Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I personally take full responsibility of all the issues that come forward on our projects on any of our operations. However, I certainly can’t control the weather that has been posing a lot of challenges to us. Mr. Speaker, this weekend we had a number of flights cancelled, as the Member indicated. We had a total of six flights that were scheduled to go into the community of Inuvik. Only one aircraft was able to land. It was not due to runway conditions. It was due to the high winds that we experienced over the weekend, especially in the Beaufort-Delta.
Michael McLeod on Question 546-16(5): Beaufort-Delta Flight Disruptions
In the Legislative Assembly on March 1st, 2011. See this statement in context.
Question 546-16(5): Beaufort-Delta Flight Disruptions
Oral Questions
February 28th, 2011
Deh Cho
See context to find out what was said next.