This is page numbers 397 - 466 of the Hansard for the 14th Assembly, 3rd Session. The original version can be accessed on the Legislative Assembly's website or by contacting the Legislative Assembly Library. The word of the day was chairman.


Sustainability Of Care
Item 19: Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters

Page 448


Thank you, Mr. Chairman. The example that the Minister used on the reduction of tobacco use in youth, the incidence of tobacco use in youth is what we will be measuring. We are currently completing a database that will give us the baseline information to be able to measure our success rate over a period of time. We indicated that it would be a two to five year period that we would be measuring. What we are aiming for is sustained. It would be a measurable decrease in the incidence of tobacco use over the next ten years in that particular age category. Until we actually have the baseline information and data, only then can we actually do a projection of what would be a reasonable expectation to give to the Member.

The rate of hospitalization for addictions dependency is something that we will measure. We have not measured that previously. It is not part of standardized reporting. Over the next five to ten years we are hoping to see a decrease in the hospitalization rates with individuals who are hospitalized for addictions. What we have tried to do in this document is to identify what we need to measure, what we need to collect as the baseline, and what we are aiming for. That is a target in this particular business plan. There has been every direction given to the department that we come back in the next business plan with very substantiated target areas. When we had the discussion with the Standing Committee on Social Programs we had made a commitment to work in that direction.

The other comment or the question that you asked was why are some of the measurements of success the same in some of the desired outcomes? The reason is that the success indicator is the same, so in fact, if you look at self-government, what we are aiming for actually has an impact on the desired outcome. For example, if it is increased community capacity, to support recovery and healing, if it is governance, those have a similar aim. Thank you.

Sustainability Of Care
Item 19: Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters

Page 448

The Chair

The Chair Paul Delorey

Thank you, Ms. Praamsma. Mr. Miltenberger.

Sustainability Of Care
Item 19: Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters

Page 448

Michael Miltenberger

Michael Miltenberger Thebacha

Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I would suggest then that it would be a worthwhile goal and target to say that over the next year you were going to establish this data and benchmarks. I do not know how long that is going to take, but if you are going to come back next year, I am assuming you are going to have some benchmarks. I find it hard to believe that as a department, the rates of hospitalization and those kinds of issues have not been tracked, rates of immunization. You want to target 99 percent. Where are we today?

Those are the questions there. To use your example of the alignment of health and social services boards, if you take that goal and you look at that, and you put page 22 by page 23, it is virtually identical. Why would you refer to it twice? Why would you ever use any of those three twice, when all you have added is a couple of what we are aiming at targets and timeframes, in which the desired outcome is identical and what you will measure is the same. You have added just a couple. Maybe you could touch on that. When you talk about sustained you have no benchmarks, so we have to wait for a year but that you do not identify developing these benchmarks and databases as a priority to be able to, in fact, measure what you are doing strikes me as odd. Thank you.

Sustainability Of Care
Item 19: Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters

Page 448

The Chair

The Chair Paul Delorey

Thank you, Mr. Miltenberger. Ms. Praamsma.

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Item 19: Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters

Page 448


Thank you, Mr. Chairman. We will be producing, as indicated in one of our goals, what we are aiming for, a document on utilization statistics and benchmarks, what a service delivery norm would be. As well, we have delivered and produced the report on health conditions which is the first report that gives us some baseline information. Your example and you are correct that we do track hospitalizations and reasons for hospitalizations but not necessarily alcohol dependency and that would be what we would like to measure in order to show a success in that particular area and the prevalence of alcohol and substance abuse.

That is the target what we determined would be an adequate measurement. When we look at the improved integration and coordination of Health and Social Services, the desired outcome is the alignment of services to the population of seniors, disabled children and youth. What we are measuring is similar but not totally the same and what we are aiming for, I agree, is similar but not in all the cases are they the same. They do speak to two different goals.

One is to have an integrated and coordinated health and social service system. The next goal is to be more responsive and responsible. So the actual goals that they are responding to are different.

Sustainability Of Care
Item 19: Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters

Page 448

The Chair

The Chair Paul Delorey

Thank you, Ms. Praamsma. Mr. Miltenberger.

