Merci, Monsieur le President.
WHEREAS this Legislative Assembly is required to appoint alternate members to the Board of Management in accordance with section 36 of the Legislative Assembly and Executive Council Act;
AND WHEREAS Rule 89 requires that the Assembly appoint a Board of Management in accordance with section 26 of the Legislative Assembly and Executive Council Act;
AND WHEREAS there are currently two vacancies for alternate members of the Board of Management;
NOW THEREFORE I MOVE, seconded by the honourable Member for Hay River North that the following members be appointed as alternate members of the Board of Management: Mr. Rocky Simpson, the member for Hay River South; and, Ms. Caroline Cochrane, the Member for Range Lake.
AND FURTHER that the following members be appointed to the Standing Committee on Government Operations: Mrs. Lesa Semmler, the Member for Inuvik Twin Lakes; Ms. Caitlin Cleveland, the Member for Kam Lake; Mrs. Frieda Martselos, the Member for Thebacha; and Mr. Rylund Johnson, the member for Yellowknife North. Mahsi, Mr. Speaker.