Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, my question is directed to the Minister of the Department of Public Works and it relates to the Eastern Arctic resupply proposal request. Mr. Speaker, yesterday in the House I indicated that the residents of Kivallivik had a great deal of concern and fear that the awarding of this tender and any other related tenders may have a negative impact on their cost of living. Mr. Speaker, at this point, I am seeking assurances from the Minister that the cost of living will not increase in any form or fashion by the awarding of this contract or any other contract that is directly or indirectly related to this particular proposal. At this point, Mr. Speaker, that is my request and my question to the honourable Minister. Thank you.
Kevin O'Brien
Last in the Legislative Assembly March 1999, as MLA for Kivallivik
Won his last election, in 1995, with 54% of the vote.
Statements in the House
Question 8-13(1): Cost Impact Of Eastern Arctic Resupply Proposal December 13th, 1995
Kivallivik Historical Sites December 13th, 1995
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. My statement today is regarding the two new sites that were designated by the federal Minister of Heritage. These historical sites are located in Arviat and Baker Lake. Just to give you some background on these two sites, Century Island and the Fall Caribou Crossing on the Kassan River were designated nationally significant to Canadian history by the Minister of Canadian Heritage in August 1995. This designation follows four years' of consultations with the communities of Arviat and Baker Lake. The hamlet councils and various groups in Baker Lake and Arviat were also consulted in October 1995 and planning committees were recommended for both communities. The first meeting was held in Arviat on November 15, 1995. The training committee will meet once a month until the plan is completed.
Century Island is located approximately .5 kilometres from Arviat, and has evidence of many centuries of Inuit use and occupation. The island continues to be used by the people of Arviat and continues to be a very special place.
The Fall Caribou Crossing is located on the lower Kassan River and is a well-known example of the important fall
caribou crossing hunt which sustained Inuit in the region in the past.
Two years of historical and archaeological research were directed by the Baker Lake Elders' Advisory Committee and the Arviat Historical Society, respectively. The research was presented to the Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada in July 1995. The board recommended to the Minster of Canadian Heritage that the sites be designated nationally significant. The Historic Sites and Monuments Board also recommended that Parks Canada staff return to the communities to consult and help commemorate these sites in a meaningful way. Plans will be developed from a community-based perspective. The training process will consider other related heritage projects engaged in by the communities from time to time.
Mr. Speaker, special thanks to Mr. Darren Keith, the Inuit historic site specialist; Mr. David Webster, consultant; Luke Suluk and the Arviat Historical Society; and, the Baker Lake Elders' Advisory Committee for their hard work on this particular project.
Also, Mr. Speaker, since this is our last session of the year, I would like to wish all my colleagues and the staff here at the Assembly a very happy and safe Christmas, and also a special greeting to the residents of Arviat and Baker Lake, especially the children and elders of the communities. Thank you, matna, mahsi cho.
Question 3-13(1): Proposals For Eastern Arctic Resupply December 12th, 1995
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Just a point of clarification. The honourable Minister is stating that the contract or the proposal will be awarded, then we will get the information and background and details that I'm requesting. In other words, is the deal done before we get to hear what the overall picture is? Thank you.
Question 3-13(1): Proposals For Eastern Arctic Resupply December 12th, 1995
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, does that mean that we will have to wait for this review to be completed prior to getting any information? Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
Question 3-13(1): Proposals For Eastern Arctic Resupply December 12th, 1995
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Can I get a confirmation on whether there is a date set for the opening of these tenders, number one? Thank you.
Question 3-13(1): Proposals For Eastern Arctic Resupply December 12th, 1995
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. My question is directed to the Minister responsible for Public Works, and possibly to the Minster of Transportation. It's in reference to the status of the Eastern Arctic fuel resupply proposal. This is an issue, Mr. Speaker, that is a great deal of concern to the residents of Kivallivik, which is Arviat and Baker Lake. There is a great deal of concern regarding the possible negative impact that the awarding of this project may have; for example, the increased cost to dry goods, food, et cetera. I am therefore requesting that an in-depth report be made to this House by the appropriate Minister before this proposal is opened and tenders approved. Thank you.
Selection Of Iqaluit As Capital Of Nunavut December 12th, 1995
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I wish to sincerely congratulate the people of Iqaluit on their successful bid for the capital of Nunavut. I strongly believe and support the adage that it's now time to move forward in a positive and constructive fashion in order that we will achieve the greater goal which is the successful formation and completion of Nunavut.
In closing, as a reminder, I wish to add that it's my sincere hope that the new capital of Iqaluit will keep in the Christmas spirit when it comes to sharing the possible resources and jobs with the smaller, have-not communities in Nunavut. Thank you.
Motion 11-13(1): Appointments To The Standing Committee On Rules And Procedures, Carried November 22nd, 1995
Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
WHEREAS it is required by Rule 85 that a Standing Committee on Rules and Procedures be appointed;
NOW THEREFORE I MOVE, seconded by the honourable Member for Yellowknife Centre, that the following Members be appointed to the Standing Committee on Rules and Procedures:
1. Honourable Charles Dent
2. Mark Evaloarjuk
3. Seamus Henry
4. Michael Miltenberger
5. John Ningark
AND FURTHER, that the following Members be named alternates to the Standing Committee on Rules and Procedures:
1. Tommy Enuaraq
2. David Krutko
3. Vince Steen
Thank you.
Motion 10-13(1): Appointments To The Management And Services Board, Carried November 22nd, 1995
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I seek unanimous consent to deal with my motion regarding appointments to the Standing Committee on Rules and Procedures.
Motion 11-13(1): Appointments To The Standing Committee On Rules And Procedures November 22nd, 1995
Mr. Speaker, honourable colleagues. Mr. Speaker, I give notice that on Monday, November 27, I will move the following motion: I move, seconded by the honourable Member for Yellowknife Centre, that the following Members be appointed to the Standing Committee on Rules and Procedures:
1. Honourable Charles Dent
2. Mark Evaloarjuk
3. Seamus Henry
4. Michael Miltenberger
5. John Ningark
And further, that the following Members be named alternates to the Standing Committee on Rules and Procedures:
1. Tommy Enuaraq
2. David Krutko
3. Vince Steen
And, Mr. Speaker, at the appropriate time, I will be seeking unanimous consent to deal with my motion today.