Mr. Speaker, the cost of delivering health and social services is increasing faster than our resources can handle, at a time when our government is also facing additional costs related to climate change and inflationary pressures. This is why the delivery of sustainable health and social services is an important part of this government's mandate and the priorities of the 20th Legislative Assembly.
Through the mandate letter I provided to the Minister of Health and Social Services, we are addressing several initiatives that aim to deliver a more sustainable health and social services system. The initiatives are complex and multifaceted, and not something the Department of Health and Social Services or the health and social services authorities should undertake alone. Consequently, on July 15th the health care system sustainability unit was created within the Department of Executive and Indigenous Affairs.
The focus of this unit is to provide a deeper understanding of which health and social services programs and services should be core to the NWT, analyze how these programs and services can be delivered more efficiently, and determine how these programs and services should be funded within our limited fiscal framework. The goal is to achieve all this while still working to provide our residents the highest quality of care. This work will require careful coordination with the Department of Health and Social Services, as well as our three health authorities. It will also require analysis of a lot of information, including information gained from reviews that have already taken place, and engaging with those who are contributing most to our system - frontline workers and operational staff.
Previous reviews of the health and social services system were foundational in guiding operational changes based on our current service delivery, but they did not examine whether these services are fundamental to what our health system should provide.
If we expect a transformative change to happen, Mr. Speaker, we need to define and prioritize what programs and services are core to the Northwest Territories by using evaluative data, including our current population and demographics, legal and policy frameworks, and technological advancements. We are no longer able to keep expanding our health and social services to meet our growing needs; instead, we need to transform the way we provide health care and social services in a fiscally sustainable manner.
Moving forward with this initiative will better position us to actively respond to these challenges in real time and consider recommendations that can be implemented more quickly than others. We will engage the people who will be affected by change in the work of understanding challenges and identifying solutions and ensure our work is informed by northern expertise and lived experience, as well as wise and emerging practices within the sector. This will assure our unique fiscal, political, and legal factors are considered in any changes.
The work will be challenging. I am committed to working closely with the Minister of Health and Social Services and look forward to providing progress reports to Members of this House on a regular basis as we engage on this initiative for the benefit of all residents of the Northwest Territories. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.