Sustainability Of Care
Item 19: Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters

Page 448

Michael Miltenberger

Michael Miltenberger Thebacha

Mr. Chairman. I will have to get them to walk me through this because if I put those two together, alignment of services, you put them side by side, what we will measure is identical. The outcomes are identical all the way down, except for the last three. When you look at what we are aiming for target timeframes, it is the same thing.

I do not know what is different about these three different outcomes. I do not understand that. There are some things that have to be there, Mr. Chairman. Immunization, you track that, you know what we are at right now. Where do you want to be? In three years you want to be 99 percent, but where are we now? I mean there are some of these things that you know, you have to know. You have been running as a department for over a decade, I think, or two decades, whatever it is since we took over from the federal government. Some of that stuff has to be there. Thank you.

Sustainability Of Care
Item 19: Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters

Page 448

The Chair

The Chair Paul Delorey

Thank you, Mr. Miltenberger. Is that just a comment? I did not hear a question there. Mr. Miltenberger.

Sustainability Of Care
Item 19: Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters

Page 448

Michael Miltenberger

Michael Miltenberger Thebacha

Mr. Chairman, there was a question on those two goals that are identical, the desired outcomes are identical. What we will measure is almost word for word identical, what we are aiming for. I do not know the difference or why they are replicated and this is an issue that we will have to track. I made the case for it tonight. Thank you.

Sustainability Of Care
Item 19: Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters

Page 448

The Chair

The Chair Paul Delorey

Thank you, Mr. Miltenberger. Mrs. Groenewegen.

Sustainability Of Care
Item 19: Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters

Page 448

Jane Groenewegen

Jane Groenewegen Hay River South

Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Mr. Chairman, the Member suggested that he might need someone to help him walk through that. We will happily get together with him and do that. Maybe that would make it clear for him. Thank you.

Sustainability Of Care
Item 19: Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters

Page 449

The Chair

The Chair Paul Delorey

Thank you, Mrs. Groenewegen. Mr. Nitah.

Sustainability Of Care
Item 19: Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters

Page 449

Steven Nitah Tu Nedhe

Thank you, Mr. Chairman. First things first. Let us get back to the cancer rate. It is surprising that the Northwest Territories has a lower than Canadian average cancer rate. Where was this information obtained? When was it obtained? I assume there is a baseline of information resulting in the realization of the statistics. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

Sustainability Of Care
Item 19: Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters

Page 449

The Chair

The Chair Paul Delorey

Thank you, Mr. Nitah. Mrs. Groenewegen.

Sustainability Of Care
Item 19: Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters

Page 449

Jane Groenewegen

Jane Groenewegen Hay River South

Mr. Chairman, just while that information is being found, we did get a note from the department that indicates that we have done extensive testing on PCB's over the last five years to establish a baseline on contaminants and the Department of Indian and Northern Affairs has also done considerable work through the Arctic Environmental Strategy. Though just a full response to a previous question asked by the same Member, that is just a little bit more information on that particular one.

Mr. Chairman, under our 1999 Northwest Territories health status reports, it talks about major causes of mortality. I will just read from this, "When adjusted for age of population, mortality due to cancer in the Northwest Territories was about the same as the rate as for the rest of Canada. Mortality due to circular disease was closer to, although still lower, than the rest of Canada and mortality due to respiratory disease was higher than in the rest of the country."

This is just an interesting tidbit, however, the rate of mortality due to injuries in the Northwest Territories was more than twice the rate for the rest of Canada. I may have been incorrect in saying they were lower, but we are no higher than the national average for cancer. I said respiratory, that is what you were asking me about. Sorry, Mr. Chairman.

What this Member was asking me about earlier today was studies that might have been done on the effects of dust and that would be something that would effect respiratory illnesses. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

Sustainability Of Care
Item 19: Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters

Page 449

The Chair

The Chair Paul Delorey

Thank you, Mrs. Groenewegen. Mr. Nitah.

Sustainability Of Care
Item 19: Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters

Page 449

Steven Nitah Tu Nedhe

Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I guess we do have the baseline studies on the number of cancer patients in the Northwest Territories. It would be interesting to see if there has been a correlation of statistics put together of when did we start identifying the cancer going up or down, for which area, what kind of cancer, et cetera.

