This is page numbers 1009 – 1048 of the Hansard for the 18th Assembly, 2nd Session. The original version can be accessed on the Legislative Assembly's website or by contacting the Legislative Assembly Library. The word of the day was review.


Question 343-18(2): Small Business Funding Supports
Oral Questions

Wally Schumann

Wally Schumann Hay River South

As this Assembly knows, I'm a small business owner prior to coming to public life, and I know the importance of sustaining a small business. As of today, i actually had an opportunity to meet with a group that is working with BDIC, it's called Futurpreneur and it lays out the groundwork from the business idea to establishing a business plan to working through to marketing to become a successful business as well as matching up entrepreneurs with mentors. This is the one of things that BDIC is doing through one of the initiatives through the Department of ITI. As I just found out about it today, it's something i really want to look into to help entrepreneurs in the Northwest Territories.

Question 343-18(2): Small Business Funding Supports
Oral Questions

The Speaker

The Speaker Jackson Lafferty

Masi. Oral questions. Member for Deh Cho.

Question 343-18(2): Small Business Funding Supports
Oral Questions

Michael Nadli

Michael Nadli Deh Cho

Thank you. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. There are good things that this department is doing in terms of supporting small businesses in small communities. Just to name a few, like, there's a Business Incentive Policy and plus there's policy (inaudible) in terms of how it is that this department provides funding for small businesses. One proviso is if there's an existing business in a small community the department heeds to the policy of, you know, not creating any market disruption and policies like that. How often are programs reviewed to ensure effectiveness and incorporate feedback from clientele?

Question 343-18(2): Small Business Funding Supports
Oral Questions

Wally Schumann

Wally Schumann Hay River South

I don't have an answer to that question. I'll have to get back to the Member on that.

Question 343-18(2): Small Business Funding Supports
Oral Questions

The Speaker

The Speaker Jackson Lafferty

Masi. Oral questions. Member for Nunakput.

Question 344-18(2): Darnley Bay Marine Protected Area
Oral Questions

Herbert Nakimayak

Herbert Nakimayak Nunakput

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, earlier I spoke about the Darnley Bay Marine Protected Area and my questions are for the Minister of ENR. Mr. Speaker, my first question is: has the GNWT participated in any capacity on consultations for the Darnley Bay Marine Protected Area? Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Question 344-18(2): Darnley Bay Marine Protected Area
Oral Questions

October 18th, 2016

The Speaker

The Speaker Jackson Lafferty

Masi. Minister of Environment and Natural Resources.

Question 344-18(2): Darnley Bay Marine Protected Area
Oral Questions

Robert C. McLeod

Robert C. McLeod Inuvik Twin Lakes

Mr. Speaker, when necessary ENR has been providing information and working collaboratively with our federal counterpart.

Question 344-18(2): Darnley Bay Marine Protected Area
Oral Questions

Herbert Nakimayak

Herbert Nakimayak Nunakput

Recognizing that the GNWT does not have jurisdiction over the offshore, how much influence do we have as a government on recommending areas for protection?

Question 344-18(2): Darnley Bay Marine Protected Area
Oral Questions

Robert C. McLeod

Robert C. McLeod Inuvik Twin Lakes

Mr. Speaker, as far as the protected areas, we do have some influence, I mean, we would work closely with our federal counterparts; work closely with the communities. I understand in this particular situation, the community of Paulatuk are keepers of this particular area, so we will work closely with them. But as the way things are working now we do have a bit more influence than we may have had in the past.

Question 344-18(2): Darnley Bay Marine Protected Area
Oral Questions

Herbert Nakimayak

Herbert Nakimayak Nunakput

Mr. Speaker, recognizing that all ecosystems are connected, would the GNWT be involved in the creation of a management plan for the new protected area designated for Darnley Bay?

Question 344-18(2): Darnley Bay Marine Protected Area
Oral Questions

Robert C. McLeod

Robert C. McLeod Inuvik Twin Lakes

Mr. Speaker, because we would have a vested interest in this particular area, we will work closely, as I said, with our federal counterpart. We will work closely with the community of Paulatuk and then if they determine that it was an area that needs further evaluation then I can see ENR playing a very significant role there because we do, at the end of the day, have to be the caretakers, so it would be to our benefit if we work closely with the federal government and the community of Paulatuk.

