeting with people in the communities, it will be acceptable and maybe we will work out a plan of action on how we could do the project. Thank you.

Further Return To Question 45-13(6): Docking Facilities In Hall Beach And Pond Inlet
Question 45-13(6): Docking Facilities In Hall Beach And Pond Inlet
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 88

The Speaker Samuel Gargan

Oral questions. Mr. Roland.

Question 46-13(6): Access To Applications For Seniors' Fuel Subsidy
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 88

Floyd Roland

Floyd Roland Inuvik

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, my question at this time will be directed to the Minister responsible for Education, Culture and Employment. Mr. Speaker, it has been a concern raised in my community over the summer and here in the fall, especially, since the warm season is ending and once again the furnaces have kicked in. The seniors in my community have raised the concern of the Seniors' Fuel Subsidy more in the area of where they go to apply in the forms that are used when they apply. My question to the Minister is, is there or would he be willing to look at transferring that responsibility to another department in the community or to community organization who could deliver the seniors' fuel subsidy on behalf of the department? Thank you.

Question 46-13(6): Access To Applications For Seniors' Fuel Subsidy
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 88

The Speaker Samuel Gargan

The Minister of Education, Culture and Employment, Mr. Dent.

Return To Question 46-13(6): Access To Applications For Seniors' Fuel Subsidy
Question 46-13(6): Access To Applications For Seniors' Fuel Subsidy
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 88

Charles Dent

Charles Dent Yellowknife Frame Lake

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, Given that the department has been attempting to move delivery of all income support programs to the community level wherever possible, we would certainly be willing to take a look at that sort of proposal. It must be noted however, that there can be no additional cost to deliver the program at the community level.

Return To Question 46-13(6): Access To Applications For Seniors' Fuel Subsidy
Question 46-13(6): Access To Applications For Seniors' Fuel Subsidy
Item 6: Oral Questions

September 17th, 1998

Page 88

The Speaker Samuel Gargan

Oral questions. Supplementary, Mr. Roland.

Supplementary To Question 46-13(6): Access To Applications For Seniors' Fuel Subsidy
Question 46-13(6): Access To Applications For Seniors' Fuel Subsidy
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 88

Floyd Roland

Floyd Roland Inuvik

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, so the Minister and the department would look at proposals brought forward on the basis that existing funds that are used to deliver the seniors' fuel subsidy portion of income support did not cost more than what it is costing now to deliver? Thank you.

Supplementary To Question 46-13(6): Access To Applications For Seniors' Fuel Subsidy
Question 46-13(6): Access To Applications For Seniors' Fuel Subsidy
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 88

The Speaker Samuel Gargan

Mr. Dent.