Merci, Monsieur le President. I wish to table the following two documents: The first one, Environment and Climate Change Canada Guidance for Using Climate Pollution Pricing Proceeds; the second one, November 2022 GNWT Mineral Royalties Presentation to Yellowknife Geoscience Forum: "Financial Modeling in Support of Revising the Royalty Regime of Mining in the NWT" by Michael Doggett, Nick Dennahower, and Hendrik Falck. Mahsi, Mr. Speaker.
Kevin O'Reilly on Tabled Document 867-19(2): Environment and Climate Change Canada Guidance for Using Climate Pollution Pricing Proceeds Tabled Document 868-19(2): November 2022 GNWT Mineral Royalties Presentation to Yellowknife Geoscience Forum: “Financial Modeling in Support of Revising the Royalty Regime of Mining in the NWT” by Michael Doggett, Nick Dennahower, Hendrick Falk
In the Legislative Assembly on March 2nd, 2023. See this statement in context.
Tabled Document 867-19(2): Environment and Climate Change Canada Guidance for Using Climate Pollution Pricing Proceeds
Tabled Document 868-19(2): November 2022 GNWT Mineral Royalties Presentation to Yellowknife Geoscience Forum: “Financial Modeling in Support of Revising the Royalty Regime of Mining in the NWT” by Michael Doggett, Nick Dennahower, Hendrick Falk
Tabling Of Documents
March 2nd, 2023
Page 5576
See context to find out what was said next.