(Translation) Thank you, Mr. Speaker. In response to the Member for Natilikmiot. I understand the question as I have received correspondence to the same effect. Perhaps the mayor of the community, Mr. Angutingnugiq of Pelly Bay, is the person I have to apologize to, first of all. I was supposed to visit the community this spring, but because of my work schedule, I was unable to do so. I did not get a chance to speak with him myself. I did speak with Doug Crossley, who has been to the community, from Cambridge Bay.
I understand they had a meeting in which the request for an expansion of the gymnasium is clear. The school had been built without a gymnasium. They currently use the gymnasium that belongs to the community or recreation authority. We are trying to make plans to make an extension, costing $1.5 million, which would make an attachment to the school. The people of that community find that gymnasium would be too small. The education board had been advised about this concern and funding was provided to that effect, but it was short by $952,000. The education board was aware of this concern and they offered $350,000, but no explanation was provided when they took that funding back. This is a concern and I plan on handing it over to the new government. I know it is a concern to the people over there. I plan to work again closely with the education board to address this concern. The money that was scheduled for a building has been earmarked for that gymnasium. I know their request has been for a bigger building and I will be speaking with the Minister of Education regarding that concern. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. (Translation ends)