This is page numbers 1 - 19 of the Hansard for the 14th Assembly, 5th Session. The original version can be accessed on the Legislative Assembly's website or by contacting the Legislative Assembly Library. The word of the day was river.

Members Present

Honourable Roger Allen, Honourable Jim Antoine, Mr. Bell, Mr. Braden, Mr. Delorey, Mr. Dent, Mrs. Groenewegen, Honourable Joe Handley, Mr. Krutko, Mr. Lafferty, Ms. Lee, Mr. McLeod, Mr. Miltenberger, Mr. Nitah, Honourable Jake Ootes, Mr. Roland, Honourable Vince Steen, Honourable Tony Whitford.

Item 1: Prayer
Item 1: Prayer

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Pastor Connie Landstrom

Let us pray together. Gracious and almighty God, today, as the Legislative Assembly begins again, give to those whom You have placed in these seats of honour and power a sense of Your peace and Your presence.

Help them to seek the unity of their people and to promote it. Enable them to feel the suffering of human kind and to work to alleviate it. Encourage them to pursue the truth of human history and to learn from it. Give to them the blessing of sound judgement, the skill of making wise decisions, the patience to act in due time and the tact for being mutually helpful.

We pray for these servants of Your people. Keep them faithful to the office to which they have been charged. Strengthen them, uphold them, guide and direct them each day as they deliberate and debate, as they plan and vision for the present and the future of the Northwest Territories.

Lord, give them council and aid that they may preserve the integrity of this Territory. Give them courage and godly wisdom, oh God, for these are men and women with much power. Permit them to experience the joys of noble service, completed for a grateful people.

May God's grace and peace be with all of you in full measure, from God the Father and Jesus the Saviour, amen.

Item 1: Prayer
Item 1: Prayer

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The Speaker

The Speaker Tony Whitford

Thank you. Please be seated. Colleagues, I understand that Her Honour, the Commissioner of the Northwest Territories, is prepared to enter the Chamber to give the Opening Address. Mr. Clerk, would you please attend to and escort the Commissioner of the Northwest Territories into the Chamber.

Item 2: Opening Address
Item 2: Opening Address

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Commissioner Of The Northwest Territories Hon. Glenna Hansen

Please be seated. Mr. Speaker, Deputy Premier, Members of the Legislative Assembly, welcome back to the Assembly.

A new session is upon us and I am sure all Members share in a strong commitment and sense of optimism as we approach the work ahead.

The days are getting longer and the sun once more warms our lands. This time of year invites a fresh perspective and renewed energy.

Adding to this energy in many of our communities has been the excitement of regional competitions and play downs leading up to this year's Arctic Winter Games.

This is a pivotal time for the athletes vying for the right to compete at these games. What began as a dream has begun to materialize. Hard work and determination is reflected in concrete and measurable results.

For those athletes, who will represent the Northwest Territories in Nuuk and Iqaluit, it is time to come together as a team and to renew their effort and commitment to the dream they set out months and maybe years ago.

I am sure you all join me in wishing each and every one of these individuals good luck.

In many ways, your paths are similar to those of the Arctic Winter Games athletes.

You also worked hard to realize the vision which you collectively identified about two years ago. You also are at a pivotal point in your vision of a better tomorrow for the people of the Northwest Territories.

As we begin the Fifth Session of the 14th Legislative Assembly, you must find a renewed effort and commitment to complete the agenda you have set for yourselves.

I listened with interest to Premier Kakfwi's address to the people of the NWT on January 10th.

I was particularly impressed by the commitment given by this government to balancing economic success with the needs of both the environment and people of the NWT.

In the weeks ahead, you face the challenge of balancing these needs with the financial capacity of our Territory. This will be a critical task.

But like the athletes, who will compete next month in the Arctic Winter Games, you can draw on the strength of your accomplishments so far.

The economy of the Northwest Territories is strong.

The possibility of significant equity in the Mackenzie Valley gas pipeline is very real.

There is strength and unity in our people and their governments; a growing confidence in partnerships and collaboration; and a new sense of optimism within our youth.

Each of these are key steps towards the completion of your agenda -- and each has been achieved or strengthened by your unity toward a common goal.

