This is page numbers 981 - 1020 of the Hansard for the 20th Assembly, 1st Session. The original version can be accessed on the Legislative Assembly's website or by contacting the Legislative Assembly Library. The word of the day was housing.


Member's Statement 291-20(1): Laura Gareau Retirement
Members' Statements

Page 983

Shane Thompson

Shane Thompson Nahendeh

Colleagues, on April 19, 2024, Laura Gareau retired from the GNWT. Unfortunately, I was not able to congratulate her in person. I heard it was a very enjoyable event and a few laughs were had.

Colleagues, Laura's public service career started with the Government of Manitoba, right after she graduated from University of Manitoba with a Master's of Public Administration. After a period with the Government of Manitoba, she decided to take an adventure and moved to the Northwest Territories. It was not going to be a permanent move but like most folks that move up North, she fell in love with the city, her new friends, and working for the Government of Northwest Territories.

I am happy to say that she had a varied and successful 25-year career with the GNWT. Laura started as an FMB analyst going on to work in seven different departments and eventually become deputy minister of Municipal and Community Affairs. In all those roles, Laura had modelled the characteristics of a true public servant through her commitment to improving the lives of NWT residents and activities of our communities while balancing those objectives that need to be accountable to the public. She has reminded us of the importance of speaking truth to power, as well as the role of public servants to implement the mandate and priorities of the government that we all serve.

During our time working together, we were able to get done a lot done in two and a half years. Just to name a few, the EMO, DFAA, completing the municipal funding pots in the 19th Assembly even though it was set for the 20th. Oh, and how I forgot - the two years of floods and last year's wildfires season when we had to evacuate 11 communities which was over 70 percent of our residents.

As I said, we had a few laughs which I would like to share one with you here today. After the 2021 flood, the DM and Laura spent weeks trying to come up with a plan on how they were going to convince me to move five regional Sport North positions to EMO positions. They even spoke to my MSA to see how I would react to this idea. I still remember how they both looked after presenting the idea to me, and I agreed with them. It was like the Ikea commercial, remember when the wife comes running out of the store telling her husband to start the car before the Ikea could change their mind about the stuff they sold her.

Colleagues, before I close, I have part of the speech done by the ADM at her retirement party that I would like demeaned read and printed in the Hansard.

In closing, I would like to thank her for all her service and improvements for our residents' life. I wish her all the best on her next adventures. Thank you.

(Deemed Read)

Laura is also known for her commitment to excellence. Over her long career, Laura has been recognized as a high achiever who likes to "get things done". She sets high expectations for her team, but also for herself. Laura brings a strong policy lens and exemplary critical thinking and analytical skills, as well as a commitment to improving processes and striving for excellence to every project she has worked on.

She spearheaded several major policy and functional changes in the GNWT, including the "New Deal", the transformation of the health and social services system, including the establishment of the NWT Health and Social Services Authority and oversight of the evaluation report of the Education Renewal and Innovation Initiative. More recently, at MACA she also undertook the first comprehensive review of the Disaster Assistance Program in 26 years and updated both the Disaster Assistance Policy and the NWT Emergency Plan, which will be released publicly on Monday.

Laura's time at MACA has been marked by three consecutive years of the most challenging natural disaster events in the NWT's history. Through all of this, Laura really has kept a steady hand on the helm and never wavered from her commitment to achieving the best results possible. Few know how hard she has worked to support the GNWT, community governments, and all of the residents of the NWT to get through these emergency events.

Finally, I think we all know that Laura is committed to enjoying life and we have all benefitted from the good humour she brought to our everyday working life over the past few years. Laura has an infectious laugh and can see the funny side of most situations. Even at the bleakest of times, she has made us laugh. Her sense of humour has helped set the tone and got all of us collectively through some really tough times, especially over the past year.
On a personal note, I have to say how much I have enjoyed working so closely with you these past few years.

I have learned so much from you and really appreciated all of your insight, advice and support. We accomplished a lot but, most of all, we had a lot of fun. Thank you for everything and I wish you many happy years of adventures and personal fulfillment. Enjoy your retirement.

Members' statements. Recognition of visitors in the gallery.

Recognition Of Visitors In The Gallery
Recognition Of Visitors In The Gallery

Page 984

The Speaker

The Speaker Shane Thompson

Colleagues, before we go to you, I'd like to recognize a special young lady in the audience, Colleen Wellborn. Thank you very much for coming here and keeping track of your husband. You know, he's well behaved today because you're here. So thank you. Member for Range Lake.

