Orders of the Day Orders of the day for Monday, October 5, 2015, at 1:30 p.m.: 1. Prayer 2. Ministers’ Statements 3. Members’ Statements 4. Returns to Oral Questions 5. Recognition of Visitors in the Gallery 6. Acknowledgements 7. Oral Questions 8. Written Questions 9. Return
October 2nd, 2015Assembly debate Orders of the Day
Doug Schauerte
Orders of the Day Mr. Speaker, there will be a meeting of the Priorities and Planning committee at 7:30 a.m. tomorrow. Orders of the day for Thursday, June 4, 2015, at 1:30 p.m.: 1. Prayer 2. Ministers’ Statements 3. Members’ Statements 4. Reports of Standing and Special Committees 5. Return
June 3rd, 2015Assembly debate Orders of the Day
Deputy Clerk Of The House
Orders of the Day Orders of the day for Thursday, March 12, 2015, at 1:30 p.m.: 1. Prayer 2. Ministers’ Statements 3. Members’ Statements 4. Reports of Standing and Special Committees 5. Returns to Oral Questions 6. Recognition of Visitors in the Gallery 7. Acknowledgements 8.
March 11th, 2015Assembly debate Orders of the Day
Doug Schauerte
Orders of the Day Orders of the day for Thursday, March 5, 2015, at 1:30 p.m.: 1. Prayer 2. Ministers’ Statements 3. Members’ Statements 4. Reports of Standing and Special Committees 5. Returns to Oral Questions 6. Recognition of Visitors in the Gallery 7. Acknowledgements 8. Oral Question
March 4th, 2015Assembly debate Orders of the Day
Deputy Clerk Of The House
Recorded Vote Mr. McLeod – Yellowknife South, Mr. Lafferty, Mr. McLeod – Inuvik Twin Lakes, Mrs. Groenewegen, Mr. Dolynny, Mr. Bouchard, Mr. Nadli, Ms. Bisaro, Mr. Moses, Mr. Bromley, Mr. Yakeleya, Mr. Menicoche, Mr. Blake, Mr. Beaulieu, Mr. Abernethy, Mr. Miltenberger.
March 4th, 2015Assembly debate Third Reading of Bills
Deputy Clerk Of The House
Assent To Bills Thank you. Mr. Clerk, orders of the day.
February 25th, 2015Assembly debate Third Reading of Bills
Recorded Vote All those opposed, please stand.
February 25th, 2015Assembly debate Third Reading of Bills
Recorded Vote The Member has requested a recorded vote. All those in favour, please stand.
February 25th, 2015Assembly debate Third Reading of Bills
Recorded Vote Mr. Bromley, Mr. Yakeleya, Mr. Menicoche, Mrs. Groenewegen, Mr. Nadli, Ms. Bisaro, Mr. Moses.
February 23rd, 2015Assembly debate Motions
Doug Schauerte
Recorded Vote Mr. Beaulieu, Mr. Abernethy, Mr. Miltenberger, Mr. McLeod – Yellowknife South, Mr. Lafferty, Mr. Ramsay, Mr. McLeod – Inuvik Twin Lakes.
February 23rd, 2015Assembly debate Motions
Doug Schauerte
Recorded Vote Mr. McLeod – Yellowknife South, Mr. Lafferty, Mr. Ramsay. Mr. McLeod – Inuvik Twin Lakes, Mrs. Groenewegen, Mr. Bouchard, Mr. Nadli, Ms. Bisaro, Mr. Moses, Mr. Bromley, Mr. Yakeleya, Mr. Menicoche, Mr. Blake, Mr. Beaulieu, Mr. Abernethy, Mr. Miltenberger.
February 23rd, 2015Assembly debate First Reading of Bills
Doug Schauerte
Orders of the Day Mr. Speaker, there will be a meeting of the Standing Committee on Sustainability of Rural and Remote Communities at adjournment today. Orders of the day for Thursday, February 19, 2015, at 1:30 p.m.: 1. Prayer 2. Ministers’ Statements 3. Members’ Statements 4. Repor
February 18th, 2015Assembly debate Orders of the Day
Doug Schauerte
Orders of the Day Mr. Speaker, there will be a meeting of the Board of Management at adjournment today. Orders of the day for Thursday, November 6, 2014, at 1:30 p.m.: 1. Prayer 2. Ministers’ Statements 3. Members’ Statements 4. Reports of Standing and Special Committees 5. Returns
November 5th, 2014Assembly debate Orders of the Day
Doug Schauerte
Recorded Vote Mr. Bromley, Mrs. Groenewegen, Mr. Dolynny, Mr. Bouchard, Mr. Hawkins, Ms. Bisaro, Mr. Moses.
October 27th, 2014Assembly debate Motions
Doug Schauerte
Recorded Vote Mr. Yakeleya, Mr. Blake, Mr. Beaulieu, Mr. Abernethy, Mr. Miltenberger, Mr. McLeod – Yellowknife South, Mr. Lafferty, Mr. Ramsay, Mr. McLeod – Inuvik Twin Lakes, Mr. Nadli.
October 27th, 2014Assembly debate Motions
Doug Schauerte