This is page numbers 1057 - 1087 of the Hansard for the 12th Assembly, 2nd Session. The original version can be accessed on the Legislative Assembly's website or by contacting the Legislative Assembly Library. The word of the day was chairman.

Further Return To Question O755-12(2): Aboriginal Justice Initiative Consultation
Item 4: Returns To Oral Questions
Item 4: Returns To Oral Questions

Page 1060

Stephen Kakfwi

Stephen Kakfwi Sahtu

Mr. Speaker, this is in response to a question asked by Mr. Gargan on September 14, regarding the Aboriginal Justice Initiative.

Under Justice Canada's aboriginal justice fund, no portion of the funding is expressly earmarked for any of the provinces, or territories. However, to assist communities in gaining access to these funds, my department has been consulting with aboriginal organizations, making communities aware of the federal initiative, assisting them to draft project and funding proposals, and making Justice Canada aware of other interested communities, and proposals under development.

To date, this consultation has involved project proposals from the communities of Fort Good Hope, Fort McPherson, Fort Norman, Fort Simpson, Inuvik, Rae-Edzo and Tuktoyaktuk. There has been interest expressed in this process by the communities of Coppermine, Coral Harbour, Fort Franklin and Whale Cove.

It has only been within the last few months, that one specific employee of the federal program has been assigned to work with the communities of the Northwest Territories on their proposals. Thank you.

Further Return To Question O755-12(2): Aboriginal Justice Initiative Consultation
Item 4: Returns To Oral Questions
Item 4: Returns To Oral Questions

Page 1060

The Speaker Michael Ballantyne

Item 4, returns to oral questions. Mr. Kakfwi.

Further Return To Question O768-12(2): Federal Officials To Participate In Gender Awareness Training Programs
Item 4: Returns To Oral Questions
Item 4: Returns To Oral Questions

Page 1060

Stephen Kakfwi

Stephen Kakfwi Sahtu

Mr. Speaker, this is a response to a question by Mr. Gargan on September 15. This is in response to his question about federal officials participating in Gender Awareness Programs.

The Member asked if I would communicate with the federal Minister of Justice, about the participation of one of her officials in a Gender Awareness Training Program. I wish to inform the Member that I will not be doing so.

I am, however, in favour of gender awareness training, for those who work in the justice system. I have forwarded to the Honourable Kim Campbell, a copy of the Report of the Special Advisor on Gender Equality, released in May of this year, which makes that recommendation. We will also be looking to the development of gender awareness training for territorial employees working in the justice system. Thank you.

Further Return To Question O768-12(2): Federal Officials To Participate In Gender Awareness Training Programs
Item 4: Returns To Oral Questions
Item 4: Returns To Oral Questions

Page 1060

The Speaker Michael Ballantyne

Item 4, returns to oral questions. Item 5, oral questions. Mr. Todd.

Question O842-12(2): Tabling Of Health Comprehensive Audit
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 1060

John Todd Keewatin Central

My question is to the Minister responsible for Health. Can the Minister tell me, or tell this House, when we could expect the comprehensive audit of Health to be tabled?

Question O842-12(2): Tabling Of Health Comprehensive Audit
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 1060

The Speaker Michael Ballantyne

Mr. Patterson.

Return To Question O842-12(2): Tabling Of Health Comprehensive Audit
Question O842-12(2): Tabling Of Health Comprehensive Audit
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 1060

Dennis Patterson Iqaluit

Mr. Speaker, as I understand it, my department has concluded its consultations with the Auditor General on the comprehensive audit, so it is now between the Auditor General, and the Legislature. Thank you.

Return To Question O842-12(2): Tabling Of Health Comprehensive Audit
Question O842-12(2): Tabling Of Health Comprehensive Audit
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 1060

The Speaker Michael Ballantyne

Item 5, oral questions. Supplementary, Mr. Todd.

Supplementary To Question O842-12(2): Tabling Of Health Comprehensive Audit
Question O842-12(2): Tabling Of Health Comprehensive Audit
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 1060

John Todd Keewatin Central

I do not believe that answered the question. Can the Minister tell me when he intends to table, or when we can get access to the comprehensive audit on Health?

Supplementary To Question O842-12(2): Tabling Of Health Comprehensive Audit
Question O842-12(2): Tabling Of Health Comprehensive Audit
Item 5: Oral Questions

September 23rd, 1992

Page 1060

The Speaker Michael Ballantyne

Mr. Patterson.

Further Return To Question O842-12(2): Tabling Of Health Comprehensive Audit
Question O842-12(2): Tabling Of Health Comprehensive Audit
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 1060

Dennis Patterson Iqaluit

Mr. Speaker, I just wanted the honourable Member to know that, although there have been discussions with the Department of Health about the draft comprehensive audit, those discussions are concluded. So it is not my department that is preventing the conclusion of this audit, and its presentation to this Assembly.

To answer the Member's question, I am not responsible for the Auditor General of Canada, and therefore I do not know when he is going to complete that work. Thank you.

Further Return To Question O842-12(2): Tabling Of Health Comprehensive Audit
Question O842-12(2): Tabling Of Health Comprehensive Audit
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 1060

The Speaker Michael Ballantyne

Item 5, oral questions. Mr. Koe.

