
In the Legislative Assembly


Historical Information Steven Nitah is no longer a member of the Legislative Assembly.

Last in the Legislative Assembly November 2003, as MLA for Tu Nedhe

Lost his last election, in 2003, with 18% of the vote.

Statements in the House

Public Safety July 4th, 2000

Committee members are concerned about the number of impaired driving and accident statistics on our highway system. As funding reductions appear to be the norm for at least the short term, safety on our highway system may be further minimized. The department agreed and is preparing a legislative proposal to more effectively address the number of impaired and reckless driving incidents. This concludes the committee's report on the department. Thank you.

Winter Roads, Community Access Roads And Ferries July 4th, 2000

Winter roads are an important component of our highway system. These roads provide increased and cost-effective access to resources. Committee members encourage the department to look for options to increase the window for winter road usage. The department agreed.

The committee noted that the Community Access Roads Program has been totally allocated. This program not only provides seasonal employment but expands a community's road system to include recreation, cultural and heritage sites. This program is an important component of a community's ability to attract increased tourist dollars. The department agreed and replied that funding for next year is available upon application.

Committee members noted that in many cases, ferries are not only facing low water levels but also increasing operational costs due to more stringent regulatory regimes. The use of ferries in some operations may no longer represent good value for money. Increased expenditure requirements combined with a reduced window of usage may eventually see bridges as a more cost-effective alternative. The committee remains open to bridge and other proposals that will contribute to a more efficient, effective and economical transportation system.

Expenditure Reductions; Highway Strategy And Federal Funding July 4th, 2000

The committee concluded that our transportation system could no longer incorporate further cuts in expenditures. Further reductions will lead to increased repair and replacement costs in the future as well as compromising public safety in the immediate and long term.

The committee pointed out that the federal National Highway Programs that will be initiated in 2002-2003 might provide funding for major highways. Should it be based on the current transportation funding formulas, the territorial government will have to match funds with the new federal funding. The territorial government is in a difficult fiscal position and new monies will remain difficult to procure. The committee stated that this government should not be penalized for developing our highway system, and furthermore, the committee is concerned that the federal program will not provide funding for secondary highway systems. The committee urged the government to lobby the federal government vigorously to ensure that any new funding formulas include adequate funding for all major highways, including secondary systems, to ensure our road system remains safe and reliable.

The Standing Committee on Governance and Economic Development recommends that the government not make any further reductions in funding for the NWT transportation system and further, that the government increase pressure on the federal government for additional funding for the NWT transportation system.

General July 4th, 2000

The mandate of the Department of Transportation is to provide safe, accessible and reliable movement of people and goods to serve the social, economic and political needs and aspirations of the people of the Northwest Territories.

The Standing Committee on Governance and Economic Development reviewed the 2000-2003 business plans and draft main estimates for the Department of Transportation on Wednesday, May 31, 2000. The committee noted a $2,942,000, or 4 percent decrease in total operations, or O and M expenditures between the 1999-2000 main estimates and the 2000-2001 draft main estimates. This projected decrease in O and M expenditures may be greater than it appears, as it may be offset by the transfer of capital assets valued under $50,000 from capital expenditures as required by the new tangible capital assets reporting process. The committee also noted a $9,334,000 or 30 percent decrease in total capital expenditures between the department's 1999-2000 main estimates and the 2000-2001 draft main estimates. Committee members also noted a decrease of six staff positions for an overall two percent decrease in the number of staff since the presentation of the 1999-2000 main estimates.

The committee's main concern is the government's ability to maintain and expand our transportation infrastructure despite continuing reductions in funding. Eventually the committee concluded public safety will be compromised. Access to resources and linkages between communities with southern markets require an extensive and well-maintained transportation system.

Furthermore, if any reductions in funding are to be made, they should be implemented equitably across the board. This recommendation was also made in the committee's review of the 2000-2001 interim appropriations, which stated that if any funding cuts are considered in any programs or services within government, they should be made equally across the board.

Item 19: Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters July 4th, 2000

Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Just a quick correction, I am not the chairperson of this committee. My honourable colleague, Mr. Roland, is. The committee report on the Department of Transportation:

Motion 7-14(3): Extended Adjournment July 4th, 2000

Mahsi, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I give notice that on Friday, July 7, 2000, I will move the following motion. I move, seconded by the honourable Member for Weledeh, notwithstanding Rule 4, that when this House adjourns on Friday, July 7, 2000, it shall be adjourned until Tuesday, October 31, 2000. And further, that anytime prior to October 31, 2000, if the Speaker is satisfied after consultation with the Executive Council and Members of the Legislative Assembly, that the public interest requires the House should meet at an earlier time during the adjournment, the Speaker may give notice and thereupon the House shall meet at the time stated in such notice and shall transact its business as it has been duly adjourned until that time. Mahsi, Mr. Speaker.

Question 131-14(3): Proposed Hotel Tax Projections July 4th, 2000

Mahsi, Mr. Speaker. I am just wondering if the department or the Minister has done any projections as to how many more tourists could be attracted to the Northwest Territories by promoting the Northwest Territories using the revenues from this tax? Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Question 131-14(3): Proposed Hotel Tax Projections July 4th, 2000

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I think a few of my colleagues may be a little disappointed in me, but I think that is alright. We always talk about that we need more money in tourism, but we know the financial situation of this government. I do not think it is such a bad idea to go out and find ways of raising money.

-- Applause

Then reinvesting it into the area that we are trying to improve.

So I would like to ask, where exactly would the revenues from the tax be implemented? Is it going to be to improve the parks? Is it going to be used to promote the Northwest Territories to bring in more tourism? What is the case here, Mr. Speaker?

Question 131-14(3): Proposed Hotel Tax Projections July 4th, 2000

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. My question today is for the Minister responsible for Resources, Wildlife and Economic Development. It has to do with the hotel tax.

We hear a lot of numbers flying around. How much it is going to cost to administer, how much revenue is it going to get? One of the questions that has never been asked, and I would like to ask that today, is what is it going to cost the average person out of pocket money at the front desk of a hotel per night? Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Sustainability Of Care July 4th, 2000

Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Mr. Chairman, may I also have a commitment from the Minister to see if she can come up with the statistics I requested earlier? I never did get a commitment on that one, dealing with the different kinds of cancer, how frequently they have been reported, from which geographical location, et cetera. Thank you.