This is page numbers 579 - 604 of the Hansard for the 13th Assembly, 7th Session. The original version can be accessed on the Legislative Assembly's website or by contacting the Legislative Assembly Library. The word of the day was chairperson.


Supplementary To Question 208-13(7): Union Representing Nunavut Ntpc Employees
Question 208-13(7): Union Representing Nunavut NTPC Employees
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 589

Seamus Henry Yellowknife South

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, as we all know, the Power Corporation is presently staying together and what one government does can potentially affect the other as regard to Power Corporation workers. Could the Minister advise this House that, if in fact, the Power Corporation workers represented by the Nunavut government settle for a higher wage, how will that affect the costs that will be born by western consumers, Mr. Speaker? Thank you.

Supplementary To Question 208-13(7): Union Representing Nunavut Ntpc Employees
Question 208-13(7): Union Representing Nunavut NTPC Employees
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 589

The Speaker

When Members use the word, if, you get a hypothetical situation. Does the Minister wish to respond? Mr. Dent.

Further Return To Question 208-13(7): Union Representing Nunavut Ntpc Employees
Question 208-13(7): Union Representing Nunavut NTPC Employees
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 589

Charles Dent

Charles Dent Yellowknife Frame Lake

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Yes, there are a couple of points that I should respond to as I think there is some misapprehension by the Member in how he understands the current process. We have a transition agreement between the Government of Nunavut and the Government of the Northwest Territories so that the actions of one government cannot affect the operation of the Power Corporation. The board of the Power Corporation is responsible for running the Power Corporation, not the governments. The governments do not provide direction and the transition agreement quite clearly sets this out. There should be no worry that the actions of one government will affect the return on investment by shareholders in the other territory.

Second, the negotiations are between the Power Corporation and the agents representing the employees. The Government of Nunavut and the Government of the Northwest Territories are not involved in the negotiations directly. The negotiations are being conducted by the Power Corporation management and they are being conducted between unionized workers in the Northwest Territories as one bargaining group, and unionized workers in Nunavut as the other. Should they reach different settlements in each territory, Mr. Speaker, by the terms of the operation of the Power Corporation, there is no cross-subsidization and, in fact, the cost of operation in each community must be recovered from that community, so there is no cross-subsidization even between communities. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Further Return To Question 208-13(7): Union Representing Nunavut Ntpc Employees
Question 208-13(7): Union Representing Nunavut NTPC Employees
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 589

The Speaker

Oral questions. Final supplementary, Mr. Henry.

Supplementary To Question 208-13(7): Union Representing Nunavut Ntpc Employees
Question 208-13(7): Union Representing Nunavut NTPC Employees
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 589

Seamus Henry Yellowknife South

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I thank the Minster for that information. Mr. Speaker, we all know that presently the Union of Northern Workers are negotiating with the Power Corporation for a collective agreement for their union. We are

also aware, Mr. Speaker, that if an agreement is reached, the opportunity for the employees to have different representation will be gone for some period of time. Other than the membership of that union, not accepting a contract or dragging their feet on that situation, are there any other steps that the workers can take to force this issue for consideration of a change to the NWT Public Service Act? Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Supplementary To Question 208-13(7): Union Representing Nunavut Ntpc Employees
Question 208-13(7): Union Representing Nunavut NTPC Employees
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 590

The Speaker

Thank you. Mr. Dent.

Further Return To Question 208-13(7): Union Representing Nunavut Ntpc Employees
Question 208-13(7): Union Representing Nunavut NTPC Employees
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 590

Charles Dent

Charles Dent Yellowknife Frame Lake

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I have already stated earlier today, this cannot be a quick process. There is nothing that can speed it up. I am no labour lawyer, but I would suspect that if we were to agree to make a change in the structure of the regulation of labour in the Northwest Territories, that would not necessarily preclude a change in representation happening in mid-contract. I would be extremely surprised if we were able to respond in the life of this Legislature with the new legislation. The requirement for consultation, and looking at how labour laws would have to change because of the implications to other areas of the public service, this cannot be achieved quickly, however, the process has commenced to seriously look at it. Mr. Speaker, thank you.

Further Return To Question 208-13(7): Union Representing Nunavut Ntpc Employees
Question 208-13(7): Union Representing Nunavut NTPC Employees
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 590

The Speaker

Oral questions. Mrs. Groenewegen.

Question 209-13(7): NTPC Contracting Policy
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 590

Jane Groenewegen

Jane Groenewegen Hay River

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, my question is for the Minister responsible for the NWT Power Corporation. Recently in Hay River, a contract was awarded by the Power Corporation to a southern company for the provision of workshops and seminars we put on for employees with respect to proper posture and things that could help them in that way. This contract was awarded to a southern company, I believe out of Vancouver, and it was not put out to tender or any proposal called in the Northwest Territories to allow people with that expertise in the North to bid on that contract. My question to the Minister responsible for the Power Corporation is, what is the policy of the Power Corporation with respect to contracting for services? Thank you.

Question 209-13(7): NTPC Contracting Policy
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 590

The Speaker

Thank you. The Minister responsible for the NWT Power Corporation, Mr. Dent.

Return To Question 209-13(7): Ntpc Contracting Policy
Question 209-13(7): NTPC Contracting Policy
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 590

Charles Dent

Charles Dent Yellowknife Frame Lake

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I certainly encourage the board of directors to support northern business as much as possible. They do not have a Business Incentive Policy, nor are they required to follow the Business Incentive Policy of this government, because they are not funded by the government. I do believe that, in general, they attempt to give as much business as possible to northern suppliers. The Member brought this issue to my attention some time ago and I believe that, in consultation with the management of the Power Corporation, there has been an agreement that, in future there will certainly be an opportunity for local companies to bid to supply this kind of service. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Return To Question 209-13(7): Ntpc Contracting Policy
Question 209-13(7): NTPC Contracting Policy
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 590

The Speaker

Oral questions. Supplementary, Mrs. Groenewegen.