Question O843-12(2): Cost Of Housing Needs Survey
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 1060

Fred Koe Inuvik

Mahsi, Mr. Speaker. I have a question for the Minister of Housing. Last week, the Minister tabled a report in this House entitled Housing Needs Survey, 1992. I read the report, and looked at the many pages of graphs in that report, and I guess I want to know from the Minister what it cost to have this survey done and this report published?

Question O843-12(2): Cost Of Housing Needs Survey
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 1060

The Speaker Michael Ballantyne

Mr. Morin.

Return To Question O843-12(2): Cost Of Housing Needs Survey
Question O843-12(2): Cost Of Housing Needs Survey
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 1060

Don Morin Tu Nedhe

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. The cost of the 1992 Housing Survey was $914,000.

Return To Question O843-12(2): Cost Of Housing Needs Survey
Question O843-12(2): Cost Of Housing Needs Survey
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 1060

The Speaker Michael Ballantyne

Item 5, oral questions. Mr. Koe, supplementary.

Supplementary To Question O843-12(2): Cost Of Housing Needs Survey
Question O843-12(2): Cost Of Housing Needs Survey
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 1060

Fred Koe Inuvik

I thank the Minister for having the answer so readily available. I guess the thing that perturbs me in that report, there is a section called Key Survey Findings, and there are two parts to this. I cannot put my finger on any key recommendations, other than I feel that we have spent $914,000 for surveyors to tell us that there is a shortage of houses, and some of the houses in the north need repair and are inadequate.

My question is why we spend all this money? Are there more reports, are the more details forthcoming, from all the data that was collected from the surveys that were done?

Supplementary To Question O843-12(2): Cost Of Housing Needs Survey
Question O843-12(2): Cost Of Housing Needs Survey
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 1060

The Speaker Michael Ballantyne

Mr. Morin.

Further Return To Question: 0843-12(2): Cost Of Housing Needs Survey
Question O843-12(2): Cost Of Housing Needs Survey
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 1061

Don Morin Tu Nedhe

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. We are all aware of the need for housing, and there are some houses that need repair. This survey is the most comprehensive survey, carried out by any jurisdiction in Canada, and it could not be at a more opportune time.

We now have our housing needs documented. We know how many houses we need, and how many people are inadequately housed. This is the type of information we need to take to the government of Canada, to show our unique situation in the territories.

The survey document, as you may not know, is now going to go into phase four. What I have always said from day one, in this Assembly, before starting this process is, it is very important to include the community in any decisions that we make, and to give some credibility to any survey we make as well.

Out of the $914,000 the Housing Corporation spent, $700,000 of that money was spend on surveyors, the 450 individuals that were hired, in the communities, to conduct the survey. Phase four, the survey document itself, goes back to the community for community consultation, so that we can get some direction from the community leaders, and recommendations on how to solve their housing problems in their community. That is the whole idea of the survey, to document the need, as well as give a document for discussion purposes in the community.

Further Return To Question: 0843-12(2): Cost Of Housing Needs Survey
Question O843-12(2): Cost Of Housing Needs Survey
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 1061

The Speaker Michael Ballantyne

Item 5, oral questions. Supplementary, Mr. Koe.

Supplementary To Question: 0843-12(2): Cost Of Housing Needs Survey
Question O843-12(2): Cost Of Housing Needs Survey
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 1061

Fred Koe Inuvik

Mahsi, Mr. Speaker. Is the Minister saying then, that the results of the survey, are the actual surveys themselves? Are these documents tabulated, and when are they going back to the various community associations for their review, and to do further analysis of these?

Supplementary To Question: 0843-12(2): Cost Of Housing Needs Survey
Question O843-12(2): Cost Of Housing Needs Survey
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 1061

The Speaker Michael Ballantyne

Mr. Morin.

Further Return To Question: Cost Of Housing Needs Survey
Question O843-12(2): Cost Of Housing Needs Survey
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 1061

Don Morin Tu Nedhe

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. The next phase of this process, is to go back to the community consultation process, take this document and present it back to the communities to get their input on how they would see their need being met, and what mixture of housing programs would meet their needs.

Thank you.

Further Return To Question: Cost Of Housing Needs Survey
Question O843-12(2): Cost Of Housing Needs Survey
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 1061

The Speaker Michael Ballantyne

Item 5, oral questions. Mrs. Marie-Jewell.

Question: 0844-12(2): Authority Responsible For Delivery Of Board Of Inquiry Legal Documents
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 1061

Jeannie Marie-Jewell Thebacha

Mr. Speaker, I have a question for Minister of Health. My question is in regard to the decision making process of the department, relating to the board of inquiry under the Medical Profession Act. I would like to indicate, Mr. Speaker, it is not my intention to refer to the substance of any matter before that board.

Mr. Speaker, on September 9, I asked a question to the Minister, in regard to the process, and the Minister assured this House that the board of inquiry, under the Medical Profession Act, was an independent procedure, and I am quoting a part of Hansard, which I would describe as peer review, the same way that doctors, pharmacists, and other professionals, discipline themselves. It is not something that is steered by the government, the Minister, or the department.

Mr. Speaker, documents have recently been served, upon individuals, by legal counsel for the Department of Justice, requiring that they attend this board of inquiry. I checked to see if Dr. Covert was in fact in Hay River, and I was advised that he is presently unavailable on holidays until September 28.

Can the Minister advise the House, who directed legal counsel to serve these documents?

Thank you.