I encourage you to maintain this ability to work as one body, one government and one voice as you continue to seek the consensus on which this Legislative Assembly is based.

As you prepare to once again use this forum to address and debate the issues of government on behalf of all people of the NWT, I will encourage your constituents to join your work towards a self-reliant Territory of healthy, well-educated and experienced individuals, families and communities.

Each of us can do our part to improve the quality of our own lives and the lives of others. By focusing on our commitment to our families and children; by encouraging and supporting the importance of education and training in the futures of our youth; and by promoting and practicing healthy lifestyle choices every day.

I would also like to advise all residents of the Northwest Territories that on your behalf as the Commissioner of the Northwest Territories, I have sent condolences to Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, Queen of Canada, on the passing of her sister Her Royal Highness Princess Margaret, Countess of Snowdon.

During this session, government will be introducing the following bills entitled Appropriation Act, 2002-2003 and Supplementary Appropriation Act, No. 3, 2001-2002, for consideration by this House. The government considers these bills essential to the good conduct of government business and as such, I recommend their passage.

I now declare the Fifth Session of the 14th Legislative Assembly of the Northwest Territories open.

-- Applause

Item 2: Opening Address
Item 2: Opening Address

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The Speaker

The Speaker Tony Whitford

Please be seated. Good afternoon, colleagues and special guests in the gallery. Prior to proceeding to the orders of the day, I would like to, on behalf of all Members, thank her honour, Commissioner Hansen, for attending to this opening of the Fifth Session of the 14th Legislative Assembly and for her opening address to us. A very special thanks goes out as well to Mr. Bill Gilday and the 17 members of the choir from the Sir John Franklin High School. Thank you for singing our national anthem so beautifully. It is always a delight to have you visit our Assembly.

I would also like to express our profound gratitude to the members of the Detah Drummers, and to thank them for their gift of music to us today, and to Pastor Connie Landstrom for serving as our chaplain today. Thank you for your prayer and for your words of inspiration to us.

I would like to welcome all Members back from a well-deserved but busy break. We can also look forward now to four weeks of productive and important work in this Chamber.

Orders of the day, item 3, Ministers' statements. The honourable Deputy Premier, Mr. Antoine.

Minister's Statement 1-14(5): Premier Absent From The House
Item 3: Ministers' Statements

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Jim Antoine Nahendeh

Mahsi, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I wish to advise Members that the Honourable Stephen Kakfwi will be absent from the House for the remainder of this week to participate in the Canada Trade Mission to Russia and Germany with the Prime Minister and other Premiers. He will be back in the House on Monday, February 25th. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Minister's Statement 1-14(5): Premier Absent From The House
Item 3: Ministers' Statements

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The Speaker

The Speaker Tony Whitford

Thank you, Minister Antoine. Item 2, Ministers' statements. The honourable Minister responsible for the Department of Finance, Mr. Handley.

Minister's Statement 2-14(5): Notice Of Budget Address
Item 3: Ministers' Statements

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Joe Handley

Joe Handley Weledeh

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I give notice that I will deliver the Budget Address on Wednesday, February 20, 2002. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Minister's Statement 2-14(5): Notice Of Budget Address
Item 3: Ministers' Statements

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The Speaker

The Speaker Tony Whitford

Thank you, Minister Handley. Item 2, Ministers' statements. The honourable Deputy Premier, Mr. Antoine.

Minister's Statement 3-14(5): Sessional Statement
Item 3: Ministers' Statements

Page 2

Jim Antoine Nahendeh

Mahsi, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, on behalf of the Premier, I would like to welcome everyone back to the Legislature.

I would like to reflect upon the first half of our term to review what we have done and where we are going.

Mr. Speaker, in January, 2000, all Members of this Legislature met in Fort Providence and decided upon a plan of action. That plan, called Towards a Better Tomorrow, is based on what our constituents wanted us to do.

This government took this vision and translated it into six priorities which guide the strategies and policies we have been developing.

Early on, our government realized that implementing our agenda and achieving our potential would depend upon the investments we were prepared to make.

The investment decisions took some courage because of our fiscal situation, but we knew it was right and would produce results.

Mr. Speaker, our constituents expected that we would work in partnership amongst ourselves and collaborate with our counterparts in other governments and organizations.

Our constituents also asked that we give them an open and accountable government.