Supplementary To Question 209-13(7): Ntpc Contracting Policy
Question 209-13(7): NTPC Contracting Policy
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 590

Jane Groenewegen

Jane Groenewegen Hay River

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, indeed I did speak with the Minister about this previously, but subsequent to that, the contract did go ahead and it went ahead not only in Hay River as a community but the same service was also provided to employees of the Power Corporation in other areas. It turned out to be, what I would suspect, is a fairly substantial contract and it was not halted after it was brought to the attention of the Minister or to the board. I was wondering, could the Minister tell us, for clarification, the NWT Power Corporation is not guided by the same purchasing principles as the GNWT? Thank you.

Supplementary To Question 209-13(7): Ntpc Contracting Policy
Question 209-13(7): NTPC Contracting Policy
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 590

The Speaker

Thank you. Mr. Dent.

Further Return To Question 209-13(7): Ntpc Contracting Policy
Question 209-13(7): NTPC Contracting Policy
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 590

Charles Dent

Charles Dent Yellowknife Frame Lake

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, they are specifically excluded from the requirement to follow the Business Incentive Policy or the purchasing requirements set out for government agencies, so they develop their own policies and I would be happy to provide the Member with information on what their purchasing policies are.

Further Return To Question 209-13(7): Ntpc Contracting Policy
Question 209-13(7): NTPC Contracting Policy
Item 6: Oral Questions

May 12th, 1999

Page 590

The Speaker

Oral questions. Supplementary, Mrs. Groenewegen.

Supplementary To Question 209-13(7): Ntpc Contracting Policy
Question 209-13(7): NTPC Contracting Policy
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 590

Jane Groenewegen

Jane Groenewegen Hay River

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, would the Minister also undertake to provide me with the details of that particular contract and what the dollar value was associated with it? Thank you.

Supplementary To Question 209-13(7): Ntpc Contracting Policy
Question 209-13(7): NTPC Contracting Policy
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 590

The Speaker

Thank you. Mr. Dent, two questions.

Further Return To Question 209-13(7): Ntpc Contracting Policy
Question 209-13(7): NTPC Contracting Policy
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 590

Charles Dent

Charles Dent Yellowknife Frame Lake

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. On both questions, I will ask the board to provide that information to me so I can forward it to the Member.

Further Return To Question 209-13(7): Ntpc Contracting Policy
Question 209-13(7): NTPC Contracting Policy
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 590

The Speaker

Oral questions. Mr. Henry.

Question 210-13(7): Special Needs Programs For Parents
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 590

Seamus Henry Yellowknife South

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, my question is to the Minister of Education, the Honourable Michael Miltenberger. Mr. Speaker, I would like to refer to a letter I had received and a subsequent conversation with some parents here in Yellowknife regarding some of their children. One was recently diagnosed with dyslexia and ADHD. These parents go on to tell me about some of the difficulties that they have had to go through to, first of all, identify the problem, get the

assessment, deal with the assessment, and help their child to deal with the medical problems that they have. This certainly, Mr. Speaker, is not meant to pull on the Minister's heartstrings, because I know he feels very strongly about the need for assistance to children with learning difficulties. It is more to get at the point, Mr. Speaker, about a role the department can play in encouraging parents that they have a role to play, too.

Mr. Speaker, the lady talks very strongly and is very supportive of YK Education District 1, and particularly the school that her son is enrolled in that particular school district, Range Lake North School. She speaks very highly of the work that particular board and school does. My question to the Minister is, can the Minster tell me what programs the department runs to encourage parents that they also have a large role to play in doing their part to ensure their children are assessed and also to give them some tools to help their children along through these difficulties? Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Question 210-13(7): Special Needs Programs For Parents
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 591

The Speaker

Thank you. The Minister of Education, Culture and Employment, Mr. Miltenberger.

Return To Question 210-13(7): Special Needs Programs For Parents
Question 210-13(7): Special Needs Programs For Parents
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 591

Michael Miltenberger

Michael Miltenberger Thebacha

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, the Member raises a key issue that was talked about at some length during the debate on the budget and that is the critical role of the family and parents on the education of their child or children. This issue, as well, was raised by the forum and it is a community issue that we, as a department, along with the DEAs and DECs, are going to be working on. Are there specific departmental programs such as the Member referenced? Not to my knowledge. Thank you.

Return To Question 210-13(7): Special Needs Programs For Parents
Question 210-13(7): Special Needs Programs For Parents
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 591

The Speaker

Oral questions. Supplementary, Mr. Henry.

Supplementary To Question 210-13(7): Special Needs Programs For Parents
Question 210-13(7): Special Needs Programs For Parents
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 591

Seamus Henry Yellowknife South

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, the Minister has acknowledged, in fact, that parents do play a very large part in assisting their family to deal with these situations and he does acknowledge that to his knowledge there are not any programs that the department has. My question to the Minister is, would he give some consideration to having some discussion with his department officials, as the Minister has recognized the importance that parents play in this, and develop some programs or some information pamphlets that can be distributed to schools and, therefore, to parents to help them deal with the situation of getting their children diagnosed if they are running into some of these problems? Thank you, Mr. Speaker.