
In the Legislative Assembly


Historical Information Steven Nitah is no longer a member of the Legislative Assembly.

Last in the Legislative Assembly November 2003, as MLA for Tu Nedhe

Lost his last election, in 2003, with 18% of the vote.

Statements in the House

Business Plan Format July 3rd, 2000

Thank you, Mr. Chairman. It is great that you are looking into it, but I am sure that if you have an in-depth look in there, that may save this government a lot of dollars down the road. It costs this government up to $80,000 a year to incarcerate one person. I think that is reason enough to look into it a little deeper than just to have a look at it and say, "Yeah, that is it."

It concerns me because I represent predominantly aboriginal communities. The average income of those communities is half of that of Yellowknife. Most people in my constituency cannot afford good lawyers. They have to depend on lawyers this government provides. If those lawyers are not competent in defending my constituents, then I would like to know that. I want to know if it is because of financial reasons. What is the deal here? If my people have to spend more time in jail because they do not have the money as compared to individuals who have money, then there is a problem there. I was hoping to get a little firmer commitment from the Minister in this regard. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

Business Plan Format July 3rd, 2000

Thank you, Mr. Chairman. That first question was not the same kind of questions that you had, but that is a good question all the same. The question was, has there ever been a comparison done of convictions and acquittals where an individual hires his own lawyer, pays out of his own pocket because he could afford to, as compared to individuals who cannot afford to go hire their own lawyers and have to use legal aid lawyers?

I would say the cost to hire your own lawyer is a hell of a lot more than the representation you would get from legal aid. You would probably get a higher conviction rate using legal aid than hiring your own lawyer.

I am just wondering if there was ever a comparison done. If there has not been one done, can the department do one?

Justice should not have a price on it. Everyone should have equal justice. In my mind, that is the way it is supposed to be. If you cannot afford a good lawyer, you may end up in the slammer. If it is a first time offence, then you become ingrained in the system and it is hard to get out of that system. Can the Minister answer that question for me? The comparison of conviction and acquittal rates when using legal aid and convictions and acquittals when using private lawyers. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

Business Plan Format July 3rd, 2000

Thank you, Mr. Chairman. That is unfortunate that there is no money. I am not going to sit here and argue that we should find some more money. This is not the place to do it, I do not think. I would like to ask a question about the legal aid system.

One of the questions I would like to ask is, when is the last time the payment for legal aid has been reviewed? Has there ever been a comparison done between convictions of work that legal aid has done as compared to individuals who hire their own representation?

Knowing the socio-economic situations of many of our First Nation communities and individuals, they have to rely big time on legal aid. I have a feeling that money is a subject area to be concerned with when it comes to legal representation. If you go through legal aid, the money is not that great. The incentive of legal representatives is not that great, and I think the number of individuals we have in our correctional facilities is directly connected to it. I am just wondering if there has ever been a comparison done. That is one question. The other question is when was the last time legal aid funding for lawyer fees has been checked into? Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

Business Plan Format July 3rd, 2000

Mahsi, Mr. Chairman. A very quick question. Does the department have any plans to increase the number of wilderness camps in the Territories? Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

Question 120-14(3): Health Concerns Due To Dust Inhalation July 3rd, 2000

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Can the Minister find out if the department has ever done a study of this nature? If they have not, can they look into this matter? Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Question 120-14(3): Health Concerns Due To Dust Inhalation July 3rd, 2000

Mahsi, Mr. Speaker. My question today is for the Minister of Health and Social Services. In the Northwest Territories, we all know we have a problem with health problems, specifically cancer, and we attribute that to the lifestyles we lead, particularly smoking.

I am just wondering if the department has ever done a study on deaths by lung disease. We have been living in the communities for a number of years, more than 75 years. In recent years, traffic in the communities has risen dramatically. The dust associated with that traffic has risen dramatically. I am just wondering if the department has ever done a study to see if there is any negative health effect resulting from the dust. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Democratic Victories Won By Mexican Voters July 3rd, 2000

Mahsi, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, true democracy received another shot in the arm this past weekend. A former Coca-Cola executive became the president of Mexico following the recent elections. Mr. Speaker, this means Mexico, for the first time, had a truly free-voting electorate in 71 years.

It is like when the walls of East Berlin came crashing down. This was done in Mexico with masses chanting, "We can make change happen!" The free world and Mexicans alike are celebrating the liberation of the people of Mexico. Hopefully, the fallout will spur their economy with much-needed new investment.

Anyone who knows individuals who have fought for democracy will understand the depth of this achievement, and any individual who has lived under oppressive regimes will understand what this could mean to Mexicans' daily lives.

Mr. Speaker, the Northwest Territories should follow the example of their self-determination. What we need here in the Northwest Territories, in partnership with aboriginal governments, is provincial-type authority to run our own affairs. While we have democracy, we do not have the political authority or financial backing to carry out our political will.

Mr. Speaker, the federal government is withholding the gavel and financial resources from us. Until we organize ourselves in the North, it will continue to do so. Mr. Speaker, we too should demolish our Berlin Wall and get provincial-type responsibilities and the financial resources necessary to run this territory as it should be.

I congratulate the Mexican people on their victory. Mahsi, Mr. Speaker.

-- Applause

Enrolment Levels Of Aboriginal Post-secondary Students June 29th, 2000

Mahsi, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, yesterday, in the House, Members on this side of the House expressed their deep concern with a very serious problem in the Northwest Territories, which is literacy.

Having said that, Mr. Speaker, we have to recognize good news stories when there are good news stories.

In Lutselk'e, today, the kindergarten class is graduating, and it gives me encouragement to find out that, in the past years, enrollment in post-secondary education by aboriginal students has risen sharply.

In the early 1990s, we were lacking behind the national average. Today, I am proud to say the aboriginal component in post-secondary education in Canada, we are above the national average.

-- Applause

It might be resulting from communities and regions taking over their own education system, like the North Slave Dogrib Communities Services Board. Once you take ownership of institutions, you start instilling pride and respect in yourselves, and I think that goes a long way.

Having said that, I want to encourage and I look forward to meeting with the youth of the Akaitcho territory, who are starting a youth conference on justice, health and what not over the next week. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

-- Applause

Committee Motion 14-14(3): Recommendation For Legislation Requiring Minimum Notification Period Of One Year For Reductions (carried) June 29th, 2000

Thank you. Can I get the department to give me information on how to apply? What criteria is there?

Committee Motion 14-14(3): Recommendation For Legislation Requiring Minimum Notification Period Of One Year For Reductions (carried) June 29th, 2000

Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Can other organizations and communities outside the governments or local governments access this program?

For example, development corporations, which I would say is an integral part of governing the community. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.