This is page numbers of the Hansard for the 20th Assembly, 1st Session. The original version can be accessed on the Legislative Assembly's website or by contacting the Legislative Assembly Library. The word of the day was know.


Question 374-20(1): Mackenzie Valley Fibre Line Backup
Oral Questions

Denny Rodgers

Denny Rodgers Inuvik Boot Lake

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I thank the Minister, and I certainly applaud the efforts to get the -- from the Yukon government and both ourselves to get that redundant line in. My concern, Mr. Speaker, is the beyond Fort Nelson. So the redundancy line right now goes into Fort Nelson. Is the Minister aware of any negotiations either taking place or planned to take place to ensure that we have access to that line as well so if -- to that line as well. Thank you.

Question 374-20(1): Mackenzie Valley Fibre Line Backup
Oral Questions

Caroline Wawzonek

Caroline Wawzonek Yellowknife South

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, we do have what's called an indefeasible right of use or the ability to use the line that goes from McGill Lake down into British Columbia. That's that last piece that connects our loop. It ensures that we are using -- we have the ability to use that infrastructure which would otherwise be entirely that of NorthwesTel just as -- as there's agreements with us and the government of the Yukon to use either side of this network or the loop, as I was describing earlier. Mr. Speaker, with respect to what happens after McGill Lake, that piece does belong to NorthwesTel just as we would be looking at other carriers when ours goes down from our side of the loop down into Alberta. So I'd certainly have to go back and confirm the degree to which we're having those discussions and ensure that we maintain an ability to use those lines or that our carriers have the ability to use those lines. Thank you.

Question 374-20(1): Mackenzie Valley Fibre Line Backup
Oral Questions

Denny Rodgers

Denny Rodgers Inuvik Boot Lake

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Yes, I understand there is the IRU for the line beyond High Level, but I guess my question is if there's a disruption beyond High Level, then do we not -- we won't have the access to go the full loop from Alberta up to Fort Nelson. So is there any conversations taking place to have an IRU, as the Minister mentioned, on that line as well, the Fort Nelson to Alberta line?

Question 374-20(1): Mackenzie Valley Fibre Line Backup
Oral Questions

Caroline Wawzonek

Caroline Wawzonek Yellowknife South

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I believe there are still conversations underway right now with the Department of Finance on behalf of the Government of the Northwest Territories and NorthwesTel. We were also involved just this past summer and into the fall in terms of producing -- or, rather, providing completion of a fibre line all the way up into Tuktoyaktuk, and stemming from those conversations we were -- again, this is part of the -- part of the bigger conversation that's happening with them about how we can maximize the services in the telecommunications space in the Northwest Territories. So, Mr. Speaker, the conversations continue, and I'm more than happy to keep the Member up to date. Thank you.

Question 374-20(1): Mackenzie Valley Fibre Line Backup
Oral Questions

The Speaker

The Speaker Shane Thompson

Thank you, Minister of Finance. Oral questions. Member from Range Lake.

Question 375-20(1): Updates to Diagnostic Imaging Medical Communications System
Oral Questions

October 29th, 2024

Kieron Testart

Kieron Testart Range Lake

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, as I said in my Member's statement, the NWT has no access to -- does not have access to a medical communication system that's vital for diagnostic imaging which requires health care professionals to put scans on disks and then send it down with patients on appointments on medical travel. Can the Minister speak to what her plan is to resolve this so we can bring our health care system into the modern era. Thank you?

Question 375-20(1): Updates to Diagnostic Imaging Medical Communications System
Oral Questions

The Speaker

The Speaker Shane Thompson

Thank you, Member from Range Lake. Minister of Health and Social Services.