Question 344-18(2): Darnley Bay Marine Protected Area
Oral Questions

The Speaker

The Speaker Jackson Lafferty

Masi. Oral questions. Member for Nunakput.

Question 344-18(2): Darnley Bay Marine Protected Area
Oral Questions

Herbert Nakimayak

Herbert Nakimayak Nunakput

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, my final question to the Minister of ENR, is there anything more the GNWT can do to help advance its priority on behalf of the people of Nunakput and the Northwest Territories and urge Canada to keep its commitment to protect ten per cent of marine areas over the next four years? Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Question 344-18(2): Darnley Bay Marine Protected Area
Oral Questions

Robert C. McLeod

Robert C. McLeod Inuvik Twin Lakes

Mr. Speaker, I can work with my federal counterpart and see what they have in the works for this particular area and see what the next steps are, and again, we will work closely with them and the community to see if we can advance the community's wishes.

Question 344-18(2): Darnley Bay Marine Protected Area
Oral Questions

The Speaker

The Speaker Jackson Lafferty

Masi. Oral questions. Member for MacKenzie Delta.

Question 345-18(2): Dempster Highway Widening Project
Oral Questions

Frederick Blake Jr.

Frederick Blake Jr. Mackenzie Delta

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, a follow-up to my Member's statement; I have a couple of questions for the Minister of Transportation. As I mentioned in my statement, most of the work was completed on the widening of the Dempster, so I'd like to ask the Minister: what is the work planned for next season on the Dempster as the widening from the border to the Peel is near completion? Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Question 345-18(2): Dempster Highway Widening Project
Oral Questions

The Speaker

The Speaker Jackson Lafferty

Masi. Minister of Transportation.

Question 345-18(2): Dempster Highway Widening Project
Oral Questions

Wally Schumann

Wally Schumann Hay River South

I want to make a comment on the Member's statement earlier today about the weather and the conditions in the Beau-Del there. I said it's been very challenging for all contractors in the region and I appreciate all the work they've done to get the work done that they did this year. We will be finishing up the border to kilometre 74 to Peel River Crossing this year because that work isn't completed. The section of highway from 60.5 to 61 will be lifted and that work is to be carried out over the next summer, and also in the next season we will be resurfacing the crushed gravel from kilometre 30 to kilometre 74.

Question 345-18(2): Dempster Highway Widening Project
Oral Questions

Frederick Blake Jr.

Frederick Blake Jr. Mackenzie Delta

Mr. Speaker, I know over the last year here, the department has been working to find another possible gravel source to crush for this project here. I'd just like to ask the Minister have they found adequate resources to fulfill the rest of the remaining work?

Question 345-18(2): Dempster Highway Widening Project
Oral Questions

Wally Schumann

Wally Schumann Hay River South

Gravel sources are a very valuable resource and the challenge in the Dempster area has been finding access to gravel. We've continued to work on our lands and Gwich'in lands to try to access this stuff; I believe we have enough gravel probably to finish the work in the next coming season. But we will continue moving forward to try to find pits that are sourceable that can work for resurfacing and reconstruction of the highway, and we need to work with all players in the region moving forward.

Question 345-18(2): Dempster Highway Widening Project
Oral Questions

Frederick Blake Jr.

Frederick Blake Jr. Mackenzie Delta

Mr. Speaker, I know over the summer I received a number of concerns for possibly going on Gwich'in land. So once a source has been identified, will the Minister ensure that the department has a community meeting in Fort McPherson just to give an update to the residents?

Question 345-18(2): Dempster Highway Widening Project
Oral Questions

Wally Schumann

Wally Schumann Hay River South

Once this stuff has been sorted out and no matter where it is, we will send our staff in there to have dialogue with the community.

Question 345-18(2): Dempster Highway Widening Project
Oral Questions

The Speaker

The Speaker Jackson Lafferty

Masi. Oral questions. Member for Yellowknife Centre.

Question 346-18(2): Changes To Income Assistance Regulations
Oral Questions

Julie Green

Julie Green Yellowknife Centre

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, my questions are about income assistance, and in order to avoid the kind of misunderstanding that I had with the Minister yesterday, I just want to start by asking a preliminary question: is the Minister up-to-date with the changes that have taken place in the income assistance regulations? Mahsi.