In discussions during our strategic planning there were references made to increasing the prevention budget to 1.5, possibly 2 percent in the prevention budget. Currently, we’re under 1 percent within the GNWT health and social services system. Is the department ready for that increase of funding dollars to be allocated to the communities across the Northwest Territories? There is a possibility that there might be one or two job positions that might need to be created with that increased funding. Has the Department of Health and Social Services looked into possible increased human resources for that? Thank you.
Alfred Moses

In the Legislative Assembly
Crucial Fact
- His favourite word was housing.
Last in the Legislative Assembly September 2019, as MLA for Inuvik Boot Lake
Won his last election, in 2015, with 89% of the vote.
Statements in the House
Question 62-17(1): Health Promotion And Prevention Funding December 12th, 2011
Question 62-17(1): Health Promotion And Prevention Funding December 12th, 2011
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I’d like to make reference to the state of the health and social
services system made by the Minister of Health earlier today. There were some strong words put in there that I’d like to make reference to. One was we can make real changes in the health and social services system. The second one was focusing on wellness and prevention at the community level will lead to improved health status over the long term. Thirdly, that the Minister is committed to working with all Northerners to improve the operation of the health and social services system in the NWT.
That’s great news and it’s something that has been sought after for a long time and it will make some great changes in the years to come. We do represent people of the NWT, but we also represent the staff working in our departments within our government system. My first question for the Minister of Health: Has the staff at the Department of Health been briefed or given an update, given a heads-up on the possible increase of prevention dollars for the next fiscal year should we increase that funding for the 2012-13 year? Thank you.
Question 52-17(1): Inuvik Natural Gas Reserves December 12th, 2011
Mr. Speaker, just one final question for the Premier. Once the discussion paper is finalized, will that information be available for all Members of the Legislative Assembly?
Question 52-17(1): Inuvik Natural Gas Reserves December 12th, 2011
I would like to ask the Premier, after all of his briefings and all of his information sessions, will the Premier commit to supporting the residents and the businesses of Inuvik by participating in a joint effort to create an action plan to find a solution for a long-term gas supply. After the briefings and the information sessions, will he commit to that development of an action plan?
Question 52-17(1): Inuvik Natural Gas Reserves December 12th, 2011
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. My question is also for the Premier of the Northwest Territories in regard to my Member’s statement that I did earlier today on the gas shortage that is happening in Inuvik and the urgency on that matter.
My first question is: Can the Minister provide me with an update on what the government has done to date since knowing of this urgent matter, whether it was from the 16
Assembly or even ongoing
talks? What has the government committed to and done since knowing of this urgent matter? Thank you.
Inuvik Natural Gas Reserves December 12th, 2011
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. My Member’s statement today is going to deal with the current gas situation in Inuvik. As we know, there is a short lifespan to the gas reserve that supplies natural gas to the residents and businesses in the town of Inuvik. For the past 12 years Inuvik Gas Limited has supplied natural gas to over 900 customers, and during this time there have been noticeable and significant financial and environmental benefits. However, that gas supply to the people of Inuvik is estimated to be at less than two years, even closer to a year and a half. This has now become an urgent matter for the people of Inuvik as well as this government, also focusing on a very sensitive timeline.
With that said, key stakeholders have been meeting and working hard to find solutions. Currently a propane air system has been installed as a backup plan to use only for emergency situations. However, this is not a long-term solution or a long-term answer. The answer will deal with the key stakeholders and working with the GNWT to find a new long-term gas supply for the people of Inuvik.
I will have questions later on today for the Premier of the Northwest Territories in regard to this matter. Thank you.
Question 48-17(1): Addictions Treatment Infrastructure In The Beaufort-Delta December 11th, 2011
Thank you, Minister of Health and Social Services, for that answer. My last question is in regard to the same thing with the programming. We have a lot of programs for people that are institutionalized. We have a lot of programming for people who are incarcerated in the Northwest Territories. There is a really good article about it today in the News/North. For those that aren’t in those institutions or that are in the community that are suffering and aren’t getting those services, what are the programs in place for those individuals in the communities? Thank you.
Question 48-17(1): Addictions Treatment Infrastructure In The Beaufort-Delta December 11th, 2011
In some of the other departments, the Department of Justice, they have a really good diversion program. The Department of ECE has a really good on-the-land program. Has the Department of Health looked at these successful programs and thought about implementing them in the treatment sector for both the youth that are battling addictions as well as adults that are battling addictions, to create an on-the-land treatment program within the Northwest Territories? Thank you.
Question 48-17(1): Addictions Treatment Infrastructure In The Beaufort-Delta December 11th, 2011
I understand that we’re not looking at building any new infrastructure, especially with the situation that the GNWT is in. However, I’d like to see an inventory of the buildings that are not being used right now in the Beaufort-Delta that can house such treatment programs for the people that are going through the system and don’t have that
opportunity to get those services that they need. Thank you.
Question 48-17(1): Addictions Treatment Infrastructure In The Beaufort-Delta December 11th, 2011
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. My question also is for the Minister of Health and Social Services. It’s dealing with our priorities set out by the 17th Legislative Assembly, enhancing addiction
treatment programs using existing infrastructure. To date, with our priorities, has the Department of Health set up an inventory to begin identifying any of the existing infrastructure that are currently available to accommodate treatment programs specifically in the Beaufort-Delta region? Thank you.