This is page numbers 1243 - 1280 of the Hansard for the 17th Assembly, 3rd Session. The original version can be accessed on the Legislative Assembly's website or by contacting the Legislative Assembly Library. The word of the day was communities.


Sessional Business
Members’ Statements

Robert Bouchard

Robert Bouchard Hay River North

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. It’s good to be back here in the House with my colleagues dealing with the important issues of the Northwest Territories. I will equate it to coming to a big family reunion. Everyone is happy to see each other, shake each other’s hand, and shortly after that give each other a jab or two. This morning I was a recipient of most of the jabs, the ribbing, because I wasn’t here for the first day of session. I was travelling with the Minister for Arctic Winter Games. My colleagues know that, but they still had no problem giving me not-so-smart comments. Glad you could make it. Travelling again? Even staff, do you know we start work on Monday? That’s okay. As my family and friends know, I will take these comments and I will take my chances when I get a chance to make comments to them.

Just like family, I’d like to remind everybody, after we’re here for a while we’re going to get short with each other, so let’s just remember when we do get together we remember it fondly.

Seriously, I know we have a great deal of work to do over the next four weeks and the capital budget is one of them. I’m here. Let’s get to work.

Sessional Business
Members’ Statements

The Speaker

The Speaker Jackie Jacobson

Thank you, Mr. Bouchard. The honourable Member for Mackenzie Delta, Mr. Blake.

Mackenzie Delta Recipients Of The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medals
Members’ Statements

Frederick Blake Jr.

Frederick Blake Jr. Mackenzie Delta

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Last Friday in Aklavik we were very honoured to have Premier Bob McLeod visit and pay tribute to the recipients of the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Awards. Dean McLeod, Barbara Archie, Mary Kendi and Nellie Cournoyea were the four recipients in Aklavik.

The residents of Aklavik and the Mackenzie Delta joined the Premier in extending congratulatory greetings to the recipients and wish to commend them for their tireless effort in making their community a better place to live, and for contributing to Aklavik, the Northwest Territories and Canada.

The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Awards are unique and very special. The recipients were honoured during a community feast and the medals were awarded and presented by leaders from Aklavik,

the president of the Gwich’in Tribal Council and the chair of the Inuvialuit Development Corporation.

Thank you, and again I would like to thank Dean McLeod, Barbara Archie, Mary Kendi and Nellie Cournoyea for their tremendous efforts in making Canada a special place to live.

Mackenzie Delta Recipients Of The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medals
Members’ Statements

The Speaker

The Speaker Jackie Jacobson

Thank you, Mr. Blake. Item 4, reports of standing and special committees. Item 5, returns to oral questions. Item 6, recognition of visitors in the gallery. The honourable Member for Inuvik Twin Lakes, Mr. Robert McLeod.

Recognition of Visitors in the Gallery
Recognition of Visitors in the Gallery

Robert C. McLeod

Robert C. McLeod Inuvik Twin Lakes

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I’d like to take this opportunity to recognize a good friend of mine, Minister Lorne Kusugak from Nunavut, who I’ve had the opportunity to work with over the last number of years and I’ve always been very impressed with his commitment to the people of Nunavut. Welcome to the Assembly, Quasa.

Recognition of Visitors in the Gallery
Recognition of Visitors in the Gallery

The Speaker

The Speaker Jackie Jacobson

Thank you, Mr. McLeod. The honourable Member for Monfwi, Mr. Lafferty.

Recognition of Visitors in the Gallery
Recognition of Visitors in the Gallery

Jackson Lafferty

Jackson Lafferty Monfwi

Mahsi, Mr. Speaker. I, too, would like to recognize Minister Kusugak from the Nunavut government for joining us today. He’s also a counterpart to the Minister responsible for WSCC.

Also, I would like to recognize Gayla Meredith, president of the NWTTA, who is here with us. Welcome.

Recognition of Visitors in the Gallery
Recognition of Visitors in the Gallery

The Speaker

The Speaker Jackie Jacobson

Thank you, Mr. Lafferty. The honourable Member for Great Slave, Mr. Abernethy.

Recognition of Visitors in the Gallery
Recognition of Visitors in the Gallery

Glen Abernethy

Glen Abernethy Great Slave

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I’d like to recognize a couple of interns working for the Government of the Northwest Territories. Krystal Shaben, who is the Public Works and Services policy and communication assistant intern; Rebecca Dupuis, who is the Justice policy intern; and Harjot Sidhu who is the HR policy intern.

Recognition of Visitors in the Gallery
Recognition of Visitors in the Gallery

The Speaker

The Speaker Jackie Jacobson

Thank you, Mr. Abernethy. The honourable Member for Hay River North, Mr. Bouchard.

Recognition of Visitors in the Gallery
Recognition of Visitors in the Gallery

Robert Bouchard

Robert Bouchard Hay River North

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I’d also like to recognize Lorne Kusugak from Nunavut, who I also had a chance to travel with over the last couple days. Welcome to the House.

Recognition of Visitors in the Gallery
Recognition of Visitors in the Gallery

The Speaker

The Speaker Jackie Jacobson

Thank you, Mr. Bouchard. I’d like to welcome all our visitors here in the public gallery today. Thank you for taking an interest in our proceedings. Again, Lorne, thank you for coming.

Item 7, acknowledgements. The honourable Member for Mackenzie Delta, Mr. Blake.

Acknowledgement 8-17(3): 97th Birthday Of Peter Kay Sr.

Frederick Blake Jr.

Frederick Blake Jr. Mackenzie Delta

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. It gives me great pleasure today to wish one of the most respected elders of the Mackenzie Delta a very happy 97th birthday.

Gwich’in elder Peter Kay Sr. from Fort McPherson is to be commended on healthy living and for taking care of his family, and also living the Gwich’in cultural lifestyle.

