Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I have some questions for the Minister of ITI in follow-up to his Member's statement about traditionally-tanned moosehides and pilot projects, which I think is a good idea. Mr. Speaker, I estimate that annually around the community where I live, there are about 100 moosehides left in the bush over the course of moose hunting season. It's always struck me as a terrible waste because there is no place to have these hides taken to; there was no incentive to take them out of the bush; they're heavy, they take up space in your boat. I notice Enterprise is one of the communities that will be involved in this. I would just like to ask the Minister, if he can just indicate maybe a bit more detail in terms of what incentive is there going to be,
is there going to be a connection into the communities where moose hunting is such a viable pastime? Can the Minister indicate will there be any connection with, say, the Metis nations and the bands to make sure that there is some agreement or some process where these hides can, in fact, be brought out and put to use? Thank you.