Thank you, Mr. Chairman. That certainly is an area that we’re conscious of all the time. We have been taking some steps to try to deal with the environment and the whole issue of greenhouse gassing and the amount of energy that we use in this building, from lighting to the amount of electrical equipment that’s left on for long periods of time when it’s not being used. We’ve tried to make some improvements in there, and we’re always open to suggestions.
As far as a pellet boiler is concerned, it’s not on the books right now. We are doing some experimenting and are investigating the possibility of using some solar tubing to heat water for the building to create energy savings. The building is not a totally friendly building to convert to a different type of heating system right now because of the way the furnace is set up in here and the crawl space. We anticipate that if we were to put a wood pellet boiler in here, it would have to be in a separate building from the Legislative Assembly and then have some piping work to connect the systems together.
We have some very high priority areas, like the road that we were just talking about. Right now what we’re anticipating is that the road is going to be our priority area and then the possibility of looking at wood pellets and how to tie the building into that type of a system, probably after the ’09–10 or ’10–11 year.