Question 375-20(1): Updates to Diagnostic Imaging Medical Communications System
Oral Questions

Lesa Semmler

Lesa Semmler Inuvik Twin Lakes

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, we are currently seeking -- we are working on the procurement process for the new electronic medical records. As I've said in this House many times, our EMR is coming to an end. They will not be supported any longer. But what I will say is is that -- you know, the things that the Member is raising, it is -- we are well aware of these issues and that's why the urgency on this RFP going out to ensure that the procurement process rolls out. And then depending on the system that they think that meets the needs will depend on how long that rollout takes. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Question 375-20(1): Updates to Diagnostic Imaging Medical Communications System
Oral Questions

Kieron Testart

Kieron Testart Range Lake

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, it took years to implement the current EMR system across the Northwest Territories. My concern is that this RFP won't go far enough to correct the issues that nurses and doctors are experiencing. So can the Minister reassure our health care workers that this RFP will address these concerns throughout the Northwest Territories. Thank you.

Question 375-20(1): Updates to Diagnostic Imaging Medical Communications System
Oral Questions

Lesa Semmler

Lesa Semmler Inuvik Twin Lakes

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, you know, and I appreciate the Member's bringing this up. And as far back as I think it was 17 years ago is we started rolling out EMR and then up until last year was the final community that received the rollout, and now the program is not able to be supported. So I agree with the Member that this -- the process, and I know the technology has changed. I know that our access to internet throughout the territories is much better than it was 17 years ago, so as I have more details as the procurement process and the rollout of that, I will provide -- you know, I'll offer a briefing to the Members if that's what they choose. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Question 375-20(1): Updates to Diagnostic Imaging Medical Communications System
Oral Questions

Kieron Testart

Kieron Testart Range Lake

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, nurses and doctors have to deal with as many as three systems, not just one. Only -- I think only one of them is electronic. The other two are paper systems. So what is the Minister's -- will these changes phase out paper? Let's just leave it limited on Stanton where a lot -- a great deal of these issues are creating bottlenecks. Thank you.

Question 375-20(1): Updates to Diagnostic Imaging Medical Communications System
Oral Questions

Lesa Semmler

Lesa Semmler Inuvik Twin Lakes

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I'm not going to delve down into which programs. Yes, there are multiple systems and that is the problem, is that none of them inter -- none of them talk to each other. And so when physicians and any practitioner has to access blood work or the appointments or the charting tool, yes, they have to log into multiple different levels. They're -- you know, they have to have -- they can't get other staff to support them because of access to information and all of these different barriers, and those are all of the things that we're looking at. And there's been many -- I think it says we've engaged over 400 individuals in the requirements that we're gathering to do this RFP, to be able to do the thing that the members and the staff -- that they need. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Question 375-20(1): Updates to Diagnostic Imaging Medical Communications System
Oral Questions

The Speaker

The Speaker Shane Thompson

Thank you, Minister of Health and Social Services. Final supplementary. Member from Range Lake.

Question 375-20(1): Updates to Diagnostic Imaging Medical Communications System
Oral Questions

Kieron Testart

Kieron Testart Range Lake

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. And I appreciate the Member's willingness to share information with this side of the House, and I'll take her up on that at the appropriate time when it's available.

Mr. Speaker, the diagnostic imaging partner site is in Calgary. So we send our requests to Calgary, they send it up to us, we put it on a disk, it goes back to Edmonton. Can the Minister look to find a new partner in Edmonton so we're -- because the systems in Calgary and Edmonton don't talk to each other either. So we have multiple systems in multiple jurisdictions that aren't talking to each other. So can the Minister explore this, try to find a partner closer to where our patients go in Edmonton, so we can stop this triangle of sadness? Thank you.

Question 375-20(1): Updates to Diagnostic Imaging Medical Communications System
Oral Questions

Lesa Semmler

Lesa Semmler Inuvik Twin Lakes

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I can commit to looking into what the process is and why we're using Calgary and not in Edmonton and all our patients are going to Edmonton. Yes, I'll commit to looking into that process. Thank you.