I do not think we have time to get the full answer from the department at this time, I would sure like to see a written copy provided to myself and if any other Members are interested, I am sure they would like to get copies also. I have been given a lot of concerns from my constituents and people in the Northwest Territories in general that the cancer rate is going up. My elders are starting to pass on at a more frequent pace. I think there is some validity to that and I want to know if there is any reason other than natural causes and respiratory diseases other than resulting from smoking. I think there might be some problems with the water. Let us find out for sure. If there are problems in Fort McPherson, there is the same system of water delivery in every community. There could be some major problems here that we do not know of.

I would like to get back to Cosmo 952. It is shocking to me that an unplanned and unknown Russian satellite dropping on the people of the Northwest Territories with particles landing on rooftops and covering hundreds of miles, happened in the Northwest Territories some 20 to 22 years ago and there was never a follow-up study on the possible effects of that. The department has never done any kind of a study. I am not familiar with a report that has ever been developed, if there was a report. Can the Minister tell me if there was report? If there was a report, does the GNWT have that report? Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

Sustainability Of Care
Item 19: Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters

Page 449

The Chair

The Chair Paul Delorey

Thank you, Mr. Nitah. Mrs. Groenewegen.

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Item 19: Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters

Page 449

Jane Groenewegen

Jane Groenewegen Hay River South

Thank you, Mr. Chairman. As I indicated before, when the satellite, I guess it was a Russian satellite, fell and broke into little pieces, I am not aware of any post-clean-up research that was done to indicate whether everything had been found. Certainly when we talk about the kinds of things that affect the health of Northerners and the mortality rates due to things such as injury related to alcohol and cancer related to tobacco and all kinds of other things, it is just an interesting comparison. As I said before, to my knowledge, there has never been any post-clean-up research done on whether or not there is any radioactive material.

I understand that in relation to the mining that was done and the transportation of radioactive material on ships and barges, there was quite a comprehensive study undertaken not so long ago to find out if there were any trace radioactive material that had been left on tubs, barges, in communities, things of that nature related to the mining of uranium. Thank you.

Sustainability Of Care
Item 19: Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters

Page 449

The Chair

The Chair Paul Delorey

Thank you, Mrs. Groenewegen. Mr. Nitah.

Sustainability Of Care
Item 19: Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters

July 4th, 2000

Page 449

Steven Nitah Tu Nedhe

Thank you, Mr. Chairman. You earlier mentioned the pockets of higher than normal rates of cancer in certain Sahtu communities. I think we all know which communities we are talking about. There was also, and this is not very well known, but there was also an underground uranium mine just outside of Lutselk'e that nobody ever talks about. The people from Lutselk'e and Fort Resolution worked in that mine. I am sure they were working under the same conditions as the people in Deline. That study has never been done.

I would like to get back to the Cosmo 952. Can the GNWT find out if there was a report completed based on studies on the crash? If there is a study, can that study be made available? Can the department, with national defense or whatever, determine once and for all if there needs to be follow-up studies done? What are the dangers? These materials were on people's roofs, Mr. Chairman, people's roofs. That means it landed in a lot of places. I cannot imagine every piece being picked up by the U.S. or Canadian government. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

Sustainability Of Care
Item 19: Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters

Page 449

The Chair

The Chair Paul Delorey

Thank you, Mr. Nitah. Mrs. Groenewegen.

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Item 19: Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters

Page 450

Jane Groenewegen

Jane Groenewegen Hay River South

Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Mr. Chairman, I will commit to having officials in my department contact the Department of National Defense to see if there is a report of the clean-up operations and how successful they were. Thank you.

Sustainability Of Care
Item 19: Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters

Page 450

The Chair

The Chair Paul Delorey

Thank you, Mrs. Groenewegen. Mr. Nitah.

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Item 19: Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters

Page 450

Steven Nitah Tu Nedhe

Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Mr. Chairman, may I also have a commitment from the Minister to see if she can come up with the statistics I requested earlier? I never did get a commitment on that one, dealing with the different kinds of cancer, how frequently they have been reported, from which geographical location, et cetera. Thank you.