Mr. Speaker, as I say, there are some steps to be taken before we begin construction. One of the issues that I am informed is a preliminary requirement is that the department be satisfied that the water quality in Dion Lake and Wolf Creek and the reservoir satisfies the Canadian drinking water quality guidelines, since there does appear to be some concern about concentrations of iron in Dion Lake and Wolf Creek. We are still awaiting more information, particularly test results from samples that were collected in May from under the ice of Dion Lake and the reservoir.
I can tell the Member that, assuming the water quality is found acceptable, I have requested $275,000 through the capital outlook process in order to order the pipe for purchase this summer. My department tells me that the water pump and other material would likely have to be purchased the following year, with a view to start-up in the fall of 1993, but work will commence this summer, assuming the water quality is satisfactory, on the pipeline portion of the project. Thank you.