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This is from the 20th Assembly, 1st Session. The original version can be accessed on the Legislative Assembly's website or by contacting the Legislative Assembly Library. The word of the day was housing.


Committee Motion 31-20(1): Tabled Document 93-20(1): 2024-2025 Main Estimates - Industry, Tourism and Investment - Deferral of Department of Industry, Tourism and Investment, Carried
Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters

The Chair

The Chair Richard Edjericon

Thank you. Is there any further questions from the Members on this page item? Seeing none, no further questions. I'll remind the committee that the estimates for Housing Northwest Territories are included as an information item only. The committee will not be voting on the activity total.

Moving on to the homelessness program starting on page 385, with information items on page 387. Are there any questions? Seeing no further questions. We will now be voting -- oh sorry, I didn't see you. The Member from Frame Lake.

Committee Motion 31-20(1): Tabled Document 93-20(1): 2024-2025 Main Estimates - Industry, Tourism and Investment - Deferral of Department of Industry, Tourism and Investment, Carried
Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters

Julian Morse

Julian Morse Frame Lake

Thank you, Mr. Chair. You're moving so quickly here, I think there's probably a few of us that have some questions on these but you're just getting ahead of us there. Though I do appreciate you running a tight ship.

On the Housing First programming, when I was serving on the Yellowknife Housing Authority previous to taking on this role, we were hearing a lot of concerns from folks in public housing who were sharing space with Housing First program, that the kind of mixed use of the building was causing a lot of problems for people, you know, people who are trying to raise young children in the same building where people are experiencing pretty severe addictions issues and the kind of fallout from that. And I was just wondering if the Minister is -- whether the department is live to this issue, has a plan to address it, or has any comments on kind of ensuring that the Housing First program is implemented in such a way that it can best be set up to succeed? Thank you.

Committee Motion 31-20(1): Tabled Document 93-20(1): 2024-2025 Main Estimates - Industry, Tourism and Investment - Deferral of Department of Industry, Tourism and Investment, Carried
Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters

The Chair

The Chair Richard Edjericon

Thank you. I'm going to go to the Minister.

Committee Motion 31-20(1): Tabled Document 93-20(1): 2024-2025 Main Estimates - Industry, Tourism and Investment - Deferral of Department of Industry, Tourism and Investment, Carried
Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters

Lucy Kuptana

Lucy Kuptana Nunakput

Thank you, Mr. Chair. I understand, and I've heard of the many concerns around the Housing First program and the implementation of the program within the city of Yellowknife. Perhaps I can allow the president of Housing NWT to talk more about the Housing First program. Thank you, Mr. Chair.

Committee Motion 31-20(1): Tabled Document 93-20(1): 2024-2025 Main Estimates - Industry, Tourism and Investment - Deferral of Department of Industry, Tourism and Investment, Carried
Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters

The Chair

The Chair Richard Edjericon

Thank you. I'll go to the president.

Committee Motion 31-20(1): Tabled Document 93-20(1): 2024-2025 Main Estimates - Industry, Tourism and Investment - Deferral of Department of Industry, Tourism and Investment, Carried
Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters

Eleanor Young

Thank you, Mr. Chair. And, yes, to confirm, the Housing NWT is live to the concern and has had meetings with the deliverers of the Housing First program and is looking to see if we cannot find funding solutions to allow them to have their own space for the delivery of their programs and also to be able to expand their programs, and that's the desire of those delivering the program to be able to do so. And it would make more sense to be able to have adequate and appropriate space for them, so we will work with them with that goal in mind. Thank you, Mr. Chair.

Committee Motion 31-20(1): Tabled Document 93-20(1): 2024-2025 Main Estimates - Industry, Tourism and Investment - Deferral of Department of Industry, Tourism and Investment, Carried
Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters

The Chair

The Chair Richard Edjericon

Thank you. I'm going to go to the Member for Frame Lake.

Committee Motion 31-20(1): Tabled Document 93-20(1): 2024-2025 Main Estimates - Industry, Tourism and Investment - Deferral of Department of Industry, Tourism and Investment, Carried
Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters

Julian Morse

Julian Morse Frame Lake

Thank you, Mr. Chair. One thing I do want to note on this page is just I am very happy to see that we didn't make any cuts that I can see to these homelessness programs. That's absolutely what I want to see, and I was quite pleased to see that there's been a fairly significant increase to the Northern Pathways to Housing program. Can the Minister just speak to what those funding increases are going to be utilized for.

Committee Motion 31-20(1): Tabled Document 93-20(1): 2024-2025 Main Estimates - Industry, Tourism and Investment - Deferral of Department of Industry, Tourism and Investment, Carried
Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters

The Chair

The Chair Richard Edjericon

Thank you. I'm going to go to the Minister.

Committee Motion 31-20(1): Tabled Document 93-20(1): 2024-2025 Main Estimates - Industry, Tourism and Investment - Deferral of Department of Industry, Tourism and Investment, Carried
Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters

Lucy Kuptana

Lucy Kuptana Nunakput

Thank you, Mr. Chair. Mr. Chair, if I can have President Eleanor Young speak on the Northern Pathways for Housing program. Thank you, Mr. Chair.

Committee Motion 31-20(1): Tabled Document 93-20(1): 2024-2025 Main Estimates - Industry, Tourism and Investment - Deferral of Department of Industry, Tourism and Investment, Carried
Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters

The Chair

The Chair Richard Edjericon

Thank you. I'll go to the president.

