Thank you, Madam Chair. So all of the project that is under the North Arm Park theme within the Tlicho region, that is part of -- you might recall we have the Tlicho Infrastructure Cooperation Agreement, and so moving this project forward has been subject to that agreement and operating under that agreement has proven -- or has resulted in some delay in terms of being able to establish contracts and to have it procured through that process. I think there's a path forward now, and so the carry over here now should hopefully see more of that money spent this fiscal year. Thank you, Madam Chair.
Debates of May 31st, 2023
This is page numbers 6257 - 6302 of the Hansard for the 19th Assembly, 2nd Session. The original version can be accessed on the Legislative Assembly's website or by contacting the Legislative Assembly Library. The word of the day was know.
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Kevin O'Reilly Frame Lake
Yeah, okay, thanks. That might be good news. I can't count the number of times we've stopped there, sometimes just quick pit stops, but whenever we been there there's people from the community using that spot, especially in the summer. So whatever you guys can do to get this work done would be great because it's heavily used by the community and by, you know, folks that drive by as well. Thanks, Madam Chair.
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Caroline Wawzonek Yellowknife South
Thank you, Madam Chair. Madam Chair, I don't disagree. And so I actually have made a note just to follow up on where this will be proceeding. I mean, and the TICA is certainly very -- I think hopefully fairly progressive approach to procurement but it's also a fairly new one, and so you know, whether we're going to use that process or another, we at some point do not want to see any further delays on this. Thank you.
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The Chair Lesa Semmler
Thank you. Any further questions, Member for Frame Lake?
Supplementary Estimates (Infrastructure Expenditures), No. 2, 2023-2024, Department of Industry, Tourism and Investment, capital investment expenditures, tourism and parks, not previously authorized, $2,829,000. Does committee agree?
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The Chair Lesa Semmler
Supplementary Estimates (Infrastructure Expenditures), No. 2, 2023-2024, Department of Industry, Tourism and Investment, capital investment expenditures, total department, not previously authorized, $5,784,000. Does committee agree?
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The Chair Lesa Semmler
Please turn to page 17. Supplementary Estimates (Infrastructure Expenditures), No. 2, 2023-2024, Department of Infrastructure, capital investment expenditures, asset management, not previously authorized, $14,047,000. Does committee agree? Member for Great Slave.
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Katrina Nokleby Great Slave
Thank you, Madam Chair. I'm just noting that while that's an overall of 14, it's actually we have $23 million coming and $9 million of a reduction there. So I just wanted to ask a little bit about the Frank Channel Bridge reduction of $9.6 million. I understand that is to do with delays in the project; however, can the Minister give us some update on where that project's at and when are we going to see things start? Thank you.
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Caroline Wawzonek Yellowknife South
Thank you, Madam Chair. So this is one where this is -- it's termed as a re-cash flowing of the project. So the project is still moving forward. It did see some delays, but that money is moving into future years, and we are anticipating there's going to be spend in 2022-2023 so starting -- but starting this summer -- I'm sorry, yeah. Thank you, Madam Chair.
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Katrina Nokleby Great Slave
Thank you, Madam Chair. And it's my understanding that this project will also be subject to the Tlicho Agreement that the Minister was referring to earlier in the tourism section. And I'm just curious to know, given that that has delayed other projects in the past, what's being done to ensure that the Frank Channel doesn't have that same issue given -- at the Frank Channel Bridge given that it is such a critical piece of infrastructure to our region and to the territory as a whole?
Also, I note that it is my understanding that most of the projects that are being done under this agreement are coming in at great higher -- a greater price tag than other projects done in other communities that are equivalent or even actually more remote. Thank you.
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Caroline Wawzonek Yellowknife South
Thank you, Madam Chair. And, Madam Chair, I was thinking, just to be clear, earlier the spending is happening this summer, which is the 2023-2024 spend, and it is expected at this point that that will be a sufficient amount to move us to a point with regulatory permitting, engagement, design, etcetera, will be done this summer.
Madam Chair, you know, with respect to the Infrastructure Cooperation Agreement, numbers do -- at times may come in higher but that is anticipated and that is certainly with respect to procurement, often said and often argued, that some additional costs reflective of the fact that the costs for contractors in the North are higher is appropriate. Obviously there's a limit to how much we can allow public dollars to spend in a higher amount. So what the Infrastructure Cooperation Agreement tries to do in terms of striking that balance while allowing and expecting some -- because, again, as I said knowing that there will be some additional cost here but then keeping those dollars in the North has a benefit. But we don't have to go through procurement -- we're not -- the GNWT's not bound to procure directly if there's an inability to reach agreement on the contracting dollars. There is a pathway out at which point then a different provision of the agreement kicks in and what we would do is ensure that any public procurement process includes within it a requirement for local labour. So I cannot say whether or not we're going to find ourselves -- in which version of the ICA we'll find ourselves in here. I don't have that information here, but I do want to assure the public that there is that balance in terms of northern dollars versus ensuring appropriate value for public dollars. Thank you, Madam Chair.
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Katrina Nokleby Great Slave
Thank you, Madam Chair. And in fact, I have said that before in this House, I'm pretty sure too, and I do agree, that it is cost to doing business that is higher in the North. And I've said it to my colleague beside me that isn't here today that I would rather see us overpay Indigenous groups to do work than to be overpaying southerners that are coming in and that money is leaving.
My next question has to do with -- and, again, a little bit -- like, maybe not -- sort of more what's missing maybe from this list. Given my statement earlier about the flooding issues in the North, you know, my concern is the Dempster Highway and I note that it's not here as a particular line item, and I get that this is just carryovers from, you know, stuff that hasn't been spent. However, can the Minister speak to whether or not we believe we'll have to come back for more supplementary estimates given that the Dempster Highway is becoming much more fragile and there is potential that we are just at the start of our season and things could be happening later in the season that might cause more repair work to be needed. Thank you.
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Caroline Wawzonek Yellowknife South
Thank you, Madam Chair. Madam Chair, obviously, you know, I appreciate the comments with respect to the Dempster. I know other colleagues raised roads and that in the Beaufort Delta region as well, and I'm live to the fact that I know the three premiers from the northern territories also raised concerns around ensuring viability of the Dempster going forward. So, you know, wanting to assure the public that there's an awareness of the need to maintain that roadway. That said, Madam Chair, with respect to this list, obviously it is not on this list because it's not one of the projects that was needing a carry over or that is seeing a new project coming in as supplementary appropriation. We are heading into the more formal capital planning stage with the -- you know, infrastructure acquisition plan being put together and shared with committee and then followed closely on that would be the capital plan that we see here in August. So that is an ideal opportunity to look at whether or not there is need and whether or not it needs to be advanced at that time. Thank you.
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Katrina Nokleby Great Slave
Thank you, Madam Chair. I'm looking at the -- actually the community access road improvement, the regional, there's a million dollars being carried over there. I do understand that that one is hard to always budget for because of, you know, if a community doesn't follow through on what they had proposed it may not get spent. Is that million dollars earmarked already for projects, so is it being carried over to a specific community project, or will it be put back into the fund for application again? And I guess I'm just wondering where does that million end up going. Thank you.
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Caroline Wawzonek Yellowknife South
Thank you, Madam Chair. I -- Madam Chair, I understand that -- that there -- sorry, Madam Chair. I understand that this one does combine with other areas, but this million dollars simply wasn't enough to enter into a contract for individual projects. There are -- there is roadwork that's underway already, but this is one particular -- this amount of funding was simply -- you know, wasn't being utilized, so. And that's why we're looking to carry it other so that it is still available given the obviously ongoing need. Thank you, Madam Chair.