Our memories from the previous government and division have given us a much better appreciation of public debt, government deficits and the need for governments to live within their means.

So, Mr. Speaker, where are we after the first two years of our four-year term?

Since January, 2000, we have taken our balanced agenda and built solid foundations to support the six priorities of our vision.

We remain committed to implementing this strong agenda, which has been refined based on input from Members and our constituents.

We remain committed to the need for investment not only to take advantage of economic opportunities, but to continue improving the quality of life for all constituents.

We continue to work in partnership amongst ourselves and are committed to making this partnership more effective during the remainder of our mandate.

We also remain committed to collaborating with other governments and non-government organizations who are also working to improve the lifestyles of our constituents.

In closing, I would characterize the themes to guide us during our last two years of our term as:

  • • A balanced agenda and fiscally responsible budget;
  • • Working in partnership and collaboration;
  • • Continuing to invest in the NWT and its residents; and
  • • Recognizing our fiscal capacity.

I also want to close by thanking our colleagues on the Accountability and Oversight Committee and standing committees for the constructive approach taken in reviewing main estimates, legislation and public policy issues.

We have achieved several objectives in our collective vision and will continue to work to complete the agenda we set up in January 2000 in Fort Providence. I believe we are all up to the challenges ahead. Mahsi, Mr. Speaker.

-- Applause

Minister's Statement 3-14(5): Sessional Statement
Item 3: Ministers' Statements

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The Speaker

The Speaker Tony Whitford

Thank you, Minister Antoine. Item 3, Ministers' statements. Item 4, Members' statements. The honourable Member for North Slave, Mr. Lafferty.

Impact Benefit Agreement Payments And The Income Support Program
Item 4: Members' Statements

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Leon Lafferty North Slave

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. My statement today is on an issue I have raised in the House a number of times, and have also written the Minister of Education, Culture and Employment.

Mr. Speaker, impact benefit agreement payments that my constituents and other aboriginal groups receive are clawed back by this government from their income support payments. Mr. Speaker, these payments are given to the aboriginal people for loss of use of their lands. These payments are given under the treaty agreements dealing with aboriginal lands, but this government has chosen to consider them unearned income and income that should be taken from the people who need it the most -- those who are on income support.

Mr. Speaker, because this government has the new harmonization initiative, my constituents and aboriginal people in the North will be negatively affected even more. It has been over one year since I have asked the Minister to make a decision on this, but to date have not received any decision yet. At the appropriate time, I will have questions for the Minister of Education, Culture and Employment. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

-- Applause

Impact Benefit Agreement Payments And The Income Support Program
Item 4: Members' Statements

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The Speaker

The Speaker Tony Whitford

Thank you, Mr. Lafferty. Item 4, Members' statements. The honourable Member for Hay River North, Mr. Delorey.

Recent Activities In Hay River
Item 4: Members' Statements

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Paul Delorey

Paul Delorey Hay River North

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, it is with pleasure that I join yourself and the rest of my colleagues in this Chamber for what I hope will be a very productive session. We as legislators have some very interesting and complex issues to discuss over the next several weeks and I look forward to some very lively debate.

A number of activities have taken place in Hay River over the last few months and I would like to take this opportunity to share some of these with the Members of this House. In late November, the Hay River Kiwanis Club hosted the international president of Kiwanis, Mr. Brian Kunat. It was quite a coup for the Hay River Kiwanis Club to host this international president. Mr. Speaker, my sincere congratulations go out to all members of the Hay River Kiwanis Club, and particularly Mr. Ed Dakin, club president and my constituent, who did a superb job of organizing Mr. Kunat's visit to Hay River.

In December, Mr. Speaker, Hay River hosted Members of the Legislative Assembly as we held our caucus meetings there. I was very pleased that my community could host these meetings and I want to thank my colleagues for choosing Hay River.

Mr. Speaker, in addition to our meetings, my colleague Jane Groenewegen and I hosted a community meet-and-greet. This was a chance for the community of Hay River to meet the MLAs from around the Northwest Territories. The meet-and-greet was a resounding success with over 200 people in attendance. Mr. Speaker, I would like to thank the Katl'odeeche Drummers, the Filipino Dancers, the Harry Camsell Choir and Diamond Jenness Handbell Choir for providing entertainment. It was wonderful and very well received.

