Thank you. Mrs. Groenewegen.
Debates of May 8th, 1996
Committee Motion 4-13(3): To Recommend To Review
Item 20: Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters
Page 286
The Chair John Ningark
Committee Motion 4-13(3): To Recommend To Review
Item 20: Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters
May 7th, 1996
Page 286

Jane Groenewegen Hay River
Thank you, Mr. Chairman. When I asked that question, I was referring specifically to proposals that have been forwarded to this government to obtain these facilities on a lease basis. I am sure the Minister is aware of those proposals. So are there O and M funds available at this time to enter into such an arrangement?
Committee Motion 4-13(3): To Recommend To Review
Item 20: Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters
Page 286
The Chair John Ningark
Thank you. Mr. Minister.
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Page 286

Charles Dent Yellowknife Frame Lake
Thank you, Mr. Chairman. There is no specific budget number that I am aware of in the college contribution that would be applied to leases. It would be something that the college would have to be involved in, in making the assessment as to which way was the best to proceed.
Committee Motion 4-13(3): To Recommend To Review
Item 20: Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters
Page 286
The Chair John Ningark
Thank you. Total region, $148,000. Mr. Henry.
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Page 286
Seamus Henry Yellowknife South
Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Our budget is laid out in 1996-97 capital expenditures and prior year costs and future years anticipated. Is there a span of a number of years that that is anticipated in?
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Page 286
The Chair John Ningark
Thank you. Mr. Minister.
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Page 286

Charles Dent Yellowknife Frame Lake
Thank you, Mr. Chairman. The future years anticipated is not a set number of years. It relates to the project and the capital plan. The amount of years included in future years will vary according to the project.
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Item 20: Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters
Page 286
The Chair John Ningark
Thank you. Mr. Henry.
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Page 286
Seamus Henry Yellowknife South
Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Does this tie into the five-year capital plan?
Committee Motion 4-13(3): To Recommend To Review
Item 20: Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters
Page 286
The Chair John Ningark
Thank you. Mr. Minister.
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Item 20: Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters
Page 286

Charles Dent Yellowknife Frame Lake
It does tie into the five-year capital plan, but unless there is something planned for expenditure in 1996-97, it doesn't show up here. So, a project that's in the five-year capital plan, with no expenditures in 1996-97 but with expenditures which are planned to start in 1997-98, would not show up in this book.
Committee Motion 4-13(3): To Recommend To Review
Item 20: Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters
Page 286
The Chair John Ningark
Thank you. Total region, $148,000. Mr. Steen.
Committee Motion 4-13(3): To Recommend To Review
Item 20: Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters
Page 286

Vince Steen Nunakput
Mr. Chairman, just for clarification, I wonder if the Minister could explain to me, are we dealing here with buildings separate from the schools. Are we going to just address buildings that are learning centres or buildings separate from the schools, like the original school buildings?
Committee Motion 4-13(3): To Recommend To Review
Item 20: Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters
Page 286
The Chair John Ningark
Thank you. Clarification, Mr. Minister.
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Page 287

Charles Dent Yellowknife Frame Lake
Thank you, Mr. Chairman. If the Member is referring specifically to the fourplex adult education centre in Hay River, that is shown as a freestanding building. In other communities, we have taken other approaches and have combined learning centres with schools, and, in fact, the Fort McPherson school will have a learning centre combined with it. It tends to depend on whether there is another project in the community that we can tie it together with where it makes sense.
Committee Motion 4-13(3): To Recommend To Review
Item 20: Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters
Page 287
The Chair John Ningark
Thank you. Total region, $148,000. Mrs. Groenewegen.
Committee Motion 4-13(3): To Recommend To Review
Item 20: Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters
Page 287

Jane Groenewegen Hay River
Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I just wanted to revisit that last question because I am not sure that I understood the Minister's answer. With specific reference to the proposals that your department has received for leased premises for an adult learning centre in Hay River, is it possible that O and M dollars could be identified by Arctic College to proceed with entering into an agreement for leased facilities during this fiscal year?
Committee Motion 4-13(3): To Recommend To Review
Item 20: Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters
Page 287
The Chair John Ningark
Thank you. Mr. Minister.
Committee Motion 4-13(3): To Recommend To Review
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Page 287

Charles Dent Yellowknife Frame Lake
Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I suppose that it's possible that the College board of governors could identify funds within their budget to take on a lease. I would suspect, though, given that their funding is decreasing significantly from the department this year, that they would find it difficult to do so.
Committee Motion 4-13(3): To Recommend To Review
Item 20: Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters
Page 287
The Chair John Ningark
Thank you. Total region, $148,000. Mr. Erasmus.
Committee Motion 4-13(3): To Recommend To Review
Item 20: Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters
Page 287
Roy Erasmus Yellowknife North
Thank you, Mr. Chairman. The honourable Member from Yellowknife South just asked me what the difference is between an adult education centre and a community learning centre, and I couldn't adequately reply; so, could the Minister please indicate what the difference is between and adult education centre and a community learning centre?
Committee Motion 4-13(3): To Recommend To Review
Item 20: Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters
Page 287
The Chair John Ningark
Thank you. On the distinction of infrastructure, Mr. Minister.
Committee Motion 4-13(3): To Recommend To Review
Item 20: Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters
Page 287

Charles Dent Yellowknife Frame Lake
Mr. Chairman, a community learning centre is a more modern name for adult education centre.
Committee Motion 4-13(3): To Recommend To Review
Item 20: Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters
Page 287
The Chair John Ningark
Thank you. Mr. Erasmus.