Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I think that is the type of information that the public needs to know, that these are not, and both cases are not, expenditures of the government. They will be financed by private developers, but the government will assume, under the P3 initiative, the cost to finance these over a period of time, if the Minister would clarify the accuracy of that. Thank you.
Seamus Henry
Last in the Legislative Assembly December 1999, as MLA for Yellowknife South
Won his last election, in 1995, with 42% of the vote.
Statements in the House
Committee Motion 30-13(7): To Provide Funding For The Community Skills For Work Program May 12th, 1999
Committee Motion 30-13(7): To Provide Funding For The Community Skills For Work Program May 12th, 1999
Thank you, Mr. Chairman. The Minister's comments require a little more clarification. Could the Minister just tell me what the total cost of the project is to provide these units? I take it that it is more than $4 million but could the Minster just tell me first of all what is the total cost of these proposed units? Thank you.
Committee Motion 30-13(7): To Provide Funding For The Community Skills For Work Program May 12th, 1999
Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Can the Minister just tie in this $4 million? Is this going to be an annual thing? What is going to happen to the units that are presently being used to house the students that attend Thebacha? Thank you.
Committee Motion 30-13(7): To Provide Funding For The Community Skills For Work Program May 12th, 1999
Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I am glad to hear that it is being fully utilized. Presently then, Mr. Chairman, I could assume that these proposed units are not constructed yet so presently all the students attending that require housing are being accommodated in potentially not ideal conditions. I think the Minister said some of the units were a little dilapidated. Am I correct in assuming that all the students who are attending the campus right now are accommodated? Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Committee Motion 30-13(7): To Provide Funding For The Community Skills For Work Program May 12th, 1999
Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Is the campus in Fort Smith, as far as occupancy in the classroom facilities, is it at present completely occupied?
Committee Motion 30-13(7): To Provide Funding For The Community Skills For Work Program May 11th, 1999
Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I do recall the rationale for this conversion, and it certainly made economic sense. It may not be the appropriate area to ask, but I would be interested in knowing how much the conversion by all departments, and I realize this Minister does not have that information, but I would seek it, how much of the conversion for this particular component has cost over the past, I believe it is three years, since it started?
Committee Motion 30-13(7): To Provide Funding For The Community Skills For Work Program May 11th, 1999
Thank you, Mr. Chairman, and thank you for the clarification. Again my question on the high temperature hot water system, I believe that over the past couple of years, we have had approvals for these items under Public Works and Services, if I recall. Could I get some clarification why it is also under Education, Culture and Employment?
Committee Motion 30-13(7): To Provide Funding For The Community Skills For Work Program May 11th, 1999
Thank you, Mr. Chairman. For clarification, if the total capital has not been agreed to by the committee, then you still cannot ask a question on that page? Is that what you are saying?
Committee Motion 30-13(7): To Provide Funding For The Community Skills For Work Program May 11th, 1999
Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I notice in the Inuvik region that high temperature hot water system. Did these amounts not come under Public Works in previous years and, if so, why are they in the education component?
Item 19: Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters May 11th, 1999
Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Yes, I will certainly try and clarify. What I am asking for is take the number of people involved in the administration of education, the department and boards and agencies that administer education and compare that to the number of students we have in the territories, then using the same comparison in other regions of Canada. I see a couple of people nodding, Mr. Chairman, so I anticipate that was clear enough.