Speaking of entertainment, Mr. Speaker, I would have to say that the highlight of the evening was watching Premier Kakfwi, Minister Handley and Sandy Lee as they attempted to perform their version of Filipino dancing.

Mr. Speaker, in December, the Honourable Roger Allen, Minister of Housing, attended a meeting with the Hay River Seniors Society. At this meeting, Mr. Allen announced his intention to have an independent living facility for seniors erected in Hay River. I am very encouraged by Minister Allen's news. I have worked very closely with the Hay River Seniors Society since becoming an MLA and I think it is high time that this government devoted more resources to our ever increasing seniors population.

Mr. Speaker, I am very happy to report that things were reasonably quiet over the holidays and I was able to spend some time at home with family and friends. It certainly was a most refreshing break.

Mr. Speaker, I would like to thank...

Recent Activities In Hay River
Item 4: Members' Statements

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The Speaker

The Speaker Tony Whitford

Mr. Delorey, your time for your Member's statement is up. Mr. Delorey.

Recent Activities In Hay River
Item 4: Members' Statements

February 18th, 2002

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Paul Delorey

Paul Delorey Hay River North

Mr. Speaker, I seek unanimous consent to conclude my statement.

Recent Activities In Hay River
Item 4: Members' Statements

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The Speaker

The Speaker Tony Whitford

The Member is seeking unanimous consent to conclude his statement. Are there any nays? There are no nays. Mr. Delorey, you may conclude your statement.

Recent Activities In Hay River
Item 4: Members' Statements

Page 4

Paul Delorey

Paul Delorey Hay River North

Mr. Speaker, tragedy struck in January of this year as Mr. Kole Crook of Hay River was killed in an airplane crash that also took the lives of two sisters from Tulita and a pilot from Nova Scotia. Mr. Speaker, Kole was a very young man of such promise and truly an accomplished musician. He spent thankless hours performing throughout the Northwest Territories and Canada. He was a talented fiddler who was always willing to share his gift. He will be truly missed and my sincere condolences go out to the family.

Mr. Speaker, in mid January, Minister Miltenberger came to Hay River to meet with the workers at the hospital and lay out his action plan to address their concerns. I understand that these talks are ongoing and I look forward to some very positive outcomes in addressing their concerns.

Also in January, I had the privilege of attending the launch of a wonderful book entitled "So That Our Voices Are Heard." This book is about forest use and changing gender roles of Dene women in Hay River and I encourage Members of this House to obtain a copy.

-- Applause

Recent Activities In Hay River
Item 4: Members' Statements

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The Speaker

The Speaker Tony Whitford

Thank you, Mr. Delorey. Item 4, Members' statements. The honourable Member for Frame Lake, Mr. Dent.

Day Care Funding Levels
Item 4: Members' Statements

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Charles Dent

Charles Dent Frame Lake

Thank you, Mr. Speaker, and good afternoon. Mr. Speaker, recent media reports have quoted Minister Ootes as saying that we can expect to see more funding for day cares in the Northwest Territories. I certainly hope those reports were accurate and if so, I congratulate the Minister. Financial support for day care has not kept up with inflation. Rates have not changed since the early 90s. The increases are long overdue.

Mr. Speaker, day care funding is a big issue across the territories. Facilities in both Yellowknife and Hay River have recently run into financial difficulty, but I know many facilities across the Northwest Territories are constantly struggling to make ends meet, often through bingos, raffles and bake sales. Mr. Speaker, we have nearly 3,700 pre-school age children in our territory. As this government's early childhood development plan notes, the most critical time in a child's development is before they turn six. An investment in good childcare yields a two-to-one payback in economic benefits. Our kids' future is too important not to make this investment.

Mr. Speaker, the Standing Committee on Social Programs, of which I am a member, has consistently asked that more funding be put into early childhood programs like day care. Minister Ootes' response is welcome. Now we will be watching tomorrow's budget to see if the new funding will be sufficient to address the shortcomings in the current system.

However, Mr. Speaker, increasing funding for day care will not likely solve all of the problems. The department also needs to provide better support to boards and organizations that run day cares. I hope the Minister will also develop a process to provide training for volunteer boards in areas like accounting and administration. We will all reap the benefits of such an investment.

