Merci, Monsieur le President. WHEREAS the proceedings of the Legislative Assembly of the Northwest Territories and all of its standing and special committees are conducted in accordance with the Rules of the Legislative Assembly of the Northwest Territories;
AND WHEREAS the current Rules of the Legislative Assembly of the Northwest Territories were adopted on May 27, 2015;
AND WHEREAS the current Rules of the Legislative Assembly of the Northwest Territories were considered by the Standing Committee on Rules and Procedures, and recommendations for amendments were then referred to the caucus of the 18th Legislative Assembly for further consideration and approval;
AND WHEREAS a copy of the revised and approved Rules of the Legislative Assembly of the Northwest Territories was tabled in the House on August 21, 2019, and identified as Tabled Document 510-18(3);
NOW THEREFORE I MOVE, seconded by the honourable Member for Great Slave, that this Legislative Assembly repeal the Rules of the Legislative Assembly of the Northwest Territories originally adopted on May 27, 2015, and adopt the newest version of the Rules of the Legislative Assembly of the Northwest Territories, identified as Tabled Document 510-18(3);
AND FURTHER, that the new Rules of the Legislative Assembly of the Northwest Territories, upon adoption of this notice, come into effect August 23, 2019. Mahsi, Mr. Speaker.