
In the Legislative Assembly


Historical Information Levi Barnabas is no longer a member of the Legislative Assembly.

Last in the Legislative Assembly March 1999, as MLA for High Arctic

Won his last election, in 1995, with 34% of the vote.

Statements in the House

Arctic Bay Students' Trip To Ottawa May 13th, 1996

(Translation) Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, in April, the social studies 33 class from Arctic Bay travelled to Ottawa. During the field trip ... (Translation ends)

... they went to Trent University in Peterborough to find out about the native studies program there. They met with their MP, Jack Anawak, Pauktuutit and met the Arctic Ambassador for Canada, Ms. Mary Simon. In order to take this trip, the students raised the sizable sum of $3,500 through bake sales, raffles and part-time jobs. They worked hard for this trip. They also reached out to businesses from Ottawa and. in particular, the Rotary Club in Nepean, Ontario.

I rise today to give tribute to this outstanding class of students. They will be the first grade 12 class to graduate from the new community high school in Arctic Bay. This trip was a big help to the students because it was very helpful in preparing them for the next step in their education, which could require them to go to school in southern Canada.

I would like to pay tribute to the students and their teacher, Mr. Blake Seward and, in particular, to thank First Air and Ms. Sonja Maviglia for the generous contribution First Air made to make this trip possible through discount fares.

Congratulations to the school, the students and their teacher. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Bill 11: Appropriation Act, 1996-97 May 12th, 1996

Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I have no more questions. Thank you.

Bill 11: Appropriation Act, 1996-97 May 12th, 1996

(Translation) Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I would just like to notify the Minister of Social Services...We don't have any freight, except by air, that comes in. Even though we live in the High Arctic, we don't live as high in the Arctic as Grise Fiord. I'm aware that food costs up there are a lot greater than in our community. I just wanted him to be aware of that. Thank you.

Bill 11: Appropriation Act, 1996-97 May 12th, 1996

(Translation) Thank you, Mr. Chairman. (Translation ends) About social assistance rates, Mr. Chairman; if there were lots of jobs in places like Arctic Bay, I would encourage all my constituents who are on social assistance to go to work, if it were available. However, there are not enough jobs to go around. So my constituents must depend on social assistance, even if they would rather not.

Mr. Chairman, in September 1992, the Standing Committee on Health and Social Services of this Assembly made some strong commitments about social assistance food allowance rates. The Special Committee noted that, even though the 1992-93 budget included a five per cent increase in food allowances for people on welfare, even with that increase, people in the NWT on welfare are still only getting about 60 per cent of what they really need to properly feed their families. Mr. Chairman, that situation has not changed since 1992. 1 suspect it has only gotten worse.

I feel like repeating what the Special Committee on Health and Social Services asked when they tabled their interim report in September 1992. The committee, through its chair, Mr. Dent, wondered where social assistance clients are to get the funds to make up for the average 40 per cent shortfall between what the food allowance covers and the cost of a basic diet for their families. The committee also pointed out that the rate for the food allowance did not reflect the different costs of living in our communities.

The 1991 food price survey found that there were big differences in the cost of food. It was suggested that a food allowance should be given out in a way that recognizes that costs are much higher in some communities that others. What was recommended by the committee was more than just tinkering. The committee suggested that there should

be a major overhaul. The committee also suggested that more use could be made of country food, by helping people to hunt, than by educating people about making better use of the country foods.

Mr. Chairman, I would like to ask the Minister if he recalls these recommendations. Am I correct that the food allowance rates have not increased since 1992? Finally, I would like to ask the Minister if he has any plans for a review of the food allowance rates, and if he has any plans to better match those payments to the actual cost of living in the communities. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

Bill 11: Appropriation Act, 1996-97 May 12th, 1996

(Translation) Mr. Chairman, I apologize. I do have a number of questions that I have concerns with. I am not challenging you, Mr. Chairman.

I do have a question concerning social development, as well. (Translation ends)

It's hard to get people off social assistance, but not everyone can work. Some are old, or handicapped, or suffering from alcohol and drug problems. The question I would like to ask the Minister is if the department is making any progress in helping people who are on social assistance to get off welfare. I believe that the pilot project started last year is trying to help people get off of welfare through training. Will those projects take place, and what are the results?

