Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I am pleased with the Frank Channel Bridge moving forward, which is an important piece of infrastructure for the NWT. We all know that that infrastructure is over 50 years old and liability is great. Our young people from Behchoko and Edzo travel on that bridge every day to attend Chief Jimmy Bruneau school in Edzo, which is over 50 years old as well, and our day care in Behchoko. Therefore, will the Minister of education commit to ask the federal minister of infrastructure commit to billion a new school in Behchoko as soon as possible, maybe within the next fiscal year. Thank you.
Jane Weyallon Armstrong on Question 1501-19(2): Request a New School for Behchoko
In the Legislative Assembly on March 30th, 2023. See this statement in context.
Question 1501-19(2): Request a New School for Behchoko
Oral Questions
March 30th, 2023
Page 6097
See context to find out what was said next.