Thank you, Mr. Speaker. And I hear the Member when it -- you know, we're looking at putting more housing on the ground. And I want to make sure that, you know, I'm clear when we are looking at the housing delivery throughout the Northwest Territories that we are committed to putting those units on the ground.
And I do appreciate the advocation on the other side, providing additional funding to this portfolio for us to enhance our housing delivery as well.
But in this case for the nine-plex in Fort Good Hope, it had come up with a number and several issues once the building was completed. And there are further technical issues as well where we had to get outside contractors to come in as well.
The community has expressed a lot of interest. They have expressed further updates as well. We do have a housing waitlist. I know the impacts of a nine-plex in a smaller community is -- it's really top of the discussion at the ground level, and people are waiting to be moving into these units as well. I do understand the urgency to get this nine-plex up and going and having the transfer of elders into these units as well too. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.