Finally, Mr. Speaker, I would like to take this opportunity to commend the volunteers who sit on boards for day cares and the generally underpaid staff who work in the centres. We owe them our gratitude for a job well done. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

-- Applause

Day Care Funding Levels
Item 4: Members' Statements

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The Speaker

The Speaker Tony Whitford

Merci, Mr. Dent. Item 4, Members' statements. The honourable Member for Inuvik Boot Lake, Mr. Roland.

Transfer Of Diand Positions To The Nwt
Item 4: Members' Statements

Page 4

Floyd Roland

Floyd Roland Inuvik Boot Lake

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, first let me start by sending greetings back to my wife and children. Mr. Speaker, as is well known, jobs are the back bone to a healthy community and economy. Mr. Speaker, the issue that I raise today is to speak on the news that came across the Northwest Territories that the Department of DIAND was looking at transferring jobs to the Northwest Territories. There will initially be 20 jobs and possibly 50 jobs, which is a remarkable turn-around when initially a study was done by that department and said that no jobs would be coming to the Northwest Territories, so it is good news indeed.

My concern, Mr. Speaker, is where these jobs will end up in the Northwest Territories. Mr. Speaker, it is well known that the activity that is increasing here in the Northwest Territories centres largely around oil and gas development. In fact, a billion dollars worth of activity over the next couple of years, including the two previous, will be done in the Beaufort-Delta region. So, Mr. Speaker, my issue is that I will pursue this government to ensure that as those jobs from DIAND move North, they move North to where the activity is, not just to the headquarters where development seems to happen around government. In fact, we can dig out numerous jobs and growth in this government since division to show that headquarters has done rather well in growing over the last number of years.

My concern, Mr. Speaker, is to ensure that as jobs move to the North, whether they be through this government or the federal government, that those positions are put in communities that can use the jobs as well as provide for the work that is done in the regions, not that everybody has to come to Yellowknife to see someone from government, or get their permits or applications in. In fact, I think it is time for this government to take a page out of what happened in Nunavut and look at some devolution of jobs and those responsibilities to the communities. With that, Mr. Speaker, I will be questioning the appropriate Minister. Thank you.

-- Applause

Transfer Of Diand Positions To The Nwt
Item 4: Members' Statements

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The Speaker

The Speaker Tony Whitford

Thank you, Mr. Roland. Item 4, Members' statements. The honourable Member for Range Lake, Ms. Lee.

Former Olympians Sharon And Shirley Firth
Item 4: Members' Statements

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Sandy Lee

Sandy Lee Range Lake

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, in recognition of the Olympic Games that are underway in Salt Lake City, I would like to take this opportunity to recognize and congratulate all participants and medal winners thus far of the 2002 Olympic Games.

I believe this is also a good time to recognize our very own NWT Olympians, the Firth sisters. Originally from the Mackenzie Delta, Sharon now makes my riding of Range Lake her home.

Until the bronze medal won by Beckie Scott in cross-country skiing in Salt Lake City, Sharon held the record for the best showing by Canadian women skiers. I might also add that of the seven medals that Canada has won so far, five have been won by women, one by a man, and the other gold by a man and woman pair. So as the sign says, Canadian girls rule.

By fortuitous coincidence, I had the opportunity to drive with Sharon to Fort Resolution from Hay River last week. I learned that the Firth sisters were four-time Olympians, representing Canada in 1972, 1976, 1980 and 1984 Olympics. Knowing what an honour and how tremendously difficult it is to make it to the Olympics even once, I am astounded at the lack of profile we are bestowing on the Firth sisters.

I was really happy to hear Sharon Firth speak up against the bad habit of smoking by youth and the athletes to a great impact. I believe everybody heard it, Mr. Speaker.

She has a lot of credibility to speak on behalf of the young people and athletes and I would really like to see the government make the point of making the most of Sharon Firth as the NWT's ambassador for young people and athletes. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

-- Applause

Former Olympians Sharon And Shirley Firth
Item 4: Members' Statements

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The Speaker

The Speaker Tony Whitford

Thank you, Ms. Lee. Item 4, Members' statements. The honourable Member for Mackenzie Delta, Mr. Krutko.