Mr. Kay’s livelihood, active living and positive outlook on life and family have given him the opportunity today to spend precious time with his family at 97 years young.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker, and Members of the Assembly. Please join me in congratulating Peter Kay on his 97th birthday.


Acknowledgement 8-17(3): 97th Birthday Of Peter Kay Sr.

The Speaker

The Speaker Jackie Jacobson

Thank you, Mr. Blake. Item 8, oral questions. The honourable Member for Hay River South, Mrs. Groenewegen.

Question 175-17(3): Mental Health First Aid Project
Oral Questions

Jane Groenewegen

Jane Groenewegen Hay River South

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. In my Member’s statement today I talked about what I see as a lack of support in the smaller communities for people suffering from mental illness. This is a problem which has come into very clear focus in Hay River in the last month. I am very interested in this Mental Health First Aid program which is rolling out in a couple of small communities and I would like to ask the Minister of Health and Social Services what the plan is for the roll-out of this. If he could just describe it for us briefly and give people some hope that maybe there is something coming here that will help smaller communities deal with issues of mental illness.

Question 175-17(3): Mental Health First Aid Project
Oral Questions

The Speaker

The Speaker Jackie Jacobson

Thank you, Mrs. Groenewegen. The honourable Minister of Health and Social Services, Mr. Beaulieu.

Question 175-17(3): Mental Health First Aid Project
Oral Questions

Tu Nedhe

Tom Beaulieu

Tom Beaulieu Minister of Health and Social Services

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. The Mental Health First Aid course is something that our department is offering to professionals from the regions and communities, that they go back to their communities to put on workshops on mental health that would be open to the citizens, teachers, anybody that wishes to learn more about mental health issues at the community or regional levels.

Question 175-17(3): Mental Health First Aid Project
Oral Questions

Jane Groenewegen

Jane Groenewegen Hay River South

I mentioned that two communities have so far had the opportunity to partake in this: Tuktoyaktuk and Fort McPherson.

What’s the agenda, what’s the schedule look like for taking this important training, workshop information to other communities?

Question 175-17(3): Mental Health First Aid Project
Oral Questions

Tu Nedhe

Tom Beaulieu

Tom Beaulieu Minister of Health and Social Services

This week we are running the course again, the Mental Health First Aid course. It’s going to be offered to all the regions, and some of the major communities that I notice on the list – I don’t have the list here with me - but I believe one is Hay River. Somebody from Hay River is here. For sure someone from Smith, Yellowknife, Deh Cho, Sahtu, and the Tlicho communities are here taking that course that they will take back to their regions.

Question 175-17(3): Mental Health First Aid Project
Oral Questions

Jane Groenewegen

Jane Groenewegen Hay River South

I see this as only being helpful. When there is a crisis of mental health issues in a community, what are we doing about protocol so that everybody knows what the plan is? You don’t hear very often of people being medevaced because there’s a mental health crisis. You do certainly when there’s a physical illness, you hear that, but, when there’s a mental illness and there’s a crisis, you don’t hear of what the protocols are for dealing with that.

We live in a severe climate and environment, and when you’re in the smaller communities, if we do not have those kinds of protocols and infrastructure in place, it can be a dire consequence for the person that’s ill and those trying to help them. Is there any work going on in the department to come up with a protocol so that everybody knows who is in the social services or health care profession and the policy or whatever services are in those communities what the plan is?

Question 175-17(3): Mental Health First Aid Project
Oral Questions

Tu Nedhe

Tom Beaulieu

Tom Beaulieu Minister of Health and Social Services

Laid out in the Mental Health and Addictions Action Plan was the attempt to try to remove the stigma of mental health so that individuals are able to work freely with people who are afflicted with mental health issues. It’s a very, very difficult area.

As the Member indicated, you can’t just, you know, if somebody gets hurt, a physical injury, people know what to do. There’s a certain process. You get the person into the hospital. Mental health cases are different.

We are trying to train people. We are trying to set up a system where individuals are able to identify mental health. We’re trying to set up a system where individuals are able to deal with mental health issues. It’s a very difficult situation that we are starting to get more heavily involved at this point and by the time we get rolling into the Mental Health and Addictions Action Plan, we should be able to develop some protocols on how to deal with mental health cases as well.

Question 175-17(3): Mental Health First Aid Project
Oral Questions

October 17th, 2012

Jane Groenewegen

Jane Groenewegen Hay River South

Because of the remoteness of some of our communities, I would like to ask the Minister if he is aware if there is still any kind of a crisis helpline that is available for

people that they can call into when they are experiencing difficulties and what role does our government play in sustaining such a service.

Question 175-17(3): Mental Health First Aid Project
Oral Questions

Tu Nedhe

Tom Beaulieu

Tom Beaulieu Minister of Health and Social Services

I don’t have that information with me. I don’t remember if the crisis line is still open or not. I can verify that information for the Member and advise the House whether or not that crisis line is still open.

Question 175-17(3): Mental Health First Aid Project
Oral Questions

The Speaker

The Speaker Jackie Jacobson

Thank you, Mr. Beaulieu. Final supplementary, Mrs. Groenewegen. The honourable Member for Range Lake, Mr. Dolynny.

Question 176-17(3): Anti-Bullying Legislation
Oral Questions

Daryl Dolynny

Daryl Dolynny Range Lake

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Earlier today, in my Member’s statement, I talked about anti-bullying legislation. It’s unfortunate that tragedies usually put a lens on subjects such as this. I think the public and also Members need to be reassured that we’re working towards good legislation.

My question for the Minister of Education, Culture and Employment is: Maybe giving us an update, what’s happening in the department as we’re preparing for this anti-bullying legislation for the Northwest Territories?