
In the Legislative Assembly


Historical Information James Arvaluk is no longer a member of the Legislative Assembly.

Last in the Legislative Assembly February 1995, as MLA for Aivilik

Won his last election, in 1991, with 35% of the vote.

Statements in the House

Question 267-12(5): Role Of Liaison Officer In Small Communities March 2nd, 1994

Thank you, Madam Speaker. There is a certain amount of complaint in the community that some of the government employees are not fulfilling their functions or responsibilities as much as the non-government employees are at the moment. Ms. Premier stated to me that the GLOs have no real direct function or supervisory capacity or reporting to the Executive when some departments are not fulfilling their functions and the community gets frustrated. I want to know what is the community's avenue to report or make complaints that can be believed by the Executive or other departments?

Question 267-12(5): Role Of Liaison Officer In Small Communities March 2nd, 1994

Thank you, Madam Speaker. I will try to make it very clear here. If, for example, a social service worker does not arrive in the office when she/he is supposed to or when a work order from the regional office of the Department of Public Works arrives in a community and isn't carried out for a couple of years, a certain amount of frustration builds up in a community. The hamlet has a foreman and if a hamlet employee is told he is not performing...

Question 267-12(5): Role Of Liaison Officer In Small Communities March 2nd, 1994

Thank you, Madam Speaker. I appreciate that. I should rephrase my question. What can the community do then, if a civil servant in some capacity is not fully carrying out their function?

Question 267-12(5): Role Of Liaison Officer In Small Communities March 2nd, 1994

My last supplementary, Madam Speaker. Before that is done, what can the GLO do if personnel of various departments who have no supervision are not carrying out their functions as government employees?

Question 267-12(5): Role Of Liaison Officer In Small Communities March 2nd, 1994

Thank you, Madam Speaker. I have a lot of questions. Is the government planning to give better terms of reference, not necessarily of a supervisory capacity but of a coordinating role to ensure that the government's budget expectations or terms of reference of other department employees are fully expedited?

Question 267-12(5): Role Of Liaison Officer In Small Communities March 2nd, 1994

Thank you, Madam Speaker. My question is to the Premier. My colleague from High Arctic raised this issue last week, stating that there is lack of supervision or reliability on the part of some of the government employees, especially in the small communities. What is the role of the government

liaison officer in the small communities to ensure that other departments, like the Public Works, Renewable Resources or Economic Development, are following government instructions, guidelines or terms of reference to serve the government and the community? What is the role of the GLO, as workers representing the Executive? Thank you.

Question 265-12(5): Overcrowding Of Victor Sammurtok School March 2nd, 1994

Thank you, Madam Speaker. My question is to the Minister of Education. Mr. Minister assured me, when I asked about the discrepancy between the CEC's complaint of overcrowding of Victor Sammurtok School in Chesterfield Inlet and the Keewatin Divisional Board's report to him stating that there is no overcrowding, that he would look into the matter and report back. My question is, has he investigated the situation?

Question 262-12(5): Contract For Coral Harbour School Extension March 2nd, 1994

Thank you, Madam Speaker. The community education council is getting rather anxious in hearing from the Minister as to what is happening to this school extension. Would the Minister tell us if this can be done within a reasonable time? Thank you.

Question 262-12(5): Contract For Coral Harbour School Extension March 2nd, 1994

Madam Speaker, I should maybe be a little clearer on this one. Has there been discussion respecting the possibility for a negotiated contract for this project?

Question 262-12(5): Contract For Coral Harbour School Extension March 2nd, 1994

Since no tender has been issued yet, would the Minister consider that there may be a negotiated contract to benefit the local contractors in the community of Coral Harbour?