
In the Legislative Assembly


Historical Information Titus Allooloo is no longer a member of the Legislative Assembly.

Last in the Legislative Assembly September 1995, as MLA for Amittuq

Lost his last election, in 1995, with 19% of the vote.

Statements in the House

North Baffin Resident's Boat Trip To Greenland October 4th, 1994

Thank you, Madam Speaker. Last summer, an historical occasion happened in my constituency that not too many people know about in the Northwest Territories. A constituent of mine started out from Pond Inlet to go to Greenland by boat. He was successful and came back to Pond Inlet, as was traditionally done. I believe the last one that took place by dogteam and canoe was in the early 1800s.

As you know, Madam Speaker, the north Baffin people have distant relatives in Greenland, and that enforces the strength shown by my constituents and I was really proud of that.

Madam Speaker, as you know, my language is an international language. I can communicate with Greenlanders, Labrador and to some extent the Alaskans and Soviet Inuit. In that, we would like to show, as north Baffin people, that we are an international community and as such, we take care of the environment. Thank you.


Tabled Document 2-12(6): New Social Housing Rent Scale April 7th, 1994

Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I would tend to agree that we need to do something about rent scales since the Minister stated that the last rental scale adjustment was quite a few years ago and there's great pressure from the federal government for us to change it. Like Mr. Patterson's, my community was consulted -- I believe it was in December or November -- and when the Housing Corporation came into the community, they didn't have the full information for the people to look it. The community asked for information that the people who came into the community could not provide because they didn't yet have clear direction from the ministry to give out that information.

I know the Minister stated in the House that this is ongoing, that this is, in no way, the final document and that it can be changed, that sort of thing. When the next round of consultations takes place, if there's significant, valid concerns of the people in the communities, would this document be changed in order to better reflect the way the people live in certain communities?

I don't agree with the cost of living zone that is in this document. I think it has to be updated. I know the Minister of Social Services is trying to review that. I don't believe it reflects the reality of the cost of living, when you look at the communities in these brackets. I would encourage the Minister to get as much information as possible and put communities in their proper zones. I don't believe my community of Pond Inlet has the same cost of living as communities who receive jet service. It is placed in the same category as communities that have airstrips and regularly receive jet service. I think that has to be looked at more so it can be improved. Thank you.

Motion 5-12(6): Recommendation To Revoke Appointment Of Honourable Rebecca Mike To The Executive Council April 6th, 1994

(Translation) Thank you, Madam Speaker. We all know now that it is a very heavy work load to be a Minister, especially with her portfolio. We want to move forward as a government. We started in 1967 with an appointed council, with the Commissioner in charge of the council. Even when we started to have elected Members, the Commissioner was in charge. But now we select our own Speaker, Premier and we can now say we're all elected.

Madam Speaker, up to now the Premier hasn't had the authority to remove a Minister. I feel that the Premier, as we said to her before, should discipline the Ministers and remove Ministers if she has a legitimate reason. We have now given her the authority to remove a Minister and the Premier should be responsible for that. She said that she is happy with the work of the Minister in question right now. The Minister in question has said she was happy with her job, as Mr. Patterson and Mr. Dent said. I won't be voting on this because I am sure this can be solved with Cabinet. I think the Premier can do what she thinks. Thank you, Madam Speaker.

Question 30-12(6): Update On Military Activities In The High Arctic April 6th, 1994

Thank you, Madam Speaker. During the last sitting of this legislature, I asked a question with regard to military activity in north Baffin in the late 1950s. I did not get a report back whether the government was able to find out from the federal government what actually happened. I wonder if the Premier is able to update us on what has been happening. Thank you.

Question 11-12(6): Progress Report Re Official Languages Directives April 5th, 1994

Madam Speaker, the Premier made a commitment to this House. I would like to ask the Premier if she would provide the information to this Legislature before the end of this session, since, during the last session, she was not able to do that? Thank you.

Question 11-12(6): Progress Report Re Official Languages Directives April 5th, 1994

Thank you, Madam Speaker. Madam Speaker, on Tuesday, February 15, 1994, during our last session, the Premier in the opening remarks for her department, announced that the priority of the official languages unit will be the drafting of directives to ensure language programs and services are available. She went on to say that update of the progress of the official languages directive manual for employees would be provided before the

end of session of this Legislative Assembly. I haven't seen the progress report. I wonder if the Minister is prepared to table it or give us an update of the progress of the official languages directive manual for employees? Thank you.

Question 435-12(5): Continuous Services At Weather Reporting Stations March 30th, 1994

Thank you, Madam Speaker. What could we, as MLAs in the communities, do to get more hours, to get more dollars out of the federal government? Could the Minister tell us what we could do? Thank you.

Question 435-12(5): Continuous Services At Weather Reporting Stations March 30th, 1994

Thank you, Madam Speaker. Is there any chance that the two communities, Cape Dorset and Pond Inlet -- which are relatively larger communities than Clyde River and they get more airplanes -- would be able to get more than 40 hours during the next fiscal year? Thank you.

Question 435-12(5): Continuous Services At Weather Reporting Stations March 30th, 1994

Thank you, Madam Speaker. I would like to thank the Minister of Transportation for answering my question in a very short time. I'm glad that the Minister will commit himself that there will be no disruption in services at these airports. I would like to ask the Minister, would this mean that the services that have been provided will continue to proceed the same way, like 24 hour service? Thank you.

Question 424-12(5): Minister's Knowledge Of The Closure Of Weather Reporting Stations March 29th, 1994

Thank you, Madam Speaker. I checked with the Minister's department to confirm what I was told by my constituents that they will not have a weather station from midnight on the 31 of March until April 5, which is when the Minister's department will take over CARS. Because that period is a very important period, the planes will not be able to know how high they are flying, how low they are flying, what the conditions are like on the ground. It's going to be dangerous for airplanes, pilots and the passengers in my constituency. I wonder if the Minister would look at taking over the responsibility on April 1 so that service will continue to be provided to the communities. Thank you.