Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I am pleased to see that we are making some progress here, but I don't know that I would say that allowing organizations to allow for forced growth really amounts to rethinking a partnership that we should engage in. Let's connect the dots here, Mr. Speaker. There are homelessness issues, family violence and dysfunction, and mental health issues grow in our communities and become more sophisticated. We rely very heavily on these organizations to be the frontline, go-to places to manage this for us. But even as these issues increase in our communities, we are disabling the organizations that we rely on to do this for us. Mr. Speaker, the report makes, among others, a very clear recommendation and clear benchmark that what we need to do is bring the pay and benefit package for these employees to within 80 percent of what the GNWT offers. Is that going to be a recommendation for the business planners in the coming fiscal year, Mr. Speaker?
Bill Braden on Question 147-15(6): Funding For Non-government Organizations
In the Legislative Assembly on August 17th, 2007. See this statement in context.
Supplementary To Question 147-15(6): Funding For Non-government Organizations
Question 147-15(6): Funding For Non-government Organizations
Item 7: Oral Questions
August 16th, 2007
Page 392
See context to find out what was said next.