This is page numbers 467 - 493 of the Hansard for the 13th Assembly, 3rd Session. The original version can be accessed on the Legislative Assembly's website or by contacting the Legislative Assembly Library. The word of the day was community.


Bill 11: Appropriation Act, 1996-97
Item 19: Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters

Page 491

The Chair John Ningark

Mr. Ramsden.

Bill 11: Appropriation Act, 1996-97
Item 19: Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters

Page 492


Mr. Chairman, there's no question that the prevalence of cancer is one of grave concern to the people within the department, as I know it is with residents of the NWT. Rather than speaking to new methods, I think the office of the chief medical health officer and the people who are in the public health side of the health and social service system are putting a lot of energy into making people in the health system aware of the various methods of early detection. I think early detection, as the Member spoke to, is critical to the success rate in terms of helping people get over their cancer. We have cancer as a registerable disease, so that we require that all cases of cancer are registered so they get prominence and so that the physicians in the system are aware of people who are suffering, but also that we are aware of trends in the NWT.

We're using a publication called "Epi North" which is a newsletter that goes to all people in the health and social services system. The editorial is to have a section dedicated to cancer and early detection in every issue of that newsletter, so that the various opportunities that people have to assist in early detection are made known and are kept current in people's minds. Those are particularly areas where there is a lot of energy being put.

I think it is equally relevant that people understand where the at-risk populations are and what constitutes "at-risk." So there is a lot of work, both within the North and across Canada, to identify people who are more susceptible than others and focus energies on those at-risk populations. Thank you.

Bill 11: Appropriation Act, 1996-97
Item 19: Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters

Page 492

The Chair John Ningark

Thank you. General comments. Mr. Krutko.

Bill 11: Appropriation Act, 1996-97
Item 19: Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters

Page 492

David Krutko

David Krutko Mackenzie Delta

Thank you, Mr. Chairman. My other question has to do with monitoring and trying to evaluate where some of these cancer-causing components could come from. My concern with the water question in McPherson is with regard to traces within the water and also the usage of chlorine over the last number of years; the possible connection of that to cancer. This is something that the community should look at with regard to ... You say you're in charge of health, environment and monitoring. As a department, do you evaluate water or do you just leave that up to the Department of Public Works? When it becomes a health issue, do you guys seriously look at the possible effects it may have?

Bill 11: Appropriation Act, 1996-97
Item 19: Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters

Page 492

The Chair John Ningark

Thank you, Mr. Krutko. Mr. Minister.

Bill 11: Appropriation Act, 1996-97
Item 19: Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters

Page 492

Kelvin Ng Kitikmeot

Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Through our health monitoring, we ensure our drinking water adheres to the Canadian drinking water guidelines, as the honourable Minister of Public Works and Services stated to the honourable Member earlier today. We ensure that the quality of water is there for public consumption, Mr. Chairman. Thank you.

Bill 11: Appropriation Act, 1996-97
Item 19: Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters

Page 492

The Chair John Ningark

Thank you. General comments. Mr. Krutko.

Bill 11: Appropriation Act, 1996-97
Item 19: Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters

Page 492

David Krutko

David Krutko Mackenzie Delta

Thank you, Mr. Chairman. So your department does not have any say or interest in water quality; you leave that to the Department of Public Works.

Bill 11: Appropriation Act, 1996-97
Item 19: Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters

Page 492

The Chair John Ningark

Thank you. Mr. Minister.

Bill 11: Appropriation Act, 1996-97
Item 19: Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters

Page 492

Kelvin Ng Kitikmeot

Sorry, Mr. Chairman. We're responsible for the quality of water standards, in conjunction with standards of the NWT Water Board that sets guidelines for drinking water. Thank you.

Bill 11: Appropriation Act, 1996-97
Item 19: Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters

Page 492

The Chair John Ningark

Thank you. General comments. Mr. Miltenberger.

Bill 11: Appropriation Act, 1996-97
Item 19: Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters

May 16th, 1996

Page 492

Michael Miltenberger

Michael Miltenberger Thebacha

I move we report progress.

