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In the Legislative Assembly


Historical Information Jake Ootes is no longer a member of the Legislative Assembly.

Last in the Legislative Assembly November 2003, as MLA for Yellowknife Centre

Won his last election, in 1999, with 61% of the vote.

Statements in the House

Bill 11: Appropriation Act, 1996-97 May 5th, 1996

Are they extensive? Can I refer to them quickly?

Bill 11: Appropriation Act, 1996-97 May 5th, 1996

During the overall review of the budget, I noted that the Department of Education, Culture and Employment had an area of forced growth of $17 million and then new initiatives of $8.7 million. I was concerned with new initiatives and forced growth because of the budget predicament. At the time, I had asked if we could get some explanation of what that is and I wonder if the Minister might be able to answer that for me.

Question 167-13(3): Cabinet Committee On Nunavut May 5th, 1996

I wonder if the Premier could tell us -- I can't remember what you called the name of the committee of public servants that is working on this -- if there is a process by which reports are being issued. I know we have been briefed in Caucus and our committees as we have gone through our departmental reviews, but I am curious as to whether reports are being prepared specifically identifying incremental costs and implications,

Question 167-13(3): Cabinet Committee On Nunavut May 5th, 1996

Is there a planning process? In that regard, I wonder if documents and reports are being prepared that this House could receive, so we would also know what the projected costs might be.

Question 167-13(3): Cabinet Committee On Nunavut May 5th, 1996

Do we have a resource committee made up of the public service that does investigative work to tell us how much it is going to cost incrementally in 1999? Is that in existence?

Question 167-13(3): Cabinet Committee On Nunavut May 5th, 1996

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I would like to go back to the subject of Nunavut funding. I think it is an interesting note for us to take into consideration that the federal government cut this government by $150 million in funding. Then they announced that they are going to give us $150 million, which is really $120 million, to set up Nunavut. That should be remembered by Members. I have a question with regard to that to the Premier. Do we have a Cabinet committee that is looking at and coordinating the Nunavut set-up?

Question 157-13(3): Communities' Spending Limit For Forest Fire Management May 5th, 1996

I wonder if the Minister could tell us how long the contract on the CANSOs that have been contracted to do this work is.

Question 157-13(3): Communities' Spending Limit For Forest Fire Management May 5th, 1996

Mr. Speaker, I am also aware that three CANSOs are to be under contract for the firefighting season. I wonder if the Minister could tell me where those CANSOs will be based.

Question 157-13(3): Communities' Spending Limit For Forest Fire Management May 5th, 1996

Could the Minister tell me, if the communities do not wish to participate in this, what are the alternatives for the communities?

Question 157-13(3): Communities' Spending Limit For Forest Fire Management May 5th, 1996

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. My question is in relation to the upcoming forest fire season and will be addressed to the Minister of Renewable Resources. I understand that Renewable Resources is in the process of developing guidelines to give communities increased authority to make decisions on fire management and control this summer.

I also understand that there is a predetermined spending limit to conduct an initial attack using local resources and that the Minister has advised community leaders of this initiative if they wish to participate. How much will this spending limit be?