Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, October 9th to 15th, 2005, is Family Violence Awareness Week. Unfortunately, Mr. Speaker, family violence continues to be as pervasive as ever and a shadowy reality in the North.
This is an important time for the residents of the NWT to stop and reflect on the challenges presented by family violence. It is also a time for us to recommit ourselves to the reduction and elimination of family violence.
Awareness of the issue is definitely the first step in recognizing its existence and bringing about its eradication. Awareness also means recognizing the important work of dedicated workers in this field of family support.
Mr. Speaker, I would like to take this time to recognize the shelter workers and counsellors, and especially the work of the staff at the Hay River Family Support Centre under the direction of Crystal Ball, who is the executive director. I would also like to recognize and congratulate the Hay River Family Support Centre on their 20th anniversary, which is also this week in October.
It is important for us to ensure that these types of services are a high priority and given adequate resources. Mr. Speaker, adequate resources for the Hay River support centre means having stable, multi-year funding to address staffing shortages and high turnover that uncertainty in funding causes. Multi-year funding would also allow the Hay River Family Support Centre to plan for appropriate increases in wages for these dedicated employees.
Mr. Speaker, there is no funding for repairs and maintenance on their building. They need to be sure that when the furnace breaks down that they have money to replace it. They shouldn't have to wait until April 1st to find out if they're going to be funded for the next fiscal year.
Mr. Speaker, the Hay River Family Support Centre has also seen a tremendous increase in usage of services, such as bed nights, the use of their 24-hour phone support line, client support and workshops, and some of these services have seen over a 600 percent increase in the past three years. The dramatic increase in usage reflects the awareness of the essential services the Hay River Family Support Centre provides for the residents not only of Hay River, but of surrounding communities. It also reflects the trust established between clients and support workers. The bottom line is that their services are extensively utilized, yet their funding has not kept pace with the demand for services. We need to respond to the issues and concerns raised by the family support centre in their public presentation to our committee during the pre-budget consultations that were held in Hay River this summer.
Mr. Speaker, I'd like to seek unanimous consent to conclude my statement.