Bill 11: Appropriation Act, 1996-97
Item 19: Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters

Page 492

The Chair John Ningark

Thank you. There is a motion to report progress. The motion is not debatable. All those in favour of reporting progress, please signify. All those opposed? The motion is carried.

--- Carried

I will rise and report progress. Thank you, Mr. Minister and the witnesses.

Bill 11: Appropriation Act, 1996-97
Item 19: Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters

Page 492

The Speaker Samuel Gargan

The House will come back to order. Item 20, report of Committee of the Whole. Mr. Ningark.

Item 20: Report Of Committee Of The Whole
Item 20: Report Of Committee Of The Whole

Page 492

John Ningark Natilikmiot

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, your committee has been considering Bill 11 and Committee Report 4-13(3), and would like to report progress. Mr. Speaker, I move that the report of Committee of the Whole be concurred with. Thank you.

Item 20: Report Of Committee Of The Whole
Item 20: Report Of Committee Of The Whole

Page 492

The Speaker Samuel Gargan

Thank you. The motion is seconded by Mr. Picco. Your motion is in order, Mr. Ningark. To the motion.

Item 20: Report Of Committee Of The Whole
Item 20: Report Of Committee Of The Whole

Page 492

An Hon. Member


Item 20: Report Of Committee Of The Whole
Item 20: Report Of Committee Of The Whole

Page 492

The Speaker Samuel Gargan

Question has been called. All those in favour? All those opposed? The motion is carried.

--- Carried

Item 21, third reading of bills. Item 22, Mr. Clerk, orders of the day.

Item 22: Orders Of The Day
Item 22: Orders Of The Day

Page 492

Clerk Of The House Mr. David Hamilton

Mr. Speaker, there will be a meeting of subcommittees A and B of the Standing Committee on Government Operations at 2:15 this afternoon. Meetings for Tuesday, May 21st, the Standing Committee on Government Operations at 9:00 a.m.; Caucus at 10:30 a.m.; and, Ordinary Members at 11:30 a.m.

Orders of the day for Tuesday, May 21, 1996:

1. Prayer

2. Ministers' Statements 3. Members' Statements

4. Returns to Oral Questions

5. Recognition of Visitors in the Gallery

6. Oral Questions

7. Written Questions

8. Returns to Written Questions

9. Replies to Opening Address

10. Petitions

11. Reports of Standing and Special Committees

12. Reports of Committees on the Review of Bills

13. Tabling of Documents

14. Notices of Motion

15. Notices of Motions for First Reading of Bills

16. Motions

- Motion 9-13(3), Removal and Recovery of Consumer Price Index Increase to Members' Allowances and Expenses

- Motion 10-13(3), Removal and Recovery of Consumer Price Index Increase to Members' Allowances and Expenses

17. First Reading of Bills

- Bill 15, Statute Revision Act

- Bill 16, An Act to Amend the Workers' Compensation Act, No. 2

- Bill 17, Business Corporations Act

18. Second Reading of Bills

19. Consideration in Committee of the Whole of Bills and

Other Matters

- Bill 8, An Act to Amend the Income Tax Act

- Bill 11, Appropriation Act, 1996-97

- Committee Report 1-13(3), Standing Committee on Government Operations Report on the Review of the 1996-97 Main Estimates

- Committee Report 2-13(3), Standing Committee on Infrastructure Report on the Review of the 1996-97 Main Estimates

- Committee Report 3-13(3), Standing Committee on Resource Management and Development Report on the Review of the 1996-97 Main Estimates

- Committee Report 4-13(3), Standing Committee on Social Programs Report on the Review of the 1996-97 Main Estimates

- Tabled Document 1-13(3), Report of the Commission on MLA Compensation

20. Report of Committee of the Whole

21. Third Reading of Bills

22. Orders of the Day

Item 22: Orders Of The Day
Item 22: Orders Of The Day

Page 493

The Speaker Samuel Gargan

Thank you. I would like to wish the Members a good long weekend. This House stands adjourned until 1:30 p.m. on Tuesday, May 21, 1996.