Bill 11: Appropriation Act, 1996-97 May 12th, 1996

Mr. Chairman, I would also like to ask about the funding for forced growth. Our region has a very high rate of natural population growth. I would like to ask whether there has been an allowance built into the board funding formulas for forced growth if there's no allowance for forced growth in regions like the Baffin where the student population is growing fast. I am concerned that the board may be faced with no other alternative but to reallocate funding to teaching positions which would otherwise be used for programs and materials development. It would be very unfortunate if the implementation of important projects like the lnuuqatigiit culture curriculum was to be put on hold because we are short of teaching positions in the Baffin due to forced growth. Is there provision for forced growth in this budget? If not, will the Minister have access to supplementary funding from the Financial Management Board to deal with forced growth in the regions where student populations are growing, such as the Baffin?

I would also like to ask about funding for community-based teacher education programs. We have made good progress in recent years. The goal in the Baffin is to have 85 per cent Inuit teachers and principals. In my opinion, this is the key to offering quality instruction in Inuktitut.

I would also like to ask the Minister of Education, Culture and Employment, will they be able to continue to fund these important community-based programs in the coming school year at the same levels as before.

Bill 11: Appropriation Act, 1996-97 May 12th, 1996

(Translation) Thank you, Mr. Chairman. (Translation ends) ... its budget covers everything from schools to social assistance. I have some general comments.

I am pleased that education still seems to be a priority for this government, even in this time with less money. I was pleased to learn of the Minister's early childhood intervention initiative and also of the money that will be spent on developing a workforce is also welcome. I refer to initiatives such as Investing in People and community grade extensions. Also, Mr. Chairman, I'm pleased that the Department of Education will make greater use of technology in their operations to bring education even closer to home in our remote communities.

As was announced in Mr. Todd's budget speech, we know that grants to the divisional boards of education will be reduced at a time when people are expecting more. I am grateful that in the Baffin region the board is not in a deficit position, so they will have an easier time coping with reducing funding than other boards that have a deficit. We understand that class sizes will have to be larger.

I have several questions about these reductions. For example, in my region, I am in full support of the Minister's directive to offer high school programs in every community; however, I understand from the Baffin Divisional Board of Education that they believe it will be impossible to provide counsellor positions along with community grade extensions. With fewer teachers available in the coming year, it is no longer possible for the boards to reallocate existing positions. I'm sure that the Minister and his officials agree that if we are to extend high school grade levels in the communities, we should equip them with the tools necessary to do the job. Personal counselling is essential for many high *school students to succeed. I would like the Minister to respond to this concern: If there are plans to extend grades in the communities, will there be enough money to be allocated, even in these difficult financial times, to do the job properly? If not, I think we should expect our divisional board to carry out this goal and the Minister's directives should be revised. Has this problem been anticipated in the budget which is before us?

Bill 11: Appropriation Act, 1996-97 May 12th, 1996

Mr. Chairman, unfortunately, I had to leave Committee of the Whole due to a medical problem, so could I ask you to let me make some general comments and ask some questions?

Item 11: Petitions May 12th, 1996

(Translation) Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I would like to table Petition 20-13(3), regarding ... (Translation ends) ...eight signatures. Mr. Speaker, the petitioners are teachers and staff from the Allurut School in Nanisivik and Umimtak School in Grise Fiord and Inuujaq School in Arctic Bay. They request that the MLA compensation and benefits package be publicly debated and resolved. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Question 208-13(3): Problems With Arctic Bay Community Freezer May 12th, 1996

(Translation) Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I have a question directed to the Minister of Education, Culture

and Employment, Mr. Dent. I was notified today and I have received a letter regarding a problem in my community of Arctic Bay. The community freezer is 20 years old. Last summer this community freezer broke down and the food products that were being sold by the HTA ended up spoiling because of that. I would like to ask the Minister of Public Works about this problem in Arctic Bay. Thank you.