Recognition Of Visitors In The Gallery
Recognition Of Visitors In The Gallery

Page 984

Kieron Testart

Kieron Testart Range Lake

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I'd like to recognize a constituent of mine, who also happens to be my lovely wife, the love of my life, Colleen. She's here today, and whilst I have been here working on behalf of all of our neighbours she's been holding down the fort at home, and I couldn't do it without her. Thank you so much for being here.

Recognition Of Visitors In The Gallery
Recognition Of Visitors In The Gallery

Page 984

The Speaker

The Speaker Shane Thompson

Visitors in the gallery. Member from Thebacha.

Recognition Of Visitors In The Gallery
Recognition Of Visitors In The Gallery

Page 984

Jay MacDonald

Jay MacDonald Thebacha

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I'd like to recognize two young people from P.W. Kaeser High School who are here as pages today - Anthony Roberts and Shane Subertuk. Thank you for being here, and we appreciate your service.

Recognition Of Visitors In The Gallery
Recognition Of Visitors In The Gallery

Page 984

The Speaker

The Speaker Shane Thompson

Thank you, Member for Thebacha. Recognition of visitors in the gallery. Member from Yellowknife North.

Recognition Of Visitors In The Gallery
Recognition Of Visitors In The Gallery

Page 984

Shauna Morgan

Shauna Morgan Yellowknife North

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I'd like to recognize -- I can't see him but Tony Brushett, the executive director of the Salvation Army, who is a Yellowknife North resident as well as the Salvation Army itself being within my riding. Thank you.

Recognition Of Visitors In The Gallery
Recognition Of Visitors In The Gallery

Page 984

The Speaker

The Speaker Shane Thompson

Thank you, Member from Yellowknife North. Recognition of visitors in the gallery. Member from Yellowknife Centre.

Recognition Of Visitors In The Gallery
Recognition Of Visitors In The Gallery

Page 984

Robert Hawkins

Robert Hawkins Yellowknife Centre

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I'd like to recognize a constituent. She's well known to all of us. It's Ms. Sarah Cleary. She's not only one of our wonderful and dependable translators who's served the House for so many years, she's also known as the sewer extraordinaire. So anyway, thank you, Mr. Speaker, for the opportunity to wish her well. Thank you.

Recognition Of Visitors In The Gallery
Recognition Of Visitors In The Gallery

Page 984

The Speaker

The Speaker Shane Thompson

Thank you, Member from Yellowknife Centre. Recognition of visitors in the gallery.

If we missed anybody, we'd like to thank you very much for being here in your House and allowing us to do our job for the residents of the Northwest Territories.

Reports on committees on the review of bills. Reports of standing and special committees. Member from Range Lake.

Committee Report 7-20(1): Standing Committee on Public Accounts Report on the Review of the 2022-2023 Public Accounts
Reports Of Standing And Special Committees

June 11th, 2024

Page 984

Kieron Testart

Kieron Testart Range Lake

Mr. Speaker, your Standing Committee on Public Accounts is pleased to provide its Report on the Review of the 2022-2023 Public Accounts.

Mr. Speaker, I move, seconded by the Member for Nunakput, that Committee Report 7-20(1), Standing Committee on Public Accounts Report on the Review of the 2022-2023 Public Accounts, be deemed read and presented in Hansard in its entirety. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Committee Report 7-20(1): Standing Committee on Public Accounts Report on the Review of the 2022-2023 Public Accounts
Reports Of Standing And Special Committees

Page 984

The Speaker

The Speaker Shane Thompson

Thank you, Member from Range Lake. The motion is in order. To the motion.

Committee Report 7-20(1): Standing Committee on Public Accounts Report on the Review of the 2022-2023 Public Accounts
Reports Of Standing And Special Committees

Page 984

Some Hon. Members


Committee Report 7-20(1): Standing Committee on Public Accounts Report on the Review of the 2022-2023 Public Accounts
Reports Of Standing And Special Committees

Page 984

The Speaker

The Speaker Shane Thompson

Question has been called. All those in favour? Opposed? Abstentions? The motion is passed.