Committee Motion 31-20(1): Tabled Document 93-20(1): 2024-2025 Main Estimates - Industry, Tourism and Investment - Deferral of Department of Industry, Tourism and Investment, Carried
Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters

Eleanor Young

Thank you, Mr. Chair. In her opening comments, the Minister spoke to some additional funding we've received through the Gender-Based Violence program, and so that is where this funding is being targeted to, to be able to expand this area of our programming with that funding. Thank you, Mr. Chair.

Committee Motion 31-20(1): Tabled Document 93-20(1): 2024-2025 Main Estimates - Industry, Tourism and Investment - Deferral of Department of Industry, Tourism and Investment, Carried
Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters

The Chair

The Chair Richard Edjericon

Thank you. I'm going to go to the Member from Frame Lake.

Committee Motion 31-20(1): Tabled Document 93-20(1): 2024-2025 Main Estimates - Industry, Tourism and Investment - Deferral of Department of Industry, Tourism and Investment, Carried
Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters

Julian Morse

Julian Morse Frame Lake

Thank you, Mr. Chair. And the Minister and her staff are making me quite the happy Member this afternoon. I'm very happy to see these increases to funding, very happy to hear answers about fast tracking our needs assessments. I think this is great to see. So appreciate the work they're doing on this. Of course, I'll always support more funding towards these programs. I would happily support supps coming in from the Minister when they receive more funding for programs like this because they are really crucial to getting people into housing in our communities. So thank you very much. Those are my comments on this page for now.

Committee Motion 31-20(1): Tabled Document 93-20(1): 2024-2025 Main Estimates - Industry, Tourism and Investment - Deferral of Department of Industry, Tourism and Investment, Carried
Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters

The Chair

The Chair Richard Edjericon

Thank you. I'm going to go to the Member from Great Slave.

Committee Motion 31-20(1): Tabled Document 93-20(1): 2024-2025 Main Estimates - Industry, Tourism and Investment - Deferral of Department of Industry, Tourism and Investment, Carried
Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters

Kate Reid

Kate Reid Great Slave

Thank you, Mr. Chair. I have one question. It might require follow-up questions for the Minister.

I'm just noting here on the operations expenditure summary for emergency shelters, so the main estimates for 2024-2025 and 2023-2024 are the same; however, the actuals for the 2023-2024 and the 2022-2023-year are much higher. It is my assumption that the estimates and the actuals are different because of the cost to run the overnight shelters in Yellowknife; is that correct, Mr. Chair? Thank you.

Committee Motion 31-20(1): Tabled Document 93-20(1): 2024-2025 Main Estimates - Industry, Tourism and Investment - Deferral of Department of Industry, Tourism and Investment, Carried
Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters

The Chair

The Chair Richard Edjericon

Thank you. I'm going to go to the Minister.

Committee Motion 31-20(1): Tabled Document 93-20(1): 2024-2025 Main Estimates - Industry, Tourism and Investment - Deferral of Department of Industry, Tourism and Investment, Carried
Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters

Lucy Kuptana

Lucy Kuptana Nunakput

Thank you, Mr. Chair. The cost differential in the revised estimates with the main estimates for 2024-2025 are related to the Inuvik shelter, and the Inuvik homeless shelter and warming shelter are internally resourced by Housing NWT. Thank you, Mr. Chair.

Committee Motion 31-20(1): Tabled Document 93-20(1): 2024-2025 Main Estimates - Industry, Tourism and Investment - Deferral of Department of Industry, Tourism and Investment, Carried
Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters

The Chair

The Chair Richard Edjericon

Thank you. I'm going to go to the Member from Great Slave.

Committee Motion 31-20(1): Tabled Document 93-20(1): 2024-2025 Main Estimates - Industry, Tourism and Investment - Deferral of Department of Industry, Tourism and Investment, Carried
Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters

Kate Reid

Kate Reid Great Slave

Okay, thank you. I guess I'm mixing up health and social services and housing, I apologize. So I guess a follow-up question to that would be if we know the cost difference is basically an extra $2 million every year over year, why are we budgeting less? Thank you, Mr. Chair.

Committee Motion 31-20(1): Tabled Document 93-20(1): 2024-2025 Main Estimates - Industry, Tourism and Investment - Deferral of Department of Industry, Tourism and Investment, Carried
Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters

The Chair

The Chair Richard Edjericon

Thank you. I'll go to the Minister.

Committee Motion 31-20(1): Tabled Document 93-20(1): 2024-2025 Main Estimates - Industry, Tourism and Investment - Deferral of Department of Industry, Tourism and Investment, Carried
Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters

Lucy Kuptana

Lucy Kuptana Nunakput

Thank you, Mr. Chair. The information I've received is that we have expanded our shelter network throughout the Northwest Territories, and we're working to gain more funding for the homeless shelters. Thank you, Mr. Chair.

Committee Motion 31-20(1): Tabled Document 93-20(1): 2024-2025 Main Estimates - Industry, Tourism and Investment - Deferral of Department of Industry, Tourism and Investment, Carried
Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters

The Chair

The Chair Richard Edjericon

Thank you. I'm going to go to the Member from Great Slave.

Committee Motion 31-20(1): Tabled Document 93-20(1): 2024-2025 Main Estimates - Industry, Tourism and Investment - Deferral of Department of Industry, Tourism and Investment, Carried
Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters

Kate Reid

Kate Reid Great Slave

Thank you, Mr. Chair. Is there any timeline associated with that funding that they're seeking? Thank you, Mr. Chair.

Committee Motion 31-20(1): Tabled Document 93-20(1): 2024-2025 Main Estimates - Industry, Tourism and Investment - Deferral of Department of Industry, Tourism and Investment, Carried
Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters

The Chair

The Chair Richard Edjericon

Thank you. I'm going to go to the Minister.