Thank you very much, Mr. Speaker. I think that's an important one that we follow up on so that if a parent does have an issue that they need assistance with, how the department will be able to support that parent. I know that those first two weeks are an important time for postpartum depression, lactation consultants. There's mental health supports. There's a lot of reasons that a parent would need support in those first two weeks. If someone has had a C-section, quite often you have staples removed. There's multiple different reasons. And so I'm just making sure that parents have solutions once they're home.
My last question -- and I promise to move on in your agenda, thank you, Mr. Speaker -- is I'm wondering if Health and Social Services would be willing to provide birth worker grants even through child and family services so that people who feel that they need consistent care between the Northwest Territories and Alberta have access to dollars to be able to hire a birth worker. Thank you.