Question 375-20(1): Updates to Diagnostic Imaging Medical Communications System
Oral Questions

The Speaker

The Speaker Shane Thompson

Thank you, Minister of Health and Social Services. Oral questions. Member from Yellowknife Centre.

Question 376-20(1): Online Physician Booking Service
Oral Questions

Robert Hawkins

Robert Hawkins Yellowknife Centre

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I have questions for the Minister of Health and Social Services. People are still calling the phone numbers provided and reaching grave disappointment. They're also even going down to the medical centre to book appointments, but they're told well, call -- call back.

So, Mr. Speaker, my question for the Minister, really, is focusing around accessibility to doctors. What is stopping the department from creating an online doctor booking appointment platform that all Northerners can access in a timely way? Thank you.

Question 376-20(1): Online Physician Booking Service
Oral Questions

The Speaker

The Speaker Shane Thompson

Thank you, Member from Yellowknife Centre. Minister of Health and Social Services.

Question 376-20(1): Online Physician Booking Service
Oral Questions

Lesa Semmler

Lesa Semmler Inuvik Twin Lakes

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. And thank you to the Member for that question because that's the same question that I'd asked the department as to why could we do things during COVID and we can't do them now, and it's privacy, and there were exceptions made during the public health emergency that allowed for certain things that wouldn't meet the standards of our privacy. And so we are looking into those options right now as to what tool could be used. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Question 376-20(1): Online Physician Booking Service
Oral Questions

Robert Hawkins

Robert Hawkins Yellowknife Centre

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. First of all, you can book at least one clinic here in Yellowknife. I looked up in Vancouver -- I said, Vancouver online booking medical appointments, and all of a sudden my Google was flooded with options, Mr. Speaker. So maybe the Minister can explain to the House, but not just to the House, to Northerners, what is the obstruction specifically that's stopping the government from making the system more user friendly for the end user which are the citizens, Mr. Speaker. Thank you.

Question 376-20(1): Online Physician Booking Service
Oral Questions

Lesa Semmler

Lesa Semmler Inuvik Twin Lakes

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, as part of this, the whole review of the EMR and accessing services and being able to book appointments, I think all of those are -- we're trying to tie those in all together through this review. And I understand that there might be pieces that we will be able to do sooner than later. You know, the patient portals that people have requested, you know, that's something that we want to be able to use and, you know, so I think that's one of the biggest parts of our whole system, is that it's very piecemealed together, and I acknowledge that, and that's the work that the department is doing right now. Thank you.

Question 376-20(1): Online Physician Booking Service
Oral Questions

Robert Hawkins

Robert Hawkins Yellowknife Centre

Mr. Speaker, I think people would have a difficult time understanding why this is okay in the context of privacy and security during COVID when we couldn't bridge to non-COVID times. So, Mr. Speaker, would the Minister endeavour to see if we could change that -- whatever the obstructing policy is, and I'd like to hear what it is, why it was okay during COVID but not okay today. Thank you.

Question 376-20(1): Online Physician Booking Service
Oral Questions

Lesa Semmler

Lesa Semmler Inuvik Twin Lakes

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, what I will do is I will get the information so that I'm not saying the wrong thing on the floor and get back to the Members with an answer to that question. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Question 376-20(1): Online Physician Booking Service
Oral Questions

The Speaker

The Speaker Shane Thompson

Minister of Health and Social Services. Final supplementary. Member from Yellowknife Centre.

Question 376-20(1): Online Physician Booking Service
Oral Questions

Robert Hawkins

Robert Hawkins Yellowknife Centre

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Upon that perfect answer I'm anticipating, is the Minister prepared to bring forward some type of initiative to address this problem? Because Northerners are tired of calling phone numbers and no one answers, and then when it does leave a message, no one phones them back, and they have to drive there to get appointments. Can you imagine how difficult it is for someone in the communities? So is the Minister willing to bring a timely initiative once we get an answer on this perplexing question why we can't do things when we really should be able to. Thank you.