Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
Welcoming Bill 39
The PSE Act creates the structure for Post-Secondary education in the NWT and rules Post-Secondary education institutions to support the growth of the territorial Post-Secondary education system. This legislation will become operative once regulations are in place. Post-Secondary education includes universities, colleges and trade and vocational schools.
Aurora College welcomed Bill 39 as the critical piece in transitioning to a polytechnic university. The College is pleased that the changes proposed in Bill 39 do not impact the relationships as they develop according to the Aurora College Transformation Implementation Plan.
The City of Yellowknife expressed support for the updates to the PSE Act because the changes are considered to result in a more clearly written and well-functioning piece of legislation.
Removing Barriers to the Establishment of Indigenous Institutions
Submissions welcomed removing the additional step for the recognition of an Indigenous institution required in the existing legislation. Amendments to the definitions section and Part 3 of the PSE Act removed the condition that an organization must be recognized as a Post-Secondary institution before it can be recognized as an Indigenous Institution.
Aurora College welcomed the steps to expand the Post-Secondary education system in the NWT, including a new pathway for Indigenous institutions and expressed full support for the relevant changes in Bill 39.
We heard from Aurora College that the organization does not anticipate pursuing recognition as an Indigenous institution under the PSE Act.
The City of Yellowknife supported the removal of barriers to the establishment of Indigenous institutions but felt it could not provide comments because the process will be described in regulations.
Fees and Charges
Submissions welcomed the increase in clarity around fee collection. Aurora College recognized the importance of consistency and clarity around fees and welcomed changes in this area as proposed in Bill 39. The City of Yellowknife supported the amendment of the PSE Act to provide for the collection of fees and charges for quality assurance reviews.
Bill 39 proposes allowing the department to charge fees related to quality assurance processes for Indigenous institutions, universities, degree-granting institutions, colleges, and private training institutions.
The Standing Committee heard the concern that the amendments should be precise on the process for fees and charges. The City of Yellowknife requested an amendment to clarify in all applicable sections that a certain action will be undertaken upon receipt of an application and the prescribed fee.
Post-Secondary Education Advisory Committees
Section 7 amends the power of the Minister to establish Post-Secondary Education Advisory Committees, provides for Ministerial appointments to these Advisory Committees, and section 66(e) allows the Minister to set regulations regarding the members' qualifications and duties of the Advisory Committees.
The quality assurance process under the PSE Act divides the responsibilities for conducting quality assurance reviews between an internal body and an external body. The external quality assurance body will be external to the Government of the Northwest Territories, reviewing all degree programs, universities and any institution that wants to deliver a degree program.
Bill 39 proposes that an internal body conducts reviews of vocational and private training institutions and colleges. This review body would be the Advisory Committee which functions as the internal quality assurance body. The Advisory Committee would include departmental staff and other subject matter experts according to regulations on private vocational training, private training institutions, and the act that establishes the college.
In Canada, educational institutions, including colleges, are generally required to review their programs to assure compliance with standards and quality requirements. Provincial legislation or policy would set these requirements. Quality assurance bodies in the Post-Secondary education sector are often review boards, panels or committees set up by departments to assess the program quality of institutions.
The department informed that it is in negotiations with the Campus Alberta Quality Council to be the external review body for NWT's degree programs and university reviews. It is planned that the Alberta Quality Council conduct the quality assurance review for the NWT polytechnic university in fall 2022.
In their submission, Aurora College has no concerns with the revised approach to assigning a quality assurance body through the Alberta Quality Council for degree-granting programs. The college notes that quality assurance requirements for all institutions are essential to maintaining students' and employers' confidence in the quality of credentials obtained in the NWT.
The City of Yellowknife, in its submission, supports clarification of the role and authority of the Post-Secondary Advisory Committee.
Access to Information and Privacy Protection
The Information and Privacy Commissioner raised questions concerning the Post- Secondary Education Advisory Committees and their relationship to the long-term vision of NWT's Post-Secondary educational institutions and the Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
The Commissioner asked whether Post-Secondary institutions are listed as public bodies under ATIPPA, quality assurance bodies are identified as public bodies subject to the ATIPPA, the Advisory Committees' records are subject to ATIPPA, and the scope of duties of the Post-Secondary Education Advisory Committees is defined.
The Commissioner also asked that it be considered to determine in advance any limitation to rights of access to the records of the Advisory Committees.
Removing Barriers to the Establishment of Indigenous Institutions
The department explained that removing the condition to be recognized first as a post- secondary institution before being recognized as an Indigenous institution aligns the legislation with the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, particularly Articles 13 to 15. The Standing Committee supports the removal of this barrier and understands that this change improves the act, prepares for a Post-Secondary education to have two knowledge streams and supports the Government Mandate by supporting the implementation of the United Nations Declaration
Fees and Charges
The City of Yellowknife requested an amendment to clarify in all applicable sections that a certain action will be undertaken upon receipt of an application and the prescribed fee. The amendment would add the words "and the prescribed application fee" when receipts of applications are issued.
The Standing Committee discussed this technical amendment. While Members understood the intent to clarify that the Minister cannot consider an application until the prescribed application fee has been paid, it's not sure why the requirement would need to be reiterated.
The Standing Committee decided that the preceding subsection 9(1) is sufficient in requiring payment and agreed to not proceed with the proposed amendment.
I would now pass the reading off to my colleague from Hay River South. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.