Committee Report 7-20(1): Standing Committee on Public Accounts Report on the Review of the 2022-2023 Public Accounts
Reports Of Standing And Special Committees

Page 984

Committee Report 7-20(1): Standing Committee on Public Accounts Report on the Review of the 2022-2023 Public Accounts
Reports Of Standing And Special Committees

Page 984

Kieron Testart

Kieron Testart Range Lake

Mr. Speaker, I move, seconded by the Member from Nunakput, that Committee Report 7-20(1), Standing Committee on Public Accounts Report on the Review of the 2022-2023 Public Accounts, be received and adopted by the Assembly. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Committee Report 7-20(1): Standing Committee on Public Accounts Report on the Review of the 2022-2023 Public Accounts
Reports Of Standing And Special Committees

Page 984

The Speaker

The Speaker Shane Thompson

Thank you, Member from Range Lake. The motion's in order. To the motion.

Committee Report 7-20(1): Standing Committee on Public Accounts Report on the Review of the 2022-2023 Public Accounts
Reports Of Standing And Special Committees

Page 984

Some Hon. Members


Committee Report 7-20(1): Standing Committee on Public Accounts Report on the Review of the 2022-2023 Public Accounts
Reports Of Standing And Special Committees

Page 984

The Speaker

The Speaker Shane Thompson

Question has been called. All those in favour? Opposed? Abstentions? The motion passed.


Member from Range Lake.

Committee Report 7-20(1): Standing Committee on Public Accounts Report on the Review of the 2022-2023 Public Accounts
Reports Of Standing And Special Committees

Page 985

Kieron Testart

Kieron Testart Range Lake

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I move, seconded by the honourable Member for Nunakput, that pursuant to Rule 9.1(5)(a), the Government of the Northwest Territories table a comprehensive response to this report, including all recommendations, within 120 days, or at the earliest opportunity subsequent to the passage of 120 days.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Committee Report 7-20(1): Standing Committee on Public Accounts Report on the Review of the 2022-2023 Public Accounts
Reports Of Standing And Special Committees

Page 985

The Speaker

The Speaker Shane Thompson

Thank you, Member from Range Lake. The motion's in order. To the motion.

Committee Report 7-20(1): Standing Committee on Public Accounts Report on the Review of the 2022-2023 Public Accounts
Reports Of Standing And Special Committees

Page 985

Some Hon. Members


Committee Report 7-20(1): Standing Committee on Public Accounts Report on the Review of the 2022-2023 Public Accounts
Reports Of Standing And Special Committees

Page 985

The Speaker

The Speaker Shane Thompson

Question has been called. All those in favour? Opposed? Abstentions? The motion is passed.


Reports of standing and special committees. Member from Yellowknife Centre.

Committee Report 8-20(1): Standing Committee on Economic Development and Environment Report on Committee's Initiation of a Project to Conduct a Review of the Land and Water Permitting Regulatory Framework
Reports Of Standing And Special Committees

Page 985

Robert Hawkins

Robert Hawkins Yellowknife Centre

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. The Standing Committee on Economic Development and Environment is pleased to provide its Report on Committee's Initiatives of a Project to Conduct a Review of the Land and Water Use Permitting Regulatory Framework and commends it to the House.


Mr. Speaker, the Standing Committee on Economic Development and Environment committee (the "committee") would like to inform the 20th Legislative Assembly that committee is in the early stages of conducting a review of the regulatory framework for land and water use permitting under the Mackenzie Valley Resources Management Act, and its operational effectiveness. The MVRMA provides the overarching framework for a robust regulatory regime and committee would like to evaluate the underlying process and requirements, and their interpretation by all parties, to ensure the spirit and the intent of the MVRMA is being met, and to assess the GNWT's role in the system.

Committee's review intends to build on the work already done by subject matter experts across the land and water boards, Indigenous governments, and the Government of the Northwest Territories, the Government of Canada, and other stakeholders who interact with the land and water use permitting process.

Committee has particular interest in examining how the GNWT can provide further supports, make changes where needed and appropriate, and consider ways to enhance the capacity of parties to meaningfully participate in the land and water use permitting process. It is committee's intent to prepare a report on the findings which will describe committee's observations and recommend targeted actions and interventions the GNWT should consider for improving the administration, efficiency, and effectiveness of the regulatory framework.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Committee Report 8-20(1): Standing Committee on Economic Development and Environment Report on Committee's Initiation of a Project to Conduct a Review of the Land and Water Permitting Regulatory Framework
Reports Of Standing And Special Committees

Page 985

The Speaker

The Speaker Shane Thompson

Thank you, Member from Yellowknife Centre.