In the Legislative Assembly on March 14th, 2002. See this topic in context.

Nunakput Arctic Winter Games Participants
Item 3: Members' Statements

March 13th, 2002

Page 650

Vince Steen

Vince Steen Nunakput

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I, as well as other Members of the House, have young people taking part in the games and in the activities in both Iqaluit and Nuuk, Greenland. I would like to pass on to them the support of my constituents and urge them to take part, but remind them it is not so important, although it would be nice to bring home the ulus, it is not as important as good sportsmanship and good fellowship at the games.

Mr. Speaker, I have a number of different athletes and participants from different communities. I have seven athletes from Holman: Garry Okheena, Heather Okheena, Joe Kitekudluk, Robbie Inuktalik, Susie Memogana, Victoria Akhlatak and Pam Inutalik from Holman.

From Tuktoyaktuk, I have Craig Gruben, Matthew Anikina, Phillip Jacobson and Steve Cockney, who would be a coach for Inuit games. These athletes are all in the Inuit games, Mr. Speaker.

I have from Sachs Harbour, Preston Carpenter and Jenna Keogak. Jenna is going to be in badminton.

From Paulatuk, I have Johnathon Dillon and Angus Dillon who will be taking part in the Inuit Games. Also from Paulatuk, I have six cultural performers - Nolan Green, Warren Ruben, Esther Wolki, Tracy Wolki, Norman Kudlak and Kirt Ruben, who will be a cultural performer chaperone. Mr. Speaker, on behalf of my constituents in Nunakput, I wish them all well while performing at the Arctic Winter Games at Nuuk and Iqaluit, and good luck, Mr. Speaker. Thank you.

-- Applause

Nunakput Arctic Winter Games Participants
Item 3: Members' Statements

Page 651

The Speaker

The Speaker Tony Whitford

Thank you, Mr. Steen. Item 3, Members' statements. The honourable Member for Great